StarFox Universe [R]aid: 00 Prologue
._ * * * a prelude to war: prologue * * * haneik sector lylat outskirts planet: lorentil - 10 years ago _and down they went, from skies above. their descent a scream, piercing the air and shattering the lull of the nightly torpor.
Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Six
I was actually under the impression that we were _supporting_ his auction, acting as a prelude to it and raising its profile, if not just giving a venue for the rest of us to show mrs. davis that we care, too."
Savannah Blues (Prelude). Chapter One.
#1 of savannah blues savannah blues (prelude). chapter one. chapter one by roofles a start of a story. isaac stopped at the end of the isle waiting his turn.
Splintered Light, Ch 0: Prelude
Splintered light ch 0: prelude the feel of the sea breeze on his face was a welcome relief to the stifling limbo of being stuck in port.
All You Need is Love: Chapter 1
He made his way over to his car; a well kept honda prelude, and opened the door. he sat down and just as he was about to start the engine his emotional barricades were breached and he broke down.
Adept Paws 3: Faerrets!
Not a growl, but the prelude to one. still, it made her tremble a little inside, but she threw her shoulders back and glared up at him, though it felt like staring up at an avalanche. "this is just my thought, boss..."
Along The Darkside of the Moon Chapter One: What Lurks in Darkness
Theme: unknown soldier - breaking benjamin ace's theme: themata - karnivool crystals theme: the diary of jane - breaking benjamin ending theme: zero signal - fear factory story started: 7-19-2009 finished: 11-29-2009 * * * prelude
Your first time meeting us, and you get to experience a typical canadian prelude to winter unfortunately." she shivered again and grabbed an end of the long blanket for herself.
Supernova: Prelude, Arc 1, Chapter 2
#2 of supernova: prelude, arc 1 i eventually got back with the group, going through and touring various experiments much like the xw3. it was now oh-six-thirty hours give or take.
Sheath x Felix PON Ch 1
Felix smiles as gasp after gasp sounds from about us, the startled prelude to a chorus of stunned voices that swelled with an uproar like no other, everywhere i looked i was met with a mind blown gaze, a jealous eye.
Your fancy space suit (Commission for anonymous).edited
"when your teammate has a fancy bodysuit and a tight deadline to follow, a device designed to extract soil samples from the ground turns into a lifesaver tool for one and the prelude of big trouble to the other."
A Feathered Wit
Also known as "a prelude to preening" or "the forgotten sandwich" though the actual type of sandwich that appears in the story is a bit ambiguous. i think it might be a tasty salami and cheese with fresh lettuce.