Lemurian religions

historically blood sacrifices, human or otherwise, were used to satisfy the deities and get rid of criminals, but since the indian era and the introduction of buddhism they have been abandoned save for some isolated communities.

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The Feral Four File

historically this leads to larger than human hybrid forms in weres and associated increased strength.

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Fates of the Ferals: The Fox

They felt it would look less historical, and i tried to tell them that his plans would make it look like it actually did two hundred years ago."

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Family Reunion Chapter 1: A Town Called Felborough

The sign was the only new thing about it, a garrish thing with the tagline "the historic pride of felborough!".

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One and the Same - Journal Entry - Murcurii, July 3rd, Year 1355

Also, to specify, this universe is not like ours, so i don't want history buffs complaining about historical inaccuracies; you will understand the universe better the more i post journals.

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Intro to Souless

After the sabotage and eventual destruction of all known gasser facilities, the historical "push" was made. with the aid of indian resistance the u.s.c. forced china out of india, peace reigning once more but not without great cost.

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Eye of Excitement

Not only was it a great place to see the flux of people coming and going at that time of day, and had countless beautiful statues of historical figures, with the glory of their different sizes and shapes in full display, but it was also the place where street

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The Lycanthrope Rebellions Ch.3 An Unfamiliar World The Humans in White and The Humans in Blue

The cop, well from the rare historical documents we found 3 miles from you show that they lived for at least 2 more years before they was wiped out by something. there is something we don't understand.

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The Chapter Before the 1st

Getting up from his location next to the historical section of his bookshelves, he noted with a small huff that books of all sizes were strewn about the room haphazardly.

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Olden Tymes

Olden Tymes by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use...

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Journal of a Bear

I led an audible gasp; that was the famous historical building the ramfield cottage, nowadays serving as a museum and visited by tourists from all over the world.

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LLST #11 ~ Novelties

Seems some new laws passed about historical texts and the like. museums have been making a venture of it, getting all fancy." she said, suggesting the aging and wear to be artificial.

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