All You Need is Love: Chapter 1
#1 of All You Need is Love
All You Need is Love: chapter 1
(POSSIBLE SPOILER! : It is not really appropriate for tis chapter in aprticular, but this is going to be an incest series so if that is not something you enjoy then dont waste your time reading. As for the rest of you, i hope you enjoy.)
(Also, please leave comments and vote on the story. It helps me to improve my work so any comments you have are helpful. Critisism is therefore appreciated so long as it's constructive.)
David walked out of the large building shaking uncontrollably. The last four hours had been spent with a number of lawyers, accountants, and worst of all, a child protection officer. As he slowly made his way down the large cement steps to the sidewalk outside the building, David was oblivious to the other pedestrians around him. His mind was a bubbling turmoil and he bumped into several people without noticing as he made his way to where his car was parked.
He made his way over to his car; a well kept Honda Prelude, and opened the door. He sat down and just as he was about to start the engine his emotional barricades were breached and he broke down. He put both arms across the steering wheel and buried his face and muzzle in them as he cried. His body was wracked with the grief and stress of the last week. He had not cried until now and it was now all coming out as his whole body shook and his sobs sounded in the small car.
It had been a week ago that he had received the phone call that had changed his life. It had been a person -he didn't remember their name- and they had told him that the plane his parents had been on had crashed and that there had been no survivors. The memory of the phone call brought a new wave of tears with it and he continued to cry out the week's events.
After the phone call he had been in a sort of daze. He had spent the week with lawyers and accountants, much like today. They had gone through his parent's wills and discovered that they had left all of their worldly possessions to him, as well as all of their money, and that their life insurance money would go to him as well. It had been a stress filled few days to start with, but after the possessions and money had been sorted out, a new dilemma had arisen. Child Protection Services did not think that he was capable of taking care of his twelve year old sister, Crystal. Even though he was now eighteen, they thought it would be best if they took her. They argued various things and David had recruited his family's lawyers to help him argue back. Today had been the last meeting and finally the CPS officer had given in.
It was now in the works for David to become sole guardian of his sister, seeing as how they had no other family alive that they knew of. His lawyers were readying the final paperwork which would be signed later that day, once Crystal was present as well, for it was only fair that she be there. Not to mention the CPS officer wanted to hear it from Crystal that she wanted to stay with David.
David's tears finally subsided and he sniffed and rubbed his face on the sleeve of his suit. He looked at himself in the rear view mirror and saw a light grey wolf with blue, bloodshot eyes and tear streaked fur looking back at him. His medium length black hair was a bit disheveled, and it was obvious he had not slept much lately. He took a deep breath and once he was confident that he was calm enough to drive, he turned on the car and pulled out of the parking lot.
David drove down to the day care where Crystal had spent the morning while he was at the meeting. He parked the car and walked up to the quaint building and entered the lobby where a kind tigress soon approached him.
"Oh, Hello David. How did it go today?" she asked worriedly. She had been a friend of David and his family and she was in her late twenties.
David smiled a weak smile. "It all done with, I get to keep Crystal. They're getting the paperwork ready as we speak. We just have to go back later to sign them." He said as he walked over to the small water cooler and got a couple cups of water, before sitting down in a chair.
"That's great news David. Crystal will be much happier with you, and I know you'll be happier with her around. Know that you can always ask me for help with anything. I will do whatever I can." She finished with a smile.
David smiled back weakly. "Thanks Holly. That really means a lot to me right now. Its good to know I still have friends I can count on." He finished.
"David, I consider us family. I've known you for ages and I care for you and Crystal like you were the brother and sister I never had. I just want you to know that." She said as she pulled him up into a hug. He embraced her back and against his will he began to cry softly again. He recovered quickly and broke the hug with a happy smile.
"Thank you Holly. That really means more than you think right now." He paused and got some more water before turning back to Holly. "So where is Crystal? Will she be ready to go soon?" he asked.
"Sure. Last I saw she was playing out back. She seems to be coping well so far." She replied.
David frowned. "Yeah... so far. It probably hasn't really hit her yet. It really only fully hit me for the first time right before I came here. I swear I cried for ten minutes." He said solemnly.
"Well, at least you two can go home tonight. I assume they're done sorting through all the possessions?" she finished.
"Yeah. Once we go sign the guardianship papers we can finally try and get back to a normal life." Said David. "I guess I'll go find Crystal. She's out back you said?"
"Yeah. I saw her on the monkey bars last." Replied Holly.
"Alright. Thanks again Holly. I really appreciate all your help." He said as he walked off into the main room where there were other kids playing and watching TV. He walked outside into the play yard and quickly spotted his little sister.
His sister was busy playing on one of the jungle gyms. She was twelve years old with salt and pepper fur and black hair. She was wearing a t-shirt and some jeans both of which were blue. David couldn't help but smile. Watching his little sister playing cheered him up a bit. At least he still had her. At least they still had each other.
After a couple minutes, Crystal noticed her brother standing by the door and she leapt off of the bars and ran over to him cheerily. "Brother!" she yelled as she embraced him in a tight hug. "Are we going home now brother?" she asked.
David did his best to smile back as he spoke. "Not quite yet little sis. We have to make one stop before we can go home, but we're going home tonight. That I promise you." He said as he returned her hug and then led her inside.
They went back into the lobby and Holly was there to see them off. "Goodbye you two. You be good for your brother alright Crystal?" she said as she gave the little girl a hug.
"I will." Replied Crystal.
"Thanks again Holly. I'll call you if I need help with anything then, alright?" said David.
"Don't hesitate David. Whatever you need, you can always call me." The tigress replied. She gave David a hug as well and then saw them off as they went to the car and she waved goodbye as they drove off down the road. "I hope they'll be alright." She said to herself. "They didn't deserve this." She finished as she headed back into the building.
David and Crystal returned to the law office and quickly and uneventfully finished the paperwork. Crystal didn't ask any questions for which David was grateful, but he had a feeling that questions would be more forthcoming once they got home. They drove for a while through town and then out of it. Their house was out in the rural suburbs of the city. It was an old house and had been paid off long ago. It was theirs now and David was thankful beyond belief for that. It had a fair bit of land as well. A few acres of wooded area and a small pond were all a part of the property.
They soon pulled up to the house along the gravel driveway. It was a nice house in the faux log cabin style with two stories and large windows. David parked the car under the awning off to the side and then he and Crystal got out without a word. They both approached the house and crystal grabbed his paw in hers as they came up the front walk. They walked up the porch and David took out his key. He let out an audible sigh as the lock clicked and the door swung open.
They entered the house and to their relief it seemed that everything was still there for the most part. David flicked on the lights and Crystal ran upstairs to her room. While she was gone, David slumped into the couch and loosened his tie. He ran his paw along the arm of the couch absentmindedly as he let his mind try to unwind a bit.
After a few minutes Crystal came back downstairs and after looking around in all the rooms, she joined her brother on the couch. David didn't notice her, even after she spoke to him. His mind was too busy trying to sort out what would happen to them now. It wasn't until Crystal gave his shoulder a nudge that he blinked and looked at her.
"I'm sorry sis... what did you say?" he asked in a distant tone.
Crystal looked upset as she spoke. "Brother? Are Mommy and Daddy coming home?" she asked quietly.
David looked at her for a while, unable to speak. Telling her the truth would mean admitting it to himself as well. His throat became dry and his voice raspy as tears began to well up in his eyes. He finally spoke in a choked voice. "N-no Crystal... th-they wont be coming home... I....they... their plane..." he trailed off and saw that his sister had a scared expression on her face and that she too was beginning to cry. He pulled her close and spoke softly. "Their plane crashed sis... they...didn't make it." He said as he fully broke down into tears.
Crystal couldn't believe what her brother was saying. She realized what it meant though and her young mind was having trouble accepting it. She cried into her brother's shoulder. "B-but... they...c-cant... they told me they would see me soon. They...t-told me..." she choked.
Seeing Crystal so upset, sent David into another wave of tears. "I know sis...but you're here with me now...w-we still have....each other. I promise I'll never leave you sis. I love you." He cried as he gently stroked her back and hair.
They sat like that for a while with just the sounds of their crying echoing through the house. After a while David couldn't cry anymore and he wiped his eyes and face on his sleeve again before looking at his sister. She had cried herself to sleep and was laying with her muzzle on his arm. He smiled as he looked at her with affection. He would never let anything happen to her, he vowed to himself.
After a moment, David carefully moved and picked Crystal up as he stood. He carried her up the stairs to her room and lay her down on the bed. He covered her with a blanket and sat for a moment rubbing her back protectively. After a few minutes he finally got up and gave her a kiss on her head as he turned off her light.
He left her room and shut the door and then went down the stairs to his room. His room was modestly decorated. The wooden walls were adorned with only a few pictures and a few shelves with some nick-knacks he had collected over the years. His bed was a large queen size and had dark blue sheets that batched the curtains. He took off his suit and gave a sigh as his body was finally able to breath. He put his suit in the laundry basket and grabbed a towel before heading into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw a young eighteen year old wolf that had a weary and haggard look about him. His eyes were bloodshot and his fur was disheveled and unkempt. He sighed and turned on the shower.
Once the water was hot he got in and let the hot water run over his body and through his fur, relaxing his tense muscles and refreshing him somewhat. He stood for a long while under the steamy water and washed his hair and fur before turning off the water and drying off. He went back into his room and put on some boxers before sitting on his bed. He stretched and sighed and looked around absentmindedly.
He finally came back to himself and reached under his bed. He pulled out a polished black guitar case and set it carefully on his bed next to him. He opened it and pulled out a beautiful acoustic guitar with a deep red color. It was in immaculate condition and polished to a shine. He ran a paw over it and then picked it up and began tuning it. Once he was satisfied, he began to strum it lightly and somewhat absentmindedly.
He closed his eyes and his playing began to become more focused. Eventually he found himself playing one of his favorite songs. It was "Dog and Butterfly" by Heart. He played it for a while as he hummed along with it. David had always found music to be an excellent way for him to relax and deal with stress.
He continued to play quietly for a while, unable to sleep. A while later he heard a soft knock on his door which made him jump. He set his guitar down and put on some pajama pants before opening his door. Crystal was standing there still fully dressed and looking very tired.
"What is it Crystal?" he asked concernedly.
Crystal entered his room and got up on his bed as he motioned for her to come inside. She looked at him with a scared expression again. Her green eyes looking at him intently. "Mommy and Daddy really aren't coming back...are they?" she asked softly.
David sighed. He put an arm around his sister and replied softly. "No...I m afraid they aren't sis."
Crystal sniffed and a few tears ran down her cheek as she nodded silently. "C-can I sleep in here with you tonight?" she asked. "And... can you sing me something?"
David couldn't help but smile. "Of course sis." He said as he kissed her forehead lovingly.
Crystal quickly moved over to the other side of the bed and under the covers as David strummed lightly on the guitar. "Anything in particular you want to hear?" he asked her. She shook her head and David smiled. "Alright then. How about this..." he started as he began another of his favorites.
He played the short intro and then began to sing in a clear voice. Every breath you take... Every move you make... Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you... Every single day... Every word you say... Every game you play, Every night you stay, Ill be watching you... Oh can't you see... you belong to me... How my poor heart aches... With every step you take... Every move you make... Every vow you break...Every smile you fake, Every claim you stake, Ill be watching you...
He continued and finished the song with his eyes closed. When he was done and he opened his eyes, he saw that Crystal was already fast asleep. He smiled as he looked at her and put his guitar away. He turned off the light and then climbed in bed next to her. He felt Crystal snuggle up to him and put her paw on his chest in her sleep, and he smiled. He closed his eyes too and was soon fast asleep.
To be continued...
(song lyrics by The Police)