Fates of heat and snow

Story by Chris Silverhoof on SoFurry

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A poem I wrote for my mare.

I wouldn't have been able to write this or dare to share it here if it wasn't for the support of my friends, who have helped me through my rough time recently. You know who you are. You mean a lot to me.

This is my first submission here so please be kind :3 .

Walking as if against a heavy storm

Harness too tight

Bridled to form

Steps never light

Snow and sand

of shadows fearing

cold and heat

them both rearing

Furs were tainted

muscles clearly strained

stripes thinly painted

equine frames in pain

Snow and sand

hooves making a trail

cold and heat

they weren't frail

Foam from muzzles

watchful and tense

lives like puzzles

how did it make sense?

Snow and sand

not in wain

heat and cold

were their pain

Salty scent reaching

earth without quakes

ears forward peaking

mirroring their fates

Snow and sand

tails flowing

cold and heat

eyes glowing

Spotted their hopes

bound no more

running down slopes

Galloping freely as two of a kind