Lemurian religions

Https://lemuriaspeculative.wordpress.com/2023/03/22/religions-of-lemuria/ over +70,000 years of human occupation, lemuria boasts a variety of indigenous religions.

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Sun Goddess of Lemuria

Remake of an old thing the sun goddess (boa in werer, ra in atratra, aditeyia in chola tamil, among others) is a rather important figure in the indigenous religions of lemuria.

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The Drama of the Moon

The Drama of the Moon (Lugu Kava in Werer, Andai Bathala Kisotosy in Atratra) is one of the world's oldest texts, found in ornamental script in building bases as early as 7,000 BCE, during the mid Sprout Era. Though some later editions have occured,...

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Student Exchange

"they called it lemuria. anyway, the bus is going to be here to pick you up in about an hour, so you're probably going to want to get packed right away." "an hour!?" yang nearly fell over.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Seventy

"lemuria. that would explain so much. you have my thanks, fisher. you also have my silverblood. good day." and with that, hendricks turned around, his coat flying out dramatically behind him, and tapped his cane on the ground.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Four

My brother wasn't on lemuria. i came back planning to kill him for ripping me off, so can you imagine my surprise when i found out you'd already done the job for me?" "amber, get inside!" stark yelled.

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His Rise, Terra IV: Forgotten Evil "Glimmering Dawn"

Did you wanna hear the one about the ancient city of lemuria again?" he asked her with a loving smile. evelyn shook her head. "no tonight. i wanna hear something different." she folded her arms with a restless look in her eyes. "well...

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To A Human World

You will see them occasionally around haven and lemuria on the other side of the colony- against the sea at the edge of the world. well... its called the edge of the world because no one has mapped beyond that. it isn't actually the edge.

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