Zootopia: Brave New World - Shocking Developments
#5 of Zootopia: Brave New World
"Attention, please!" The elephant with the black mask covering his big face said, as the lion by his side pointed a loaded weapon at the other animals, who all remained crouched, kneeled, or even laid flat into the ground, covering their heads in fear.
"First of all, I'd like to say that I'm terribly sorry for this inconvenient, and that I would really thank if all of you collaborated."
"Look down!" Said one of the wolves who was around, also wearing black and with a mask in his face, to the zebra who tried to loom up at them. There was probably six of them around, along with the other eight who were into the footbridges above, all of them with the same kinds of weapons, and all of them pointing them at the mass of mammals in the middle of the shopping mall.
"I know that you all had other plans when you came to the mall this morning, and I'm sure that this was not among them." The elephant continued, as all the other mammals were scared, looking at him and at the other animals with guns, including the lion and wolf. "But, I can assure you that this situation will all be over in a few minutes, if all goes according to the plan. Oh, and for anyone who might be thinking that can play hero, you better not try. My friends in here have their weapons loaded with bullets, and they are not afraid to use it."
As he spoke that, one of the wolves triggered the weapon he was holding, causing some mammals to whimper and recoil in fear.
"I particularly was not very keen on this, but they insisted, so, I strongly recommend you all to avoid doing anything too stupid." The elephant finished, and all the mammals whimpered as dangerous criminals, armed with deadly ammunition and ready to shot anyone who dare to oppose them, cornered them.
"This is bad..." Nick said as he peered from behind the column that he, Judy and Alex had all hidden in the moment that the thing had started.
"I told you they were up to something!" Judy said, as she already had her gun out and begin readied.
"And what a something..." Alex said as he looked at the criminals in there, all of them with weapons. It seemed strange that someone would use this kind of weapons and personnel to assault on a mall...
However, as Alex remembered himself, there was having a charity event into that very same mall, and it was for getting money. These boxes actually looked to be kind of full, and it was safe to assume that should be around a few tens of thousands into them, if not more. Surely it was the kind of thing that would attract ambitious guys who would be ready to do what was needed to get an easy money.
As Alex was thinking that, Judy and Nick's radios both chimed to life, and Bogo's voice was coming from the other end, and he was sounding worried.
"Wilde! Hopps! Status!"
Judy took only one moment to grab her radio, and she talked into the radio. "Chief! We have a problem! Robbery into the mall!"
"I know!" Chief Bogo said into the radio. "I'm outside, with the SWAT. We just heard the commotion, and now we can see two armed wolves into the entrance! And what are you two doing in there!? I told you to not go into the mall!"
Judy flinched, and she looked at Nick, who had that "I told you so" look in his face. Soon, they heard the radio again, with their chief's voice talking.
"Nevermind that now. Give me your status. Are you hurt?"
"Negative, Officer Wilde and I are fine." Judy said, "We are on the first floor, hidden, but we have visual of the suspects. There is at least 16 of them, one is an elephant, one is a lion, and the others seem to be wolves. They are carrying military weapons, and they are loaded with lethal ammunition."
"What else can you tell?" Bogo asked, and Judy said:
"They probably came here for the money of the charity event. Right now they have a few dozens of mammals as hostages, and they are threatening to shot to kill." Judy said, and Nick pulled his head out of sight, and he said:
"Well, at least they don't know we are here."
Just as he spoke that, they could hear the leader of the criminals speaking:
"Now, since we have settled up all of the basic rules, I'd like now to speak with Officers Wilde and Hopps."
There was a dead silence as all of the animals expected. Alex, from where he was hiding, looked at the two small officers, who were looking at each other in surprise.
"Officers Wilde and Hopps?" The Elephant said once more. "May you come out from wherever you are?"
"How do they know that we are here?" Judy asked in a whisper to Nick.
"I don't know!"
"You!" Judy said, turning to Alex, "Did you informed them?"
"What!?" Alex said, surprised for the sudden question that sounded more like an accusation.
"We talked right with you just a moment before it all happened! What is your involvement with it?"
"Wha- I... What makes you think I have anything to do with it!?" Alex said in a whisper, really feeling offended for that small little cop thought that he had anything to do with that. "How could I have something to do with it!? If I had then why would I be hidden in here with you!?"
"He's got a point." Nick said, and Judy was about to say something else, but the elephant's voice came again.
"I'm not in the mood for games! We know that you are there, officers! Now, unless you want us to cause any unnecessary harm to these poor hostages, you will get out from where you are hiding, with your weapons in sight, and you will surrender pacifically!"
As he spoke that, one of the wolves triggered their weapons, causing many of the hostages to whimper and cry out in fear. Nick and Judy both tensed as they heard this, sharing a look.
Now they were in a difficult situation, if they surrendered and let themselves be disarmed, they would be totally helpless, and then they would be nothing more than other hostages in the power of these criminals, who would do god-knew-what with them. But, if they didn't do as they were demanding, they were probably going to open fire against some hostages, and as cops, that was something that the two animals could not allow to happen if they could prevent it.
They were outnumbered, and they had little chances of actually doing anything against these animals. They were really very low in choices.
It took only a few moments, before Nick closed his eyes, and he sighed. He opened his eyes once more, and he looked at Judy, giving her a nod.
Judy hesitated for a moment, and she nodded back at Nick. One year of being friends and partners gave them this talent to read each other, and now, they both had made their decision about what to do.
They both reached for their dart guns, pulled them out of their holsters, and held them into their paws. Before they went for their next course of action, Judy turned back to the cougar, who was looking at them, and she said in a whisper:
"You stay right in here!"
Alex looked at her, taken back by her assertiveness. The cuteness that he had saw in her was almost all gone, and instead, now she really looked like a very strong cop, like the females police officers that Alex had seen back in his own world. Alex could only nod at her, and she added:
"And poor you if I discover you are related to that!"
Alex didn't even had time to answer that, as both officers started to walk from out of behind the column, with their paws raised, holding their guns to the air, to show that they were obeying what the bandits had requested.
They were soon sighted by a nearby wolf, who pointed the gun into them, as the two police officers held their own weapons into the air.
The elephant looked at them as they walked, and he said, "Good to see you are willing to cooperate. Now, put your weapons into the ground and kick them away."
Judy and Nick shared a look, and they obeyed, putting their weapons right at their feet, and both kicking them to far from themselves. The elephant had a smirk underneath his trunk as he saw that, and he turned his head to one of the wolves, and gave to him a nod.
The wolf nodded back, and dug into a bag that was still into the ground, and pulled something else from it, it was not another AK47, it was something bigger, and with a more threatening look, and he aimed it right into the two officers. Nick saw it, and his eyes widened.
"JUDY!" He called out, jumping into the way, just as the wolf pulled the trigger.
Many animals cried out in surprise as the bazooka-like thing that the wolf had shot up a net that hit the two officers, making them both fall to the ground and tangling them into it.
Judy and Nick struggled as they had been caught off-guard by it, and now, they were unarmed and completely helpless. The elephant smirked as he saw that the possible threat had been completely neutralized.
Alex was hidden behind the column all the time, and he was able to peek from behind it to see what was going on. When he saw that big thing into the wolf's shoulders, there was a delirious moment in which he thought it was actually a bazooka, but them, he saw it throw the net into the two officers.
"A net launcher?" Alex said in a low voice to himself, but before he could say or think anything else, his attention was once more called back to the elephant, who resumed talking.
"Well, now that we have dealt with this, we can go on now, right?" As the elephant spoke, another wolf with an AK47 approached the fox and rabbit in the net, and dragged them, as they both kicked and tried in vain to get free from that net that was holding them down.
Alex watched it from behind his hiding spot, as he had a feeling that things were going from bad to worse...
...the situation was definitely going from bad to worse.
Bogo looked as the SWAT formed a perimeter around the entrance of the mall. This was supposed to be a simply apprehension of that cougar, but instead, it had somehow escalated to a situation with at least fourteen armed criminals who were with hostages in there.
It was amazing how things could escalate quickly like that. Bogo noticed that it had the tendency to happen each time in which that guy somehow got involved. He and the kinds of things that were related to him... like that cougar.
As Bogo looked, he saw an animal walking in his direction coming from the entrance of the mall. It was one of the SWATs, wearing their uniform, and he was a boar with grey colored fur, bulky, and with a scar over his right eye, which was milky-white and blind, opposed to his other eye, which was of a shade of caramel. He had a small earring into his right ear, and his face made it clear that he was not there to play around and that he had already seem many situations like that.
"Bogo." The boar said, and the buffalo said:
"Razorback, talk to me, what do we have?"
"Two armed wolves into the entrance, they claim to have dozens of hostages and that if we try to approach the door they will start killing and they will throw the bodies into the street."
Bogo groaned. He had already dealt with situations with hostages before, and so did Razorback, this kind of thing was surely not new to any of them. Still, Bogo was worried with that cougar, for he knew that Razorback had never faced a situation with something like that cougar before.
Bogo himself did, but it had only been a few times, and it made a while...
"Hey, Bogo." The buffalo was snapped back at the situation by the voice of the boar, who looked at him. "Did you heard what I just said?"
"Huh? Sorry, I was distracted."
The boar seemed not to mind, as he simply repeated. "Me and the boys sniffed the place, but the problem is that a lot of mammals go in and out of that place every day, and we can't seem to find the smell of the guys. But, we can smell something that seems to be gunpowder, and this seems to confirm that they have lethal force weapons."
"This is a problem." Bogo said, and the boar nodded.
"It is not the first time that a crazy guy gets the paws into that kind of thing and uses it to threaten people. It is nothing new."
"Yeah, but they never took a whole mall as a hostage before." Bogo said, knowing that a number so great of hostages could very well end badly.
"They surely came in here because of the event that Gazelle was putting up. They said that she had already reached the house of the thousands in the start of the first day. These guys surely were thinking that they could snag on that money and run away before being caught. Still, I have to say that it is quite bold."
The boar looked at the mall, and he said, "They would probably have run by now if we had not arrived in here..."
There was a silence, as Bogo looked at the boar, and the porcine looked back at him, his expression hard to read. "Why did we came here again, Bogo?"
The buffalo didn't answered, just looked at him, before turning his sight back at the mall, but of course that the boar was not going to let it down easily.
"You know, we have been friends for a few years now, and I never was the kind of guy that questions everything. So, when you said that you wanted the help of the SWAT to bring into custody a 'highly dangerous mammal', I didn't asked anything, both because I follow orders and because I trust you"
Razorback looked at him, and he said, "But don't you take me for a fool. You requested a good deal of my best men, including me and my brothers, and you even asked to my superiors that we would be able to bring lethal ammunition to take care of this event. It seems like a lot of effort and care to take care of only one mammal."
Bogo didn't said anything, and he simply turned to look back Razorback into the eyes, as the boar looked back at him, and he continued. "Bogo, you are a good guy, but I can't help to find it somehow suspicious. I know that you don't get intimidated easily, and so, I supposed this guy you told us to arrest must be dangerous enough to scare you, what is very hard to do. So, I guess you can imagine my surprise when he was described as a cougar who didn't had any criminal or military record."
Bogo looked back at the eyes of the smart boar who, despite being smaller than him, was just as intimidating, in his own way. "You brought us here to arrest someone who was, by what it all seemed, a normal guy, who actually didn't seemed like he could be a danger. And right when we arrive, we see the mall suddenly being robbed. You know my opinion about coincidences, don't you?"
Bogo looked at the boar, and he understood what was being asked. The buffalo sighed, and he said, "Maybe the cougar is... related to this. I can't deny is a possibility, but I'm really not sure."
The boar continued to look up at him, seemingly not very much satisfied with this answer, and he asked, "Then why the team with the best members of the SWAT was called here? Why we came here armed until our fangs to catch a normal guy?"
Bogo looked at him, and he knew that Razorback had all the right to ask these questions, especially the last one:
"Why this Alex Hunter makes you so scared?"
Bogo knew that the boar, a long-date colleague and friend, had all the right to make these questions, and that he probably deserved to have them. Still, Bogo knew that he could not simply tell the boar them, for several different reasons.
So, the buffalo simply sighed, and he went back to the radio, pressing it and speaking.
"Wilde, Hopps, update, what is your current status?"
The boar looked at him. He knew that Bogo was not the kind to lie, so he would not say a lie to someone like him, who was an old friend and a good colleague. Still, he knew that the buffalo was not going to tell something for some reason. The boar simply sighed, as he already knew that he would receive something of the like as an answer, still, he thought it was worth a shot.
One thing was for sure, Bogo considered that cougar dangerous enough to be worried about him. And if someone like Bogo got worried about that cougar, then maybe it was better for the rest of them to get worried too.
There was a silence, as they both didn't had anything more to say to each other for the time being.
Too much silence.
"Wilde, Hopps, update your status!" Bogo said once again, and he waited for an answer, but it was not coming. He was starting to get worried.
"Hopps, Wilde, are you two there? Do you copy?"
The buffalo once more waited for an answer, and so did Razorback, who was by his side, and listening to all of that.
Bogo felt a momentarily pang of relief as he heard the sound of the other end of the radio being activated. However, it immediately disappeared as he heard a voice in the other side answering, which wasn't Wilde's nor Hopps'.
Bogo shared a look with Razorback, and he pressed the button of his radio to talk. "Who is it?"
"My name doesn't matter, what matter is who I'm talking to. Are you the one in command outside?"
Bogo shared another look with Razorback, and after a few moments, the boar nodded back, and they both knew what to do.
"I'm one of them. The other one is right by my side. We are both hearing."
After a moment, the voice in the other end came again. "Right, good to know. Look, you may call me Mr. E, and I have your two small officers in here with my colleagues and me."
Bogo felt his stomach churn as one of his worst worries was coming true. He took a deep breath, and he pressed the button of his radio again. "What do you want, Mr. E?"
"Well, if you already spoke with my two friends into the entrance, than you know that we want all the cops and members of the SWAT to remain away from these doors, so, at the moment, it is all that I want. You will stay out there and stay away from the doors, to not make any sudden moves and not to try to make a fool out of us, because we are armed and with hostages, including the two cops in here. If you try any funny business, we are going to put bullets into the heads of your cops and thrown them into the street for you to recover their bodies. Did I made myself clear?"
Bogo shared a look with Razorback, and they both could say, by the tune of the voice of the animal on the other side of the radio, that he was not kidding. If they pushed wrong his buttons or made him feel pressured, he really sounded as if he would kill Wilde and Hopps.
"Are you still there?" The voice came, and Bogo looked at the boar, who nodded, and soon, Bogo let out a defeated sigh, and he said.
"Yes, we are still here, and we understand what you said."
"Good, now, if you have any more questions, you might ask to my associates into the entrance, and they will transmit the questions to me, and them they will transmit my answers all back to you." And he didn't even waited for an answer before he turned off the radio, and Bogo didn't even made an effort to try to reestablish communication.
That animal made already very clear what he wanted and didn't wanted at the moment, and that was how it was going to be.
"This day is just getting worse and worse." Bogo said, and Razorback patted his arm.
"Yeah, it comes with the job." He said, and Bogo knew that he was right. Now there was nothing that they could do about that, about their officers, about the criminals, or about the cougar.
Bogo would lie if he said that he wasn't worried about the armed criminals and the well-being of his officers, but definitely, the cougar was surely what was worrying him the most. The possibility that he was with the criminals, or if he was against them.
Honestly, Bogo didn't knew what one of these two options made him worry the most...
As soon as the elephant said what he wanted into the radio, he dropped both of the radios into the ground, and steeped on them hard, crushing them to nothing more than pieces.
Judy and Nick could only watch impotent as their radios, which had been taken from them in the moment that Chief Bogo called, were used by the elephant, leader of the criminals, to talk with their chief and threaten the lives of every mammal in there, including their own, if the ones in the outside tried to do anything. Next, they could only watch as the elephant stepped hard into the radios, destroying their only possible way to once again have communication with the outside.
The officers could only groan as they struggled into their net, which was being held onto by one of the wolves. The elephant, barely even minding them any attention, turned back to the animals, and he said, "Now, if you don't mind, we would like to take some of the money." As he spoke, he nodded at some of the wolves.
These wolves who he nodded to picked up the bags and walked among the animals, while the other wolves continued to aim their weapons to the mammals, as if they were ready to shot anyone who decided that wanted to play hero. As the wolves approached the boxes full of money, a female voice spoke.
"You can't do this!"
There was a silence as everyone turned to the source of the voice, which was no other than Gazelle herself.
She stood there, with an angry expression in her face, and the two tigers were still by her sides, and she spoke straight to the elephant.
"This money is for the school! You can't take it!"
The elephant looked at her, and he slowly started to walk in her direction. The animals who were on the way all moved out of the elephant's path.
As he approached, one of the tigers snarled and stood between him and Gazelle, but at this moment, the same wolf who shot the net into Judy and Nick, shot another right into the tiger, who got tangled into it as he was shot backwards.
Many animals gasped, and the elephant continued to walk to Gazelle. The other tiger snarled and bared his claws, but Gazelle put a paw in his shoulder to make him stop when she saw that the wolves were pointing their weapons at him.
The elephant approached, and he lowered himself to her eye level, and he spoke. "I know that you are worried with other mammals, but right now, I guess you should be worried about the ones in this mall, yourself included."
Gazelle only looked back at him, and she said, "Why are you doing this?"
"You mean, besides the monetary gain? Very simple." The elephant said, and he approached her even more, and he said, "Because I can."
Gazelle continued to stare at his eyes, with a look of disgust, and the elephant drifted his eyes to her neck, which was decorated by a very beautiful, and expensive-looking, sapphire collar.
"That is a very nice choice of jewelry for a special event like this." He said, opening a smile underneath his trunk, and his trunk moved to his wrist to grab something.
Immediately, the tiger by Gazelle's side snarled, his claws ready. The elephant pulled out what seemed to be a bag, and he held it with his trunk in front of Gazelle's.
"Do you mind?"
Gazelle only looked at him with the same look of disgust, before she slowly moved her paws in direction to the back of her neck, and untied the collar, before putting it into the bag.
"The rest of your jewelry too, please."
She removed her bracers and her ring, and placed them all into the bag, always looking at the elephant with that same look. However, the elephant little seemed to mind, as he simply removed the bag, now filled with the expensive jewelry, and he said, "Thank you for your cooperation."
He turned around, and he nodded at his wolves, and they all started to work.
Soon, the wolves were removing the money from the boxes and filled it into their bags, notes of zoolars being removed as the wolves all had smiles in their faces with the glee of getting their paws into so much money. There should be easily thousands in there, all gathered by Gazelle with some effort into this campaign, and all of that destined to help a school.
Well, now it was theirs!
Gazelle looked at all these animals with disgust written all over her face, as she simply could not believe in how selfish some animals were able to be.
While the wolves removed the money from the boxes, other were passing the bags by the hostages, and taking off their money, carrot phones, any jewelry, and any object that they had that could have some value.
"You won't get away with this!" Judy said, and the wolf holding both her and Nick snarled.
"You quiet!"
All the while, Alex was watching it hidden from behind of the column.
"Not good... Not good... Not good..." The cougar repeated to himself as he watched all of the events unfold. This was escalating very quickly, and he knew that this kind of situation could become a tragedy in a matter of seconds.
These animals were armed and they seemed to be ready to kill if they were defied, and the fact that they were surrounded while they held hostages only made the situation more difficult, because they were surely feeling under pressure, and a person (or animal, in this case) when under pressure, could do insanities. Alex understood enough of situations like this to know that it usually was only a matter of time before things would go shout and someone would get a bullet into the chest, or worse.
He also knew by his own experience that any cornered animal tended to attack, this included humans. The fact that these ones weren't humans, but anthropomorphic animals, did not diminished his worries, for he was to suppose that they were much like humans as much as they were animals.
Alex peered from behind to column, making sure to remain out of side at all times. He counted around eight wolves (counting with the two guarding the doors), including the one with the net launcher. Also, there was that that one that was some big feline (the rest of a thick fur coming from under the mask made Alex believe that it could be a lion), and the elephant.
The pachyderm was Alex's biggest worry, for while he didn't had any weapons in him, his size, and obvious brute strength, alone made him the most dangerous of that group of criminals. The elephant was so big that Alex supposed that he could easily stomp him to death if he wanted, as well as he could do with any other smaller animal in there.
While he looked at the elephant, Alex noticed that his paws didn't had fingers, so to speak, they were very much like a feral elephant's paws. The elephant was only using his trunk as a hand, and he seemed to be good at it. Alex didn't even had the time or mood to care about it, as he continued to look into the animals around.
The lion and the wolves were all armed with what Alex could recognize as AK47, with the exception of the one who had the net launcher. They could shot him dead in the moment he tried to stand to them. Not to mention the wolves into the footbridges of the upward store. They too were armed, and they had their weapons all turned to the hostages, and the position they had above gave them a good edge of advantage, as they could watch the movements of everyone underneath, and immediately shot down anyone who tested them. Alex was going to have to be careful with them, because in the moment they spotted him acting, they could very well...
Alex stopped.
Why was he thinking about doing something?
He couldn't. Not without calling out too much attention on himself.
But... the people in there were in danger, and these guys seemed to be ready to shoot them down.
No. There was too much of them, and they were armed, Alex would have absolutely no chance with them. They would shot him dead in the moment he tried to stand to them, the elephant himself would probably crush him out as if he was a bug.
But... Alex had already faced battles of the like in the past, armed thugs with weapons and things of the like, and he had managed to win. Of course, he never faced wolves, a lion and an elephant before, but still, Alex imagined that, if he worked hard enough, he would surely be able to beat them, after all, he had already beat some difficult enemies before.
But... he only was able to win in the past thanks to his abilities...
If he wanted to have a chance of defeating all of these guys, he would have to use them once again... And it meant to show to everyone in there what he could do, and exposing himself to them how he truly was.
That, of course, meant many things for Alex, as several images of things that had happened to him in the past when he did so came back to him. Most of them very unpleasant...
"You stay quiet!"
Alex could hear the angry voice, and it snapped him from his thought, and it made him look from behind the column, and he looked to see a wolf, one of the criminals, yelling at a lioness who was holding her little son in her arms.
"Stop crying!" The wolf screamed, and the little cub, who couldn't be older than six, continued to cry in fear as he hugged his mommy.
"Please, stop! He is just a cub!" The mother said, and the wolf screamed back.
"Or you make him shut up, or I'll shut him up for you!"
Alex looked at the young boy, scared and crying. And at the wolf, who seemed to be on the verge of pointing his gun at both the cub and the mother.
Seeing these two mammals in danger, a mother and a cub, sparked up something inside of Alex, and as he did, for a moment, it seemed like a spark had flicked in his eyes.
"I said shut up!" The wolf screamed, calling the attention of many of the mammals in there, and the mother hugged her son into her arms.
"You are a monster!" The mother cried at him, "It is predators like you that make the prey think the worst of us!"
The wolf seemed to take that as a personal insult, as he triggered his gun, and he pointed it at the mother. "Why you..." He snarled, and all the hostages, Nick and Judy's eyes widened in horror, as they all expected the worst...
However, before the wolf could actually shot, a furred paw grabbed the gun, and another one collided with his muzzle.
The wolf was stunned, and before he could react, he received another punch into his chin, and next there was his own gun hitting him into the stomach, making him bent over, right before a furred foot hit him in the side of his head, making him spin as he stumbled and backed away.
Many of the animals in there gasped, and they all looked at this brave mammal who dared to do that, including Judy and Nick, who looked at him with wide eyes.
Alex stood in there, holding the wolf's weapon into his hand, and the wolf took a moment to recover, while the rest of the criminals looked at that scene. Alex had his eyes only for the wolf, as he dropped that weapon into the ground, and only continued to stare at the wolf.
The wolf soon recovered, and he looked at Alex, and he pulled out an army-style knife, as he snarled. "You bastard cat!"
The booming voice made the two mammals look at the elephant, who looked hard at the wolf, before turning his attention to the cougar.
"Well, I have to say that this is kind of embarrassing." The elephant spoke as he looked at the cougar. "You will have to excuse my friend in here, he has a lot of anger management problems, but I didn't expected him to resort to pointing a gun into a woman and her cub."
He really sounded as if he was apologizing for the behavior of the wolf, and he added, "I'm going to have a talk with him after this is all over, but for now, I have to say that you had an admirable course of action. Very brave. Not many mammals would do the same in your position."
Alex would feel a little flustered for a compliment like that, but he only stared at the elephant, who after a moment of this silence, cleared his throat, and he said, "Well, now that this situation is solved, you might want to go with the other hostages."
"No." Alex said, and he stood his ground, looking at the elephant, who looked back at him, surprised.
"I won't let you hurt anyone." Alex said, his voice firm and decided. Many animals looked at him.
Was the cougar insane?
He really was going to stand up like that to more than a dozen armed animals all by himself?
"Don't be a fool." The elephant said, "You already played hero, now sit down and lower your head, so we can get this over without very much causalities."
Alex looked back at him, and he spoke, his voice filled with a determination that catch everyone off guard.
"I'll give you all one chance, and only one chance." He spoke, and he looked at all of the armed thugs as he stood in place. "You will drop your weapons, go outside, and surrender to the authorities. You will return all of the money you took, and you will leave all of the hostages be free. You haven't stole anything yet, and neither have you hurt anyone, so, if you simply surrender, then maybe they will go easy on you."
The elephant looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He had not expected this kind of situation, even less from a small animal, who was, most likely, a civilian.
"And, what if we decide to don't do it?" The elephant asked, just doing so out of curiosity to what that cougar's answer was going to be.
Alex looked at him hard into the eyes, and he said, "Then I'll stop you."
The cougar was crazy!
Some of the wolves laughed at this, finding it funny that the cougar thought that he could beat them all alone and unharmed. Maybe if he picked up the weapon, he could at least put on some danger to them. However, even if he did, he would still be outnumbered by many to one, and they all had guns.
He really believed that he had any chance of actually representing a danger to them?
"This..." The wolf with the knife said, still cackling with laughter, and holding his belly from the hard laughing. "This is just so funny! You really think you can take on all of us?"
Alex didn't answered, he just looked at him with that same anger in his eyes, while the other animals looked at the cougar with pity for that poor cougar. The elephant himself shook his head, sorry for that clearly delusional cougar, and he said, "I really wished we wouldn't have to resort to this so soon."
He looked at the wolf, and nodded, and the wolf opened a toothy grin, and he played with his knife into his paws, as he looked at the cougar, and he said, "I hope you enjoy having your face cut."
Alex looked back at him, and gave one defiant step forward, as he said. "And I hope you enjoy feeling 1200 electric volts passing through your body."
The wolf chuckled at this, and he said, "What, do you have a Taser in you? I'd like to see-"
But the wolf never finished that sentence, for in that moment, the cougar raised his paw, and a bolt of lightning parted from his palm, and hit the wolf into the chest.
The wolf was hurled backward, and landed heavily into the ground. He twitched into the ground as electricity ran into his body, and soon after, he lost his consciousness.
All the mammals around gasped when they saw that. The criminals, the hostages, and Nick and Judy.
That cougar had just... shoot a lightning!?
Alex still held his paw outstretched, small cracks of lightning jumping between his fingers, as everyone looked at him with the most absolute shock.
"What the hell!?" The lion cried out, and Alex, with a firm and determined expression on his face, said:
"I AM a Taser!"
Alex didn't even waited to see the reaction of the burglars or of anyone else, as he turned around and immediately pointed his paw at another of the thugs with guns. Another lightning jumped out of his paw and hit the thug right into the stomach, hurling him backwards as he yelped loudly and lost consciousness right before he hit the ground.
Next Alex raised his other paw, and he now shot a lightning from each one of them, hitting two of the wolves and making them drop to the ground as they yelped and the electrical power ran across their bodies.
"What the hell!?" Someone screamed, Alex didn't saw who it was, and at the give moment, he didn't worried about that. All he had in his mind was taking out these thugs as fast as possible, as he continued to launch arcs of lightning from his paws into the wolves, taking two at a time.
"Oh my God! OH MY GOD! Nick, are you seeing this!?" Judy nearly shrieked, and Nick didn't answered, he was too busy looking completely baffled at the scene going on before him.
The elephant was one of the first ones to recover, and he said, "Take him down..." He turned to the other wolves, and he said, "Someone take him down!"
The wolves looked at him, and the first one to act was the one with the net launcher, who pointed the thing at Alex, and pulled the trigger.
Alex barely had time to react as he simply looked back and saw that net coming in his direction.
He was hit square on, and went into the ground as the net tangled over him.
He grunted and struggled to rip it with his claws, but the net was too strong.
Around him, the time seemed to have stopped, as all the animals around were still trying to register what had just happened. As they did, however, Alex too stopped, and he calmed down enough.
Soon, electricity started to crack over his body, and soon, the net burst open, with him getting free.
The animals all cried out in surprise, and the wolf was fast into shooting another net into the cougar. However, Alex was ready this time, and using both of his paws, he shoot a focused lightning ahead of him, that hit the net and spread into it, burning the rope of the net and making it be burn clear in half, and pass by the cougar without any effects.
Alex immediately shoot another lightning into the wolf, this one more charged, and making the wolf shot into the air for eight feet and land heavily into the ground, with the net launcher landing a few feet away from him.
Many now were looking mesmerized to the scene happening before them, many without knowing what to say or to do with that situation. Some knew, however, the ones who still didn't had their carrot phones taken now had activated their cameras and were pointing them at the cougar, recording the action.
The other wolf, who was holding onto Nick and Judy into the net, looked at the cougar, as the big cat looked at him, and after a while, he simply raised a paw into the wolf, and he cried out and said.
"Y-you didn't said anything about cougars who shoot lightnings! I'm outta here!" He said, dropping Judy and Nick and his weapon into the ground as he turned to run to the exit.
"K-k-kill him!" The elephant cried out, and he turned to the wolves into the footbridges "Someone kill him!"
The wolves took a moment to react, and this moment as all that Alex actually needed. He turned his attention to the wolves into one of the footbridges, and he put both of his paws together, creating what seemed to be a ball of the purest electric force between them, and he put his paws outward. In this moment, the electricity that was gathering into his paws blasted forward into a wide area, with small lightnings washing all over that footbridge.
All the wolves in there didn't even had time to react as they all were shocked by that electric onslaught, and they all dropped unconscious after a few moments.
As that was done, Alex turned his attention back to the other footbridge, but the wolves had already recovered, and one of them cried out as he pointed a gun to Alex and started to shot.
Outside, Bogo and Razorback were both planning their next move, when their attention was called by another member of the SWAT.
"Sires! There is someone coming out!" He pointed at the entrance, and they were able to see an unarmed wolf bursting through the doors, running and looking scared out of his mind. He was immediately surrounded by members of the Swat, and he had his paws raised high into the air, saying.
"I surrender! I surrender! Please, take me to a safe prison cell!"
"What is that now?" Razorback said as they looked at the wolf, and as they approached, they heard gunshots being fired inside of the mall.
Everyone flinched as they all heard it, and they looked in horror at the mall, wondering just what was happening in there.
In the moment Alex saw these weapons pointed at him, he immediately sprint into running, the adrenaline making effect and making him run faster than he thought it would be possible for him.
He could hear the weapons firing, and he could hear the sounds that the bullets made when they hit the stone floor.
Fortunately, Alex was far from the hostages and the weapons were firing only at him, so the hostages were not in immediate risk of being hit by stray bullets. However, since the bullets were pointed only at him, Alex was in the middle of the fire, what meant a lot of trouble for him.
He had to run as fast as his legs could carry him (which was much) and he was able to jump behind a column and find shelter from the rain of bullets behind it. Alex breathed heavily as the adrenaline was making it hard for him to focus.
After a few moments, the shots stopped, and Alex ventured to peek his head from behind the column, only for the bullets to start again, and forcing him to duck behind the column once more to avoid being shoot.
Up into the footbridge, the wolves were still aiming into the column the wolf was hiding behind, and they talked among themselves.
"You saw that!? The cougar shoots lightning from his paws!"
"No one said anything about that!"
"Who is he!?"
"WHAT is he!?"
Back into the ground, Judy and Nick were once again struggling into the net, and after a while, without anyone to hold them, they were actually able to escape from that by working together. They were panting as they came out of the net, and no one seemed to notice them, for they were too focused into the pillar the cougar was hiding behind, and so were our two officers.
"Okay... I think that we really saw what we just saw..." Nick said, still trying to convince himself that he had really seem a cougar blasting some criminals with lightning from his paws. He had already seem a lot of things. Strange things. Bad things. But he never saw anything like what that cougar did.
Judy barely heard him, as she was looking at the criminals with guns, they were still pointing at the cougar, but she knew that it could be a matter of seconds before they decided to turn these weapons back at the hostages and start to fire.
Independent of what had just happened, she knew that she could try to wrap her mind around it later, now they had a job to do by protecting these poor mammals.
Looking around, Judy only took a few moments to locate both her and Nick's dart guns...
Alex took deep breaths as he tried to rationalize what to do next. Well, one thing was for certain, while the wolves were pointing these guns at him (he could not believe that he was thinking it in a serious way) from the above footbridge, he would be a sitting duck. Alex had to reach them and fight them at the same level.
And he knew how.
Raising his paws, Alex started to focus, and they started to grackle with small lightnings jumping in between them and from one point to another of the hands themselves. As he did, the same thing started to happen with his feet, which crackled with electricity, and once they were charged enough, Alex took a deep breath, and he rushed to away from behind the column.
Alex didn't even stopped to think, as the wolves all aimed their guns at him again, ready to shot him dead. However, Alex was quicker, and he took them by surprise. As he ran in their direction, he pointed both of his paws to the ground, and arcs of lightning came from them into the ground, and so they did from his feet, as Alex jumped.
He jumped much more than it would be expected from an animal his size, being able to easily cover the distance between the first and second stores of the mall, and in direction to the footbridge.
The wolves were taken back when they saw the cougar giving a leap like that, especially the one that was right into Alex's path.
The cougar arrived into the footbridge with a kick right into the wolf's face, sending him to the ground, and next, he looked at the side and shot a lightning into the next wolf, which yelped loudly and trembled as he fell to the ground. Another wolf cried out as he came rushing to Alex, with the AK47 raised and ready to use it as a club.
But the cougar was faster than him, Alex grabbed the weapon and quickly spun, putting it into the neck of the wolf as he held him from behind. Alex heard a weapon begin triggered behind him, and he immediately spun around, forcing the wolf to the ground while he shoot one more lightning into the left wolf, which was ready to shoot him down.
This wolf howled in pain as he went to the ground, his finger pressing the trigger of the gun, and it started to fire, luckily, it was pointed up, and no one was hit. The two wolves Alex kicked and sent to the ground were getting up, and Alex was faster. He grabbed the weapon that the wolf dropped and hit him in the temple with it, knocking him out cold.
As the other wolf was getting up, Alex approached him, creating sparks of lightning into his fingers, and he reached out for the wolf's stomach, and the small lightnings connected with the canine's belly. The wolf howled loudly, and he immediately went to the ground, trembling, as he had already lost consciousness.
Alex didn't even had time to think on his victory, as more shoots were made at him, and he had to quickly dive into the ground to avoid the bullets. Now the wolves into the lower level were shooting at the footbridge, trying to hit the cougar.
There were only four wolves and more the lion left, and they were all pointing their weapons at the cougar, ready to when he got up. "Be ready to shoot!" The lion said to the wolves, "Take that freak down!"
He was keeping his eyes into the footbridge, so he didn't saw when two of the wolves were hit into the neck by darts. He only heard them yelping, before turning and looking them falling into the ground, knocking out cold.
"Wha!?" The lion said, and looked over, to see Judy and Nick with their dart guns pointed at them.
Thank God for the fast acting tranquilizers. Nick thought as he saw these two wolves coming down.
"Why you!" The lion said, pointing the weapon at them and firing. The bunny and fox both dodge the attack by very little, hiding behind a column, as they both breathed, their weapons still in their paws and ready to take action.
Once Alex noticed that the guns were still being fired, but that the bullets seemed not to be directed at him anymore, he dared to look down, he saw the lion unloading all of his gun into a column, and the two wolves also had their weapons pointed at that area. He looked, and he saw a small grey head poking from behind the column.
The bunny officer.
Alex looked back at the lion, who had stopped to reload his weapon, and he saw in there his chance.
Getting up, Alex raised both of his paws and projected them in direction to the area in which the lion and wolves all were. Alex was just glad that they were far from the hostages. In that moment, several small lightnings jumped from both of his paws, and they stared to strike randomly into the area.
The lion and two wolves got all startled back by that, and they dropped their weapons in surprise as they tried to dodge the small lightnings that washed over the area.
As soon as they dropped their weapons, Alex took some impulse and jumped out of the footbridge, in direction to the ground. At this moment, he pointed both his feet and his paws to the ground, and thin arcs of lightning jumped from them into the ground.
The animals all watched in awe as the cougar fell slowly in direction to the ground, almost as if he was a balloon, with lightnings connecting his paws and feet to the floor.
Alex landed gently, and he looked at the two wolves that were on the ground. They both had darts on their necks, and Alex craned his head slightly at this.
Alex turned his head to see the two officers poking their heads from behind the column, and they were both holding their weapons.
These are dart guns?
Alex didn't had much time to ponder over it, as his ears picked movement, and he turned his head back at the lion, whom as the closest animal to him. The lion stopped dead on his tracks as the cougar had his eyes on him.
The lion was clearly bigger than him, and he would surely have advantage into a one-to-one fight. However, after what he had just witnessed the cougar do, he was not in the mood to go into a direct combat with him.
Alex noticed it by the look of fear in the lion's eyes, and he walked calmly in his direction. The lion stumbled back, and pulled a revolver from his waist, aiming it at the cougar.
"S-Stop! S-stay back! Stay away from me, you monster!"
Alex flinched as he was called that. There were many insults that he could take standing, but that was not one of them, not coming from that guy.
"Monster?" Alex said, looking at the lion, and giving one more step forward, to which the lion answered by stepping backwards.
"I am the monster?" Alex said.
"Stay back..." The lion said, his paw shaking as he pointed his gun to the cougar.
"Now that is just funny..." Alex said, but his face said that he did not think it to be funny in the slightest. "You enter into a mall armed, with a lot of guys, and take a lot of innocent people as hostages. You point guns at innocent people, including women and children, and you hold them all to prevent yourself from being caught by the police. All of that because you came here to gain some money in expense of a beneficent cause."
"S-stay away from me!" The lion said, still pointing his gun at the cougar. "I'll blow up your brains! I swear to God!"
"You do all of that..." Alex said, he continued to look at the lion, and as he did, his eyes started to glow. "And you have the guts to call me a monster?"
Despite his glowing eyes, the expression of almost hate that was in Alex face would be enough to make many animals be scared, including that lion. He was about to say something else, when he suddenly gasped, and grabbed his arm.
After a few moments, he dropped to the ground. Alex looked over and he saw a dart sticking out of his arm.
Alex blinked at it, he looked over, to see the fox officer, Nick Wilde, pointing a dart gun, and he slowly lowered it, as he looked at the cougar. But Alex didn't had time to give a good look in the expression of the fox's face, for immediately, he heard booming steps, and he instinctively jumped out of the way, just as the elephant tried to hit him with his paw.
"You freak!" He cried out, blind by rage, as days of careful planning had been blow away in mere seconds by that cougar.
Alex saw the mad look in his face, and he knew that he was in trouble. He dodged the next blows that the elephant tried to land on him. Alex knew that with the size and strength of that elephant, a single blow would be enough to send him to a hospital for weeks. He had to be careful as he dodged all of the attacks.
As Alex dodged, he shoot an arc of lightning into the elephant's chest. The pachyderm cried out, but he didn't dropped. He only continued to attack the cougar with renewed vigor.
Alex dodged and walked back, as he tried to open distance from the elephant, as he continued to shoot lightnings into the elephant. In his chest, neck, legs, stomach. But it seemed that they caused only a minor shock into the elephant, who cried out in surprise or stopped for a few moments, breathing heavily, only to go back into charging at the cougar.
Alex was baffled at how much resilience that elephant had, only to remember himself that it was an elephant. Up until now, he had been using the amount of electricity that he got used to apply when dealing with humans, and it worked into the wolves, once they were around the same size (Alex supposed). This elephant, however, was much bigger and tougher, which meant that it would take a much stronger shock to take him down.
And take him down Alex needed, and before that elephant managed to crush his skull like it was a grape.
With a great surge of force, Alex shot another lightning right into the elephant's chest, causing him to gasp and to put both paws and trunk to it, as if he was in pain. Alex walked back from him as the elephant breathed heavily, trying to recover his breathing, as Alex looked at him.
Taking a deep breath, Alex closed his eyes, and in a few seconds, there was lightnings traveling up and down both of his furred arms. With some of the lightnings traveling to the ground. As he focused, the elephant recovered, and turned to him, before letting out a loud cry as he charged head on into the cougar, ready to maul him over.
Everyone looked in horror as the elephant ran in direction to the cougar. However, as the elephant approached, Alex opened his eyes, which were glowing, and letting out small lightnings. As the elephant ran in his direction, Alex let out a feral cry, lightning jumping out from his open mouth, as both his paws generated lightning, and it converged together to create one big lightning, which hit the elephant right into the chest.
The elephant made no sound, and it only lasted for one second, but right as the lightning hit him, the elephant suddenly was propelled from the ground upwards. He continued moving from the charge, but he passed by Alex, right over his head, before landed heavily into his back, in the ground.
Alex let out a huge breath, as he placed both hands into his knees to support himself. He had used enough electricity to completely carbonize a regular human, and he wasn't used to using so much.
Looking over his shoulder, he saw the fallen elephant, who was groaning slightly, as his body twitched, small cracks of electricity still running into his body, especially in between his engorged tusks. Alex only looked at him for a moment, before the sound of weapons being triggered called his attention.
He looked over to see the two left wolves had retrieved their weapons, and they were pointing them at Alex. However, the cougar noticed that they didn't seemed as confident as they had first been when they entered the mall. Actually, they looked very much scared, as it was easy to see by their trembling paws holding onto the weapons.
Confident, Alex walked in their direction, his arms put into the sides of his body, and his paws turned to the ground. As he walked in their direction, his paws emitted small lightnings, which connected with the ground.
The wolves trembled more and more as the cougar approached them, and when Alex was close, he raised both of his paws, and they generated each one a spherical lightning in the palm.
"Boo!" Alex said to them, and the wolves immediately yelped as they dropped their weapons and covered their heads with their arms.
Alex looked at them, and he dropped his paws, the lightning into them going out. Now, he took a look around, at the hostages.
There were several animals of all kinds in there, big and small, all of them looking at him with baffled expressions. Some were holding up cell phones and tablets at him, recording his moves.
Alex looked at all of them, and there was a moment in which he crossed eyes with the lioness and her cub. By their side, it was Gazelle and the two tiger bodyguards. They all looked at him with an expression that was very hard to decipher. But the wide eyes were telling Alex enough.
For a moment, Alex thought if he should go to there and try to say something, but right in that moment, the lioness cried: "Look out!"
Right after, Alex noticed a shadow befalling him, and he looked over to see the elephant towering over him, his arms raised as if he was ready to crush the cougar to death. However, this blow didn't came to happen, for in this moment, the elephant suddenly gasped, and soon, his arms were falling limp to the sides of his body.
Right after, he crumbled into the ground, unconscious, and Alex saw that he had a lot of darts in his big backside.
Alex blinked at it, and he said, "Seriously?" And he looked over, to see the two approaching cops with their dart guns. They were not aimed at him; however, they were aimed at the elephant, something that Alex actually felt relieved and thankful for. Still the eyes of the two officers were on the cougar, and they looked at him as if they had never seen anything like him before.
In fact, everyone was still looking at the cougar, and Alex was looking at everyone, so, no one noticed that the wolves were gone...
The black sheep was still waiting in the outside with the white van, into the back of the mall. He was there to wait for boss to come.
That was his part of the plan, to drive boss away, along with the lion and a few more wolves into his van. It was big enough to fit the elephant and the others somewhat snuggly, while the rest of them would go away from the mall with their own vehicles, which they had left into the parking lot of the mall in the previous night.
They would regroup into the meeting point and they would all share the money.
He just needed to wait...
Suddenly, the doors on the back of the van opened. "So, boss, how was..." The lamb started to say as he turned around, but he was surprised for only seeing two wolves come in, instead of his boss.
"Drive!" One of the wolves said as they slammed the doors.
"Hey, wait! Where is boss?"
"Drive now! Before he comes after us!" Another wolf said, sounding completely terrified, and the lamb only looked at him.
"Wha... who?"
"The cougar!"
"What cougar?" The lamb said, looking back at the door of the mall, as if their boss was going to pass by there at any moment with the rest of the guys. "What happened in there?"
His answer was one of the wolves grabbing him by the fur around his neck, and yanking him hard, forcing the lamb to look into his face, as he screamed.
"Just shut up and drive!"
Soon, the engine was started, and the white van started to drive away from the mall.
Outside of the mall, into the entrance, all the members of the SWAT and Bogo were all looking, as they had heard the gunshots coming from the inside. It almost sounded as if there was a war in there.
Then, there was that silence, heavy and full of omens, and none of them looked to be good.
The wolf they had taken in after he got out of the mall was just screaming out incoherencies about a cougar and lightnings.
Well, they sounded like incoherencies to everyone else, but Bogo knew better. He had seem the recordings, and he knew that there was more to that cougar than the eye met, and he knew that the words of the wolf actually had a meaning.
After a while, Bogo decided that it was enough of waiting.
"Razorback." He said, making the boar look to him, as he said, "Gather your men, we are going in."
Alex felt very uneasy with all of these eyes on him. He wasn't really keen on having this much attention on himself, for the times that he had it, it never was so good to him.
Still, the expression on their faces as they all continued to look at him was not exactly the kind that made him feel too much worried. But it was still not the kind that told him that he could actually relax.
They continued to look at him, all of them with their eyes widen and their mouths slightly open, looking at him as if he was some strange being from another world (well... Alex was from another world, but you got the point).
"Well... I guess these guys who came to rob the mall got a little shocked, right?" Alex said, trying to break the tension with a little of humor, but it seemed that it didn't had very much effect.
Sighing, the cougar looked at the unconscious elephant, and he noticed something into his waist. It seemed a cloth bag.
Looking at it, Alex, picked it up, and he opened it, to find some expensive jewelry inside of it. It took only a second for him to remember where it came from.
Looking over at Gazelle, the cougar walked to her, and once he was at a close range, he handled the back to her, saying, "I think this belongs to you."
She looked at the bag, and back at him, before she slowly moved her paw to grab it, saying, "T-thank you."
Alex nodded, and he looked down, at the young lion who was looking up at him. Alex smiled at the cub, and he said, "Hey there."
There was no time for the cub to answer, for immediately, someone burst through the doors of the mall. Everyone's attention was called at the entrance, as animals in uniform passed by there, all with weapons.
"SWAT! Don't move!"
The voice came from one of the animals, and the other ones looked at them as they advanced into the area, surrounding those fallen animals, and checking on them, making sure that they were all alive.
"Clear!" They said each time that they checked onto each of the animals, and they continued to cover the area of the mall. They stopped by the two officers.
"Officer Judy Hopps, and Nick Wilde, ZPD!" Judy said, as the animals came near them and checked their badges, moving ahead as they checked on them, and soon, they were putting their eyes on the cougar that they had the description.
"Alex Hunter!" One of them said, pointing the weapon at Alex, the laser aim making a red dot on his shirt. "Paws on your head, you are under arrest."
This surprised all of the animals around, including Alex himself.
They were really arresting him?
As more animals approached, they all pointed their weapons to Alex's making several dots into his body as they all aimed their lasers into him.
As they did, Bogo and Razorback both walked in, and they were able to see the cougar being aimed by the SWAT, and Razorback said, "Yeah, looks like we found your cougar."
As they talked, the SWAT said, "Alex Hunter, move away from these mammals, kneel on the ground, and put your paws in your head."
The tune they used as almost as if he was one criminal. This was really making Alex nervous, as he could only think that, even after he saved people from criminals, they were still threating him as a monster. Just as it happened for a long time back in his home.
Alex started to sweat slightly, and his breathing quickened. However, the most distinguishing feature of his nervousness were the small lightnings cracking up and down into his arms, and some of it actually travelling into the ground.
Alex was not going to simply sit and let them arrest him to do whatever they wanted to him. He would not let they do it! Not again! He was going to fight for himself if he needed!
That was the thought on his head as his eyes started to glow.
The animals gave a few steps back, and the members of the SWAT had their eyes widen as they saw the lightnings travelling up and down the arms of the cougar.
"What the hell?" Razorback said as he watched that display, but Bogo wasn't so impressed.
The members of the SWAT continued to point their weapons at Alex, and they seemed ready to shot, when the small lion cub rushed, and stood in between the cougar and the members of the SWAT, with his arms raised, as if he was shielding him from them.
Both SWATs and cougar looked surprised at the small cub, who was in there, protecting the cougar from them. Alex, surprised by this, stopped emitting small lightning bolts from his arms, and he continued to look at the young cub, who was actually standing by him. And he wasn't the only one.
After a few moments, the mother of the young lion came, and she picked up her son. However, instead of moving out of the way, she stood in front of the cougar, blocking the aim of the SWAT from him.
Soon, Gazelle herself stepped forward, and she too stood in between them.
"Oh, what now?" Asked Razorback as he and Bogo watched that scene.
"Move out of the way! This cougar is dangerous!" The SWAT said, but the two females continued to stand in the way. Alex looked at them as they were standing for him.
Well, it was understandable, once he had just saved them all, and stood for them when they needed. Still, it was very rare for Alex that someone stood for him like that. It somehow made the cougar have a little more faith into the world, and so, that was enough for him to make a decision of what to do.
Placing one paw in the shoulders of Gazelle and the lioness, he looked into their eyes, and gently moved them out of the way. They even tried to protest, but one single look of the cougar's eyes was enough to silence them, and to make them understand that he was going to do what he needed to do.
Alex walked in direction to the SWAT, and they moved around him, surrounding him as they continued to keep their weapons pointed at him. Once Alex was completely surrounded, he took in a deep breath, and he knelt into the ground slowly, and slowly moved his paws, placing them on the back of his head, with his fingers intertwined.
The SWAT slowly approached him, ready in the case of the cougar making any sudden moves, and Bogo and Razorback watched it from behind, and Razorback said, "Bogo, I think you might want to give me some explaining."
Bogo looked at him, and another voice called his attention. "Chief?" He looked over, seeing Wilde and Hopps, both looking up at him, "Mind if we have a little talk?"
Bogo looked at them, and back at Razorback, with all of them looking at him, and wanting answers, and Bogo knew that he would have to give them after what had happened. To them, at least. Bogo sighed, and he looked at the animals around, many of which had their carrot phones and tablets still recording what was going on, and he said, "We will have to apprehend all of the cell phones and tablets in here."
Alex continued on his knees, as the SWAT team all surrounded him. He still wasn't sure if that was a smart decision, but Alex knew that now it was his reality.
He was into a new world, with a new form, but he still had his powers, and now everyone knew about them.
Well... whatever was going to happen from that point on, it was really hard for Alex to tell...