Sheath x Felix PON Ch 1
#2 of Sheath x Felix PON Pt 1
Here is the first chapter of my book. I'm new here, sooo yeah...
Learn more @
"Like dude what!?" I yelped, staring at Felix in amazement, the words that had just spilled out of his mouth were just too good to be true.
"Yeah, I've kinda always felt this way." He murmurs smiling at me sheepishly. "There's no denying it. I mean, not anymore that is..."
"Like, really?" I sigh, dumbfounded, looking him up and down for any sign of dishonesty.
There was no way that this could actually be happening, no way at all. Not after all we had been through. Not after the many times he had denied it! For years I had obsessed over him, dreamed of the day that, he, Felix Adawnte, a five-foot-seven Feline with godlike muscles, golden fur, and dazzling emerald eyes, The most beautiful and amazing creature in all of Animi high, would be mine, but never had I dreamed of it becoming so in such a way as this...
He nods shyly, "Yeah, I just didn't know how to tell everyone, especially you." He murmurs, looking somewhat ashamed. "It just..." He trails off, looking at his feet.
I narrow my eyes, how ever-so-sweet of him to be ashamed of not doing something that was ever-so-simple to do! There was no way I was going to pass this opportunity to make him feel the pain I've felt over the last three years, waiting, wondering, lingering...
I put my hands on my hips, giving him the most heated look I could muster, "So you're saying, my dear sir, that you aren't-"
He cuts me off midway into my scathing, "I know, I know, I lied to you and put you through so much grief. It was stupid and annoying and I'm really sorry."
I growl, glaring at him, truly pissed now...
"Really sorry!?" I shriek, clutching my fingers.
Did he think this was some type of game!? That my affections were some type of Toy!?
He shrinks back as my shoulder fur begins to ripple and I take a step forward, growling again and slightly baring my teeth. I wanted to be sure he knew just how stupid he was to have treated me like he did.
"Sheath, I know it must have been very painful for you to wonder about me," he sighs, " I know how much you love me, how much you care, and I want you to know that I was feeling that same pain. I've wanted to tell you how I've felt about you for ages now, but I was so afraid of ruining my reputation-"
I cut him off, my voice edged with tearful rage, "Your reputation!?" I bark, my tail lashing fiercely through the air. "What does your Reputation mean!? Your reputation is-"
He stops me again, meting my gaze intensely. I stare into the sparkling depths of his dazzlingly green eyes for what seems like eternities before stirring to find him leaning closer... and closer...
I whimper softly, standing still as ice, Felix only inches away from me. So close I could feel the heat radiating off of his body, so close I could smell the intoxicating sweetness of his breath.
And then it happens...
He grabs my hands in his own, leaning towards me, his warm golden chest pressing against mine, and he kisses me...
It took every bit of my willpower not to pull away, wailing hysterically, as his lips pressed against mine, but before I knew it he was pulling away and I was releasing a breath I hadn't even known I was holding.
He smiles at me, standing straight.
I huff, by mind broiling. He may be standing straight, but from what just happened he was far, far from it. It could not be denied that he truly did have feelings for me.
I lick my lips self consciously, beginning to feel a bit dizzy, "F-f-" I stammer, trying to put my scrambled feelings into words, "F-f-f-"
He blinks at me, squeezing my hands gently, his eyes locked on our fingers. "Sheath," he sighs, "I know, reputations don't mean shit if you aren't happy. I've never been happy with my reputation, or myself." He looks up at me gravely, "Sheath, my reputation was my way of trying to fill this hole in my heart, a hole that was meant for you."
I feel my knees shaking as I take all of this in. This was far more than I had ever expected from him. I'd never had an inkling that he, Felix Adawnte, was able to express such deep feeling, such longing, and such overwhelming care for me over anyone else in this whole wide world. It was almost surreal to see the pain in his eyes as these powerful words spilled from his lips.
"Sheath," he murmurs, "please understand that you were not alone in all those sleepless nights. You weren't the only one thinking, crying, about the love you wanted so badly but couldn't find a way to attain. I've felt the same way every day, every night, since I first saw you."
"F-f," I stammer, my head spinning, my heart hammering fiercely at my ribcage, "F-f-f."
"Shh-", he murmurs, pressing a finger to my lips.
A small whimper escapes my throat as I cross my eyes, staring at his powerful golden appendage.
He chuckles, visibly shrugging away his worries that I'd reject him, "Now wasn't that nice?" he says, folding his arms, looking ever so accomplished, "I think it was..."
I stare at him, feeling a storm of profanity bubbling up my throat as I struggle to regain control of my startled body.
He smiles at me amiably, as I fight to hold back the steaming torrent behind my lips.
"So," he murmurs, "what do you have to say?"
I squeeze my eyes shut, knowing I couldn't hold back any longer, it was either this passing out, or, I shiver, crying...
"FUCK!" I scream deliriously, feeling the stanching energies explode from my chest, "What the HELL is going ON!?"
Felix staggers backward, stunned by my sudden outburst.
"Umm..." he whimpers, eyeing me fearfully as I shake my head, brushing my fur smooth.
I stare at him, and he blinks innocently, almost pleadingly.
I smile, ready to speak, now that I'd gotten my emotions under control.
Felix twitches, withholding his bewitched appearance.
I laugh, almost hysterical with joy, "That," I choke out, "That!?"
Felix folds his arms, giving me a smug look. We'd known each other so long that he was probably used to my antics by now. There was absolutely no way he couldn't have expected this to happen. He must have practiced his reactions a thousand times over.
I stop, staring at him, truly mesmerized. Here he was, Felix Adawnte, the Funniest, Smartest, Hottest Feline guy I had ever met, and now he was mine!
"Like woah..." I murmur, stepping towards him, reaching for his beautiful face with a trembling hand.
He smiles.
"Woah what?" he purrs saucily, leaning his chin into my quavering palm.
A surge of exuberant, almost sensual, energy surges through my body at the touch, making my flesh tingle and my fur stand on end, I moan softly as he nuzzles my palm and slowly pulls away, looking down at me contentedly.
"That was amazing..." I huff, staring up at him longingly, my sanity drowning in the emerald depths of his eyes.
He laughs, shoving me backwards into the wall, "Then this will be even more so..." He whispers into my ear, kissing me down the edge of my chin and meeting my lips fiercely.
I squeeze him tightly, our lips moving of their own intent, my thoughts spinning into imperceptible blur. This was it! This was the moment I had dreamed of for so many nights and so many days, and now it's happening. Now it's real!
I moan, wrapping my arms about his waist, loosing myself in his warmth. My fur bristles with another surge of pleasure as he shoves me harder against the wall, planting his hands above my head.
After a couple of moments I release my grip on his waist, my head spinning as I push him off, gasping for breath, but he was relentless, grabbing my arms and spinning me about, kissing my throat ferociously.
I groan as he fiercely caresses my body, grinding against me, his chest rumbling with a hungry purr...
"Sheath," he gasps, "I want you more than anything in this world. I want you to be mine, I want me to be yours. I want us to be one. I want to hold you, to love you..."
I whimper in delight, as he slides his palm down my chest, cradling my groin.
"Then love me..." I huff, kissing his tender lips, staring deep into his starving eyes, virtually brimming with lustful desire.
Felix groans, resting his chin on top of my head, purring softly as my fingertips glide down the profile his abdomen, resting on the brim of his shorts.
I wince as he bites at my throat, silently urging me onward.
In moments I had undone his belt and begun to unbutton his shirt, completely overwhelmed by my scorching sensual desires, and then the unthinkable happened, again...
I jump as the door opens behind me, followed by a strangled yelp...
"Sheath!?" wails a painfully familiar voice, "Felix!?"
We pull apart, staring at the intruder blankly, Felix struggling to re-fasten his belt, and I his shirt.
"Hi David," we reply together, taking another step apart.
The newly arrived David stands in the doorway for a couple of moments, his brain struggling to register the scene in from of him.
"No," he stammers incoherently, "No way..."
Felix smiles, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me close, "Yes way..." he purrs giving me a wink.
David twitches.
I look Felix up and down, taking his hint, and meet his eyes seductively, stroking a hand down his chest all the way to his crotch.
Felix smiles wider...
And then we kiss...
David squeals and collapses to the floor, his reaction almost instantaneous.
Felix giggles, hugging me closer.
"Doesn't he look cute asleep?" he purrs.
I prod the unconscious husky boy with a foot, raising an eyebrow.
"Eh, I guess so." I huff with a shrug.
Felix breaks down in laughter, "Oh lords! Sheath, you are the funniest guy I know and you don't even try!"
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I reply, looking up at him blandly.
"How the hell am I supposed to know?" he scoffs.
I shrug again as he leads me out of the room, shaking his head, his arm still wrapped firmly about my waist.
He looks down at me, his eyes warm, "I love you Sheath." He murmurs.
I smile, leaning my head on his golden chest, "I love you more."
He laughs, brushing my silvery bangs out of my eyes. "You're such a sweetie."
"You're just plain amazing." I reply inhaling his sweet musk.
Felix purrs, stoking my cheek, "My cute little silver wolf."
I growl seductively, meeting his warm green gaze, "My swexy golden kitty cat." I sigh, trailing a finger down his chest.
I murr softly as he lifts his chin, looking down at me with a smug expression, like a king who had finally found a prize worthy of his tastes.
"My prince?" He says as if reading my mind, presenting a hand.
I look up at Felix in all of his rugged glory. Five feet and seven inches of solid Feline muscle, fabulously popular, and every girls dream. I trace the white stripes on his muzzle with a finger, smiling up at him.
"So?" he murmurs.
"Always and forever." I reply affectionately.
His chest rumbles with a loving purr as I take his hand, accepting his offer, joining his court.
He nods firmly and begins to drag me towards the door.
I yelp in surprise at this sudden and mundane action. Scrambling to keep my balance as he roughly leads me forward.
"Come Sheath. It is time I shed away the lies I've been living." He murmurs, throwing the door open with his palm.
I nod as he leads me out into the hall, twining his tail with my own and gripping my hand tightly.
I gasp and he wraps his arm tightly about my waist.
"Follow my lead and this all should go beautifully." He murmurs into my ear
I do just that as he struts down the hallway, matching him step for step.
Felix smiles as gasp after gasp sounds from about us, the startled prelude to a chorus of stunned voices that swelled with an uproar like no other, everywhere I looked I was met with a mind blown gaze, a jealous eye. I felt more important than I had ever been before, and more afraid...
I knew that, with every step I took, my name was being scrawled on another girls death list. Making me a target for another obsessing creature driven to madness for loosing something she never had, something that she would never have dreamt of losing to someone like me.
I close my eyes, squeezing Felixes' arm tightly.
He looks down at me and I could see the same fear I felt inside Shimmering in the depths of his forested gaze. Our lives would be eternally changed by this moment. After we completed this walk nothing would ever be the same. With this glorious passage we were kissing the comforts of secrecy goodbye to finally forge a bond that would unite us for the rest of our lives.
"Felix..." I huff.
"I'm scared too Sheath." He murmurs, "Just keep walking."
"Don't let go of me." I whimper as my gaze fell on a troop of girls who glared back at me with the ferocity of an army of demons sent to drag me down to hell.
"I won't." Felix replies, stroking my hair out of my face and squeezing me tighter.
His eyes stray to the group of demonic girls that had fixated my attention, "Don't worry Sheath," He says turning me away from them, "they can't do anything to you, they won't."
I nuzzle his chest, "Good."
By the time we reach our first period a murmuring crowd was milling in our wake.
The initial uproar was almost past now, the shouts of outrage had simmered down to gossiping whispers and what damage was going to be to be done was done, or so I thought.
"Sheath, it's time to seal the deal." Felix croaks, his throat tight with anxiety.
I nod, turning to him and smiling the best I could. My heart warms as he smiles back at me and closes me in a warm embrace. Both our arms were shivering.
This was how it would be from now on, me and Felix, together, hand in hand.
"Sheath." Felix says loudly looking into my eyes "I Love you."
A huge lump was growing in my throat as I look up at my one and only true love as he pronounces his love to me, confident and sure.
"I love you too." I whimper, tears spilling from the corners of my eyes as he kisses me, long and sweet, in the doorway of our first period class with what was probably all of Animi high looking on with varying levels of appall and hatred...