Fates of heat and snow
Snow and sand not in wain heat and cold were their pain salty scent reaching earth without quakes ears forward peaking mirroring their fates snow and sand tails flowing cold and heat eyes glowing spotted their hopes bound no more running down
asari racial stats
Age: asari reach maturity rapidly, reaching their peak at around 1 year. their scavenging lifestyles grant them a slightly longer lifespan than thoradan, and usually live to around 40.
Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 15
She continued forth with a confident stride until she was peaking her snout into his books, checking the spines for the ones she knew.
Never Lie to a Wizard
His pecks were swelling, his small nipples starting to grow and peaking out through his fur. the feline reached out, touching the black nipples as they peaked out of the white fur. the touch felt good, making him purr very softly.
Invane: Reasoning
Yet we continued running no matter our limit until we saw the light on the opposing side of us, peaking through the cracks of the forest trees. breaking through the branches and such as we ran.
Vagrant (poem)
As the crow flies over the hills and mountains there it lies the thing we've been searching for our entire lives we've went through hell and back for this thing so it better be worth the pain the stars never looked so bright the moon never peaked
Changing Fates, Chapter Three
While cramped, she was able to crawl over herself and turn around to peak out and see what was going on in the hangar area.
Ragnarok - III
Then came a day when i was on the watch of evening, as the autumn slipped away and winter crept down from the mountain peaks to which it had retreated. i saw light go dim, as if with swift-obscuring cloud.
Smoke Break
His curiosity was peaked as he ran his thumb over the wider length, undoing a small hook holding a sliding piece of wood adorned with the golden sigil of the dragon council, with the artisan's hammer painted below it.
A child's laughter
Be joyous that others can experience joy my outer kind peaks, as i rarely do, be silent that mothers can recount the story. story of my life, one of clouds and thunderstorms.
Up up the cliffside i ran, until i was out of breath that summer when the world was but a little town - and you, a giant - waiting for me by the waves i could never reach the mountain's peak - i was never strong, though my legs could walk for aeons
Taverns' glistening jewels spin the golden spiel further, reaching high above onto perilous peaks of fire.