His Rise, Terra IV: Forgotten Evil "Glimmering Dawn"

Story by Literate Raven Studios on SoFurry

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#1 of Personal Works

So this is just something I've been working on in my spare time. It's been a story 9 years in the making. This is honestly my first installment of it. Hope y'all enjoy it

Eight bells rang out in the kingdom of Wallachia, the sun was down in the chilly streets of this sleepy kingdom. Lights flickered inside a large castle as the moon was high up in the night skies.

"Alright it's time for bed now Evelyn." A male voice spoke out in the quiet chambers inside the large castle. A canine sat at a young girl's bedside, a bernese mountain dog with short blond hair sat at her side. Kingly mantle still rest upon his shoulders, and a fatherly smile still apparent on his tired face.

"Can you tell me a bedtime story daddy please???" A young pup sat in the bed all tucked away for the night, patterns of gray, white, black, complemented by beautiful blond bouncy locks of hair. Innocent blue eyes stared back at her father's dark blue eyes with such a sweet smile.

"Another story? Did you wanna hear the one about the ancient city of Lemuria again?" He asked her with a loving smile.

Evelyn shook her head. "No tonight. I wanna hear something different." She folded her arms with a restless look in her eyes.

"Well... What about the story of Theodore and the circus of misfits? I know how you like to hear about the performers." He encouraged.

The young girl shook her head once again. "Tell me a story about your adventures daddy. I wanna know about dragons! And evil monsters!" She stopped in the middle of her excitement as she looked up at a painting on the wall. The smile on her face disappeared almost as quickly as it came.

"Can you tell me a story about mama? Like...Maybe tell me about how you and mama met." She looked at her father with a small smile.

"I don't know sweetheart, that's a really long story and I'm not sure you're quite ready for such things." The canine looked to her with a wry smile on his face.

"Please dad? I mean... You almost never talk about her anymore. I feel like I'm slowly forgetting how she sounded..." She pouted.

The father shook his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Turning back over to her with a big smile on his face. "You wanna hear about your mom? I'd be happy to tell you a story about her." He scratched his chin for a moment, snapping his fingers. "I got it! What about an epic tale about how your mother and I first met? It will have laughs, thrills, romance." He looked to her with a wag of his tail.

Evelyn smiled sitting up in her bed. "Yeah!" Her tail thumped happily under the covers.

"Let me see... Where to begin... OH!" He exclaimed.


It was a warm day in the city of Durastia, a light in the skies above and eleven bells rang out through the city. In the middle of the city square sat a large statue of a man holding a large stone spear pointed to the sky. Upon the statue's head was a strange stone crown, he had long flowing hair. Laying at his feet was a drake seemingly slew by the solitary hero.

Standing beside the statue was a human with a lute in his hands strumming a jaunty tune. "When the valiant raised their sword to the skies, it was then we knew our hero would save our lives!" He sang quite valiantly. But unfortunately the people around him didn't seem all too impressed by the estranged bard's tune.

"Why don't you quit while you're ahead!" An onlooker shouted. Others just pelted rotten potatoes at the man.

"O-oh! Ow! S-stop that!" The man held his lute up to shield himself from the pelted produce.

Seemingly coming to his aid a dashing doggo came and split a rotten potato in two! With his lightning like reflexes and cat like agility he stopped the potato pelters with his shimmering dagger.

"Dad that never happened did it?" Evelyn broke the story tale for a moment.

Her father paused a moment and narrowed his eyes to his daughter. "Who's telling the story here? Me or you?" He complained.

"OKAY! So maybe I did fudge it up just a smidge." He admitted.

"You were throwing the potatoes weren't you dad?" Her own stare became far meaner.

"N-now hold on. I wasn't throwing potatoes at him. I was..." He paused. "N-now where was I? Oh yeah!"


Your dear old father had slid on up beside the poor bard. "Hey don't let them get to you bud. Me? I think your music was pretty great." He patted his back.

"R-really?" The bard smiled proudly. "B-because I've been working on an epic and I just... I haven't come across the right subject to make it about..." The elve's ears drooped with sorrow.

"Reaaaally? You haven't yet? Well then my fine pointy eared friend look no further! I Alphonse Krause of the Krause lineage will be your subject to your grand epic!" He cavorted.


"So wait..." Evelyn stopped the story briefly. "So that tale was started because of you dad?"

"That's right sweetheart. The story started off as more a joke by your dear old dad, but it honestly grew into so much more than that." His graying muzzle curled into a little smile.


"I dunno... You don't seem like you're really all that much of an 'epic' material. I mean... you know what? How bout you and I regale some of your journeys in the bar?" He smiled.

"I mean I haven't done anything yet man. But House Krause has been notorious for many years!" The canine explained.

"I've never even heard of 'house Krause'" The bard explained.

"You sir must live under a rock! My father! Is a very important man, he is the Grand dragon of a sacred order of Pyromancers thank you very much!" The canine spoke up proudly.

"Oh yeah? W-well perhaps I was far too hasty in my refusals. A noble child turned adventurer." The bard put away his instrument smiling. "The name is Gilberto Bertani and I hail from the faraway lands of of Ravenglass."

The canine smiled proudly to the elf and patted his back. "Gil I think you and I will have a beautiful friendship!" He laughed.

"Hahaha! I am glad to hear that. I will meet you around when you have some stories to tell me alright?" Gilberto looked to his friend.

"Hey sounds good! How about we meet for a drink tonight at the local bar tonight?" He grinned impishly. "My treat~" He snickered.

"I would like that very much!" Gilberto had said with glee.

The Bernese mountain dog began walking away from the bard and down the way. Pulling free as if out of thin air, a leather satchel! There must've been at least two hundred pieces in it!

"Eeeeasy money." The canine laughed strolling down the way.


"Wait a minute dad... Are you telling me you stole from that guy!? That man you said was your friend?" Evelyn protested. Her fuzzy little cheeks puffed up.

"N-now hold on here, that's hardly the issue. Your father here was also a bit of a trouble maker before he met your mother." He scratched his chin.

"Dammit I lost my place again..." He cursed.

"Daddy! No cursing!" Evelyn scolded.

"S-sorry!" He stammered.

"It was then sweetheart that I met her..." Her father murmured.

"You mean mom?" Evelyn asked leaning in closer to her father.

Alphonse nodded his head quietly. "Your mother was probably the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my life Evelyn..." He murmured.


The canine walked down the street and on the path there was a girl; a canine nontheless. A young shepherd with hair as white as the freshly fallen snow. Two colored eyes, green and blue, but such a sad look on her face.

"Jewelry for sale! Bracelets, necklaces, rings! All at very affordable prices!" Her voice was so soft, like the finest spun silk.

The canine couldn't help but stop seeing such a beautiful specimen in his gaze. And such a sad look on her face to boot.

"Why the long face little lady?" The male canine summed up the courage to speak to the beautiful woman.

She stood behind the makeshift stand, dressed in a shimmering silver robe. Around her neck she wore a necklace of a lotus.

"Not many buyers out today. I figured with today being the day the brotherhood had vanquished the Dark One. I figured people would be more loose on their coin pouches." The girl's ears drooped.

The Bernese mountain dog hefted the heavy satchel. "What would you say... If I was to buy all of your merch right now?" He smiled at the girl.

"I would be very grateful for your patronage sir. But at the same time I wouldn't ever want to put you out like that sir." The beautiful canine's cheeks were a pretty pink hue, it was clear that she was smiling ear to ear at the thought.

"Well how could I say no? Hey I got an idea,how about you come pal around for me for the day. You can close up shop and I will give you a nice couple hundred gold pieces to buy yourself something nice." He smiled.

"Oh goodness no, this is going back home, papa will be very happy to have this." Her tail wagged happily.


"Wait so you're saying that mom sold jewelry?" Evelyn asked her father. Her hands curled around her blanket.

Alphonse nodded his head, reaching his larger hand to the little girl and patted it with a smile. "Sure did. She loved making trinkets, something about seeing the light in their eyes when they wore it really made her happy."

"Is that where your ring came from around your neck?" Evelyn's smile crept on her lips.

Her father nodded quietly and reached into his night shirt. Pulling out a necklace with an onyx ring on it. "Your mother's craftsmanship was something to truly behold."


"Thank you so much for your patronage!" The girl smiled brightly, placing her trinkets and baubles into a satchel and handed them over to the boy.

The canine dropped her a small satchel of coins with a smile. "I mean I can't just let a pretty young thing sit here out in the sun all day. So close on down and come join me for a drink alright?"

"Yeah, I suppose so!" The girl's tail wagged happily

The canine couldn't help but be elated when he saw her so excited. "Alright let's go!" The boy grinned cheekily.

The two walked their way through town, coming up to a small 'hole in the wall' tavern by the name "Blue Moon Inn" The two canines meandered into the fairly bustle tavern and sat down. A young elf waitress came along and smiled at the two.

"What can I get you two?" The blond elf smiled to the two canines.

"Just a couple of ales please. And anything that the lady would like to eat please." He grinned.

"Oh! Can I just get the house special?" She asked meekly.

"Sure thing! Coming right up." The elf nodded her head and scampered off.

"So tell me a little bit about yourself miss..." The male rolled his wrist.

"Irina!" She smiled brightly. Her smile was truly something that could light up the room. It was an incredible sight.

The male seemed to get lost in her beautiful gaze.

"You never did tell me your name stranger." She smiled at the young man. She looked about the bar curiously at all the different faces of different walks of life.

"Who me? It must have slipped my mind." He blushed laughing nervously. "M-my name is Alphonse." His demeanor seemed to change, almost as if he were on loose footing. His words were shaky.

Irina smiled at him with a light hearted giggle. "It's very nice to make your acquaintance mister Alphonse." Though her lightheartedness seemed to disappear from her face, as she squinted. "Hey... Alphonse?" She spoke up.

"Hm?" He mumbled still staring at her.

"There's someone staring at us... It's making me just a little bit uncomfortable." She murmured, the barmaid coming by with their order.


"Who was staring at mom!? Was it an evil witch that sought after her youth to keep herself young!? Ooh! Or maybe it was an evil knight that saw her as a potential bride!" The young pup bounced up and down in her bed.

"Hahaha, calm down. Calm down! If you wanna know who it is I need you to relax." Alphonse laughed heartily.

"The person staring at her was..."


The person who stared so broodingly was none other than... The infamous Gilberto Bertani!"


"Dad...What the hell." She folded her arms puffing out her cheeks.

"Hey! Language missy!" He snapped. "What'd I tell you about cursing." He reprimanded.

"Not a whole lot." She mumbled.

"Oh yeah... So anyway." He stroked his chin.


The man staring at your father and mother was none other than Gilberto Bertani, With such a stone cold conviction in his eyes. By Marta's grace I swear if looks could kill...

The canines looked at each other and back at the brooding bard.

"Do you know why he's being a creep?" Irina had asked.

The boy shook his head. "Maybe he's mistaken one of us for someone else. I guess I'll go ask him what his problem is." He took a large swig off his ale standing up from his seat.

"Please be careful Alphonse!" She said in a hushed tone.

The rogueish male stepped over to the angry looking man and sat down across from him knitting his brow. "Gil. My man, my meister of music. Didn't think you'd find your way here so quickly!"

"You..!" He squeezed his hands together. "You! You scoundrel! I... I can't believe you!" He raised his voice.

"Whoa whoa, calm down! And keep your voice down!" He looked back at the female. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you what I got, if you just let this go. You see that beautiful woman over there?" He leaned over pointing to Irina.

"You mean that girl?" Gilbert squinted.

"Yeah her! I mean look at her! You got her scared outta her gourd!" The canine explained.

Irina was sitting there looking around humming to herself quietly.

"She doesn't look very traumatized... In fact she just looks like she's waiting patiently!" Gilbert complained.

"Look if I give you fifty pieces will you leave me be about this and stop giving us the evil eye?"

"F-fifty!? I had two hundred! What happened to my money!?" He swatted the table angrily.

"Look I'm not saying that it was right but, again can you blame me? Look at her! Do you want to see her sitting out in the sun! Trying her darn best to sell those beautiful little trinkets!"

"W-well..." Gilberto murmured softly.

"See that's what I'm saying! You can't touch that! I tell ya what.If you leave us be I'll even go as far as to throw a couple of her beautiful trinkets. Sound fair? In return you stop harassing us." The devilish rogue tried striking a deal with the grumpy bard.

Gilberto furrowed his brow. "Fine... It's not like I have much of a choice. But! I have one trepidation." He held up his finger.

"What's that..." The brave male questioned.

"I get to travel with you two on your journey. I want a tale that can be told throughout the ages. And if you're as famous as you say you are, then it would honestly bring great fame to both of us!" Gilberto had a keen look in his eyes. He wasn't going to let it go without a fight!

Alphonse rubbed his head anxiously. "I guess I don't have much of a choice." He grumbled and slammed down fifty gold pieces on the table; as well as a few trinkets, an aquamarine necklace as well as an opal ring.


"So you let that creepy guy join up with you??" Evelyn questioned, her face scrunching up unhappily.

"Heheh, sure did, I mean I had to keep a close eye on him. Who knows, he might've tried to steal your mother from me." Her father smiled. "Alright kiddo. I think that's enough for one night. You got lessons early with Conas, so you gotta get some sleep alright." The larger canine tucked his daughter under the blankets.

"If you wanna hear more then I can tell you more tomorrow night alright?" He leaned close kissing her head gently.

The younger canine yawned and smiled. "No fair... I wanna know more, I wanna know what happens with mom...Especially with that weirdo Gilbert." She frowned grumpily.

Alphonse laughed and rest his forehead against his daughter's. "And you will. But for now, let visions of happy times take hold of your sleep." He smiled and pulled away from his daughter and walked over to the flickering sconce in the room. Giving it a quick exhale of breath to snuff out it's flame.

Leaving you Breathless

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Dinner and a Show

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