Vagrant (poem)
A little aside for that folder called Vagrant.
I've been listening to Death Cab for Cutie, Florence and the Machine, and other artists recently. I am trying my hand at writing songs, and these people are a source of inspiration for me. Since this is the first time taking poetry seriously, please excuse the impersonal feel to them. Exploring prose and such.
It's about as far as the crow flies
Over the hills and mountains
There it lies
The thing we've been searching for our entire lives
We've went through hell and back for this thing
So it better be worth the pain
The stars never looked so bright
The moon never peaked that high
And we both let out a brief sigh
It's been so long
It's been so long
Since we felt this happy
It's been to long since we felt like things were right
Before we crest that last hill
Before we cross that last bridge
Can I say I love you one more time
Can you wrap your hands around mine
And say it back to me
Because it seems that we are at cross roads now
Take it or leave it, the instructions say
And, If I know you, I know what you'd say
So go ahead and say it anyway
I wouldn't mind so much either way