Tales of the Animal Kingdom

A faint "....g'nite aun ra'chl," followed by the sounds of slow and steady breathing suggest that he's safely off to dreamland and no longer listening, but she finishes the first part aloud, just in case he can still hear her.

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He had barely even swallowed the last bite before succumbing to another food coma, not even bothering to clean his paws or muzzle before falling into dreamland.

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She settled back and began her routine trip to dreamland. or at least what she hoped for was a good nights sleep. karen's ears perked up and heard a thump from downstairs.

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Sleep Over Fun

Wendy smiled and quietly exited the room, leaving the pool pals to drift off into dreamland, listening to the rain against the window and dreaming of what this summer might hold for them.

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Milk n' Cookies

Thought i'd flip over my pillow and head back to dreamland, but as the night sank in, that relaxation quickly swept away. tension rose deep within my stomach as i gently dragged my claws through the sheets, barely enough not to penetrate.

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Northern Territories, Pt. 1

Rest didn't come though, for right as he was nearly back off into dreamland, a paw clasped his shoulder. the hybrid jumped, clearly startled from the sudden contact, and then immediately tightened his grasp on his midsection.

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The Spiritual Flight

He felt his eyelids slowly closing, and so he just relaxed, ready for the flight to dreamland. a few hours later, timothy felt his eyes starting to open.

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A Story of Shadow

With that, he passed into the comforting shadows of the dreamland. // // (4 months earlier) "get back here you little f...!!!!" a loud crash as glass was broken interrupted him.

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So You've Just Become a Weresquirrel

That was very irresponsible of you, and you're lucky you were in a magical dreamland forest instead of a normal one or you'd be dead instead of fluffy. at least your new senses will help you have a bit more sense about what you should and shouldn't eat.

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Fox Family 9

We will make the dreamland and make it reality. for far too long i've waited for something to come together and it finally has. all this anxiety, all this falls upon us.

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Pleasurable Pokemon Ch. 1 (remake)

Each passing minute, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier, almost to the point were they would close and take him off to dreamland for a short while before he jerked himself awake. "alright...let's hurry up, i'm getting really tired."

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Chronicles of Cody, The Discovery

Cody slowly closed his eyes, letting his body float off to dreamland. thoughts of ivory danced in his head. his body lain against her perfect turquoise coat. his body blanketed by her beautiful brown hair. his face pressed against her soft lips.
