The Lycanthrope Rebellions Ch.3 An Unfamiliar World The Humans in White and The Humans in Blue
#3 of The Lycanthrope Rebellions
Chapter 3 An Unfamiliar World The Humans in White and The Humans in Blue
When I woke up I was surrounded by humans in white clothing in fear self defense and confusion I attacked them. Then humans with the magic projectile shooters came in and shot at me, in my fear I found I had awakened something in me I call it my tailed fox bloodline and took the magic cannons from the humans and u all know the rest. Human cop, yes we came in as back up and caught you. Nods confirming that with the human, my only assumption is that I failed my mission and the kingdom I lived in is now gone. The cop, well from the rare historical documents we found 3 miles from you show that they lived for at least 2 more years before they was wiped out by something. There is something we don't understand. Looks at the cop, I think I know what your going to say so to put it in your human terms my body mind and everything was asleep sealed in the ice. Cop, so what is your name now. My name you shall know me as Raitharok Grimlace Niteblode.
Commissioner, well Raitharok we can't let you out in public due to well your....appearnce pulls out a couple of glasses and some some whiskey and we share a drink. I understand I can go into a human form but I will need cloths money and a place to stay. Commissioner clothes and a place to stay those have been already taken care of money you will have to work for that and due to the researcher's they want u under guard at all times. I understand sir for how long will I be guarded, changes to human form as I get dressed only thing giving me away being my slitted cat-like pupils. U-until they get the information they want. Sighs let them know they can try all they want I will not let them and their curiosity do what they want with me and whats part of me. Commissioner,but they will.... No buts about it I will not willingly give them fresh blood from my veins for them to create an abomination in witch they will know nothing about that is my final answer to that.
Sighs as i walk out in strange cloths that i'm not used to and looks around the world of the humans such a strange place. Officer, the FBI will handle your care they will be taking u to a safe house here in The Gray District on this planet. FBI agent, and not to mention seance your so young looking like that your getting put into school. What is school i ask being curiously tilting my head a bit to the side. She laughs and says its a place to learn. I've never been good at those people bug me too much. Don't worry about it people here have powers just that their not commonly used for ordinary day to day work as much as they are used for battles. Ok I see so humans have more abilities and go to these places called schools to learn about them as well as how to control them am i right so far. Yes you are but how could... how i could tell that its basically like a combat school but with learning more then just combat. That's cause I can see the look in your eyes they are sending me there to see how dangerous i am and if i'm a threat. if they see me as a threat they might try to destroy me, I know this cause that's what I would do if something or someone new entered my territory. Oh i see your quite an observational fellow Raitharok. May i get your name and race officer? Sure thing i am Airebeth of the Gailwind tribes, and I am what u would call a wood elf.