The Plushie Dungeon Two! [Comm]
The troupe entered the inn, the badger being the last to enter. before closing the door, he glanced around checking if anybody had seen them. satisfied, the badger slammed the door shut with another bark of laughter.
The badger moved in quickly to scoop the lass into his arms and, kneeling next to the sofa, lay her carefully onto it.
The bat sat him up and turned the badger's head toward him again. "tell me your name." "d-daniel..." his voice was soft, quiet, full of sleep.
The Dragon and the Princess
A knight, sir william badger, grabbed a pawheld cannon on his way to collect up his suit of armor. king brutis fox promptly announced to sir william badger and prince alden fox, "noght the weapons of fire. let us putith those back away". "father.
Between Winters, Part XI
Why not stay a while in badger's rest?" the thought had already crossed rhania many times.
Going Concerns (Chapter 8)
A tall, long-faced badger dressed in a perfectly-tailored grey suit stood before them.
Savannah Blues (Prelude). Chapter One.
A cete of badgers were in each picture. a large family that put his own to shame. in the middle of each one was a large badger that looked more dragged down with each passing picture, the number of badgers increasing as they went.
Daisy and Boss: 11 - Believe Me When I Say
She was quite lovely by badger standards, not too thin, not too tall, heavy coat coarse and shiny with natural oil.
Ad Hoc Vocabulary (Otherwise Untitled)
#62 of short stories a badger tastes sorrow. ~ the edges of the badger's lips curled with surprise as the sandwich slipped from amongst his fingers.
Follow-Up Interview
The badger was all in red. if lauren's dress had been designed to show off the skink's lean, tight muscles, then the badger's dress had been chosen to frame and exemplify her brawn.
Teaser: Ping Pong Diplomacy
The badger had been a late addition to the team, and he got tux's tail in a twist for a number of reasons.
Simultaneous Past
After waiting to make sure the interruption was finished, the badger continued, "right.