Zootopia: Brave New World - Shocking Developments
The wolf chuckled at this, and he said, "what, do you have a taser in you?
Kindred Spirits, Fang's Nightmare
The uplink, which was still searching for a connection, could still relay his biological data, but location and remote command functions were offline, the circuit pathways damaged by the electrical overload of the taser.
Chapter Two - Sympatico
Aiko gasped as several officers pointed their stun tasers in her direction. a flash of tawny-orange blurred her vision for an instant as miyatsu leapt in front of her, his fur bristling, making him appear even bigger. "hold your fire!"
My tail is disheveled and twitchy like a caffeine addict with a taser up his butt. "ha! ha!" there it is. this time loudly cackling. "ha!" "do you like that one?" i ask with a shaky breath. "yes!" i see these weird illusions.
Revised Psionics Write-up
Due to the threat that psionics can pose at any range, enhanced taser systems have been developed to take down psionics at long range, rather than the close range system that once existed.
Chapter XII: Tau Ceti, Part Two
They don't know about tasering, they think when someone is hit like that their dead, asher used misinformation and the fact that people are assumptive to seemingly trick a crowd, now say that isn't showman ship."
A Beast Set Loose
They used a taser to pull him off. he plead guilty, sent off only days later without a word to anyone he had ever known. --as he opened the car door and started towards the house, pate realized why he waited so long in the car.
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 12
Then we have our weaponry, such as flash grenades, tear gas, close-combat weapons like batons or knifes, the standard issue dart gun that you already use, the tactical issue that you will use, dart rifles, taser guns and a few more.
Bounty Hunter Uncle (Patreon story)
My left paw instinctively gripped the taser in my holster as i surveyed the property, which looked like any of the other residences that stretched for several blocks. a grassy yard, tacky summer props and the works.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.4 - The Final War
When he tried to correct himself by launching his taser-hand, he swung his body to one side, lining himself up for kiryu's vicious torpedo kick.
And so he then fired a shocking taser that he had on him right at him in which painfully shock him in which made him release sam. which he then said after the shocks wore off ",you'll pay for that human."
An Unusual Encounter
Expecting the ghost's escape and the bolt from the taser to dissipate into the wall. (think, think, think!) nikata coaxed herself. (she can go through walls, so nothing physical is going to work... but those... pigtails? horns?