Hour of Twilight

All of us one day will have their hour of twilight that singular moment where you sit back and look back at you life remembering. all the people you`'ve met realizing how important they are to you and tears begin to roll down your eyes as all your...


Eulogy to a Snail

Once upon a time a snail came with the Autumn rains. From where it came, no one knows, and for how long it stayed is known only to the eyes of light in the ceiling. Still, it must have come from somewhere pleasant, where it grasped and felt wet,...

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"Something Rises in the Morning"

"Something Rises in the Morning" By Ken Anderson, 11 October 2021 It was moonrise when I realized, Something changed me, Deep inside. Something heinous, Something vicious, Something different, Something...

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Benjamin the Wolf

As he delivered his short eulogy, he was standing just feet from where he was married underneath a chuppah constructed by sarah's mother.

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Endless Epilogue

It doesn't seem to matter that the eulogies and epitaphs are over with, so say the dawn: "my story ended when you went so far away, forever gone."


Eulogy to the Great King

The witches prophesied to the great king That one day he'd wear power's ring However his time would be cut short By a creature from a far off port The king thanked the gaggle But he was known to haggle When the day came to take that throne He...


Farewell, My Son.

A "eulogy"/farewell poem to my "son" that i will probably never see again. farewell, my son. by murphy slaugh farewell, cody, my dear son. while we were together we had lots of fun.

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The White Horizon: Death in The Snow

My tears became his eulogy, the snow was his coffin, and these brief seconds were his funeral. i could see two tiny bulbs of ice, that had once been his tears. mine were falling onto him as fast as the snow around me is now.

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Lykos Redemption Act IV Ch. 2

. ~~~~~~~ **lykos redemption** **\\\\\\\**** \\\\\\\act iv/////** ch 2: eulogy of the damned coulter darkclaw "brothers...sisters...zeus has yet again slighted us. he has shown what sort of deity he is and we shall not answer to him.

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The Outlander 3 33

"i refuse to eulogize my father, because that would be accepting the fact that he has died. my father was a noble and wise fox. he taught me many things, how to respect other beasts and not to discriminate because they're not my species.

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The Flower of Scotland

Remember hamlet's eulogy for his father?" i nodded. "'he was a man, take him for all in all / i shall not look upon his like again.'" "and so shall you never see another man like your grandpa. or me. and we shall never see another man like you."

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Thats all i ever was, that's my fucking eulogy. a hack-job who never stood on his own two feet. a meteoric rise to mediocrity that ended like the challenger mission. ground control to major tom.

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