Eulogy to a Snail

Still, it must have come from somewhere pleasant, where it grasped and felt wet, marshy soil and not a dry, cold altar, where the wind blowed and the air wasn't dead and hot, where soothing darkness rather than harsh light surrounded it.

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The Tree

I sat by the tree, where i use to think, laugh, and play now i put my sorrow within the soil, memories staring back at me. we sat by the tree, where we use to think, laugh, and play.

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Poem #94: Moving Up

After many roots have made their way deep into the soil, the green of stem finally appears. young in life, this stem is, yet nowhere to go but up.

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The Walnut Tree

Who would eat a fruit that soils all it touches? who would stay near a creature that kills all smaller plants? she doesn't realize that her poison and her stain are of no consequence. in her broad limbs birds and squirrels find shelter.

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Focal Distance (Otherwise Untitled)

She left it in place for her morning stretch of wiggling toes and fingers, the oppression of silence puddling around atop the soil damp with her blood.

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I f O n l y.. ~

The black wolf's head tilted and his paws clenched the soil. the white wolf's legs finally gave and it gracefully fell to one side. everything immediately returned to its previous, still state.

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Part 1-Pain and loss.

The hardened warrior fell as a ton of bricks into the dirt, deep red blood staining the soil surrounding his motionless body.. the shapeless figures descended upon the camp without so much as a warning.

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A Kheldians Revenge & Hope

I then headed deeper into the soil until i had reached about 20 meters, there i found a crack in the bubble and oozed through. carefully i headed back to the surface, not knowing what i would find.

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DRAGON HEART : legends of the guardians

This region is the capital of the dragon's keep because this is where the core lies. the core is the main power source of the planet, not like on earth's core which is hidden in the center of the planet, this planet's core is visible on land , rooted up on soil

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Dying Earth

For whatever reason, the o'laighin farm's soil had been having issues with fertility ever since tsavik o'laighin was a young boy.

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A Vulpesaur's Nap - medium poem

His claws sink into the moist soil. just before he wades in the cool water. right before his crest dips below the surface, the dream ends and his eyes flutter open. a smile creeps across his face as he reaches over and plucks a frond.

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