Chapter XII: Tau Ceti, Part Two
#12 of Limits at Infinity
And like this the era comes to an end.
Chapter Twelve: Tau Ceti, Part Two
"And thus with one last time, we rise out of the atmosphere and enter space in to the airspace of Terraona Prime, and thus with that soon afterwards this air space will be ours and freedom will reign throughout the land and on every planet there will be a celebration." Grand Asher Deacon said as he placed his hand on the destroyer's window, looking out into the cold vacuum of space and making sure that they were going in the right direction.
"Please don't be overdramatic, this is only a simple mission we go in and we take the capital, and then we start the propaganda raids." Basil said to him through his head set as he flew forward in the Vertibird, catching up to a set of debris that was floating around the planet. In the background, he heard Mike laughing as he managed the Vertibird's control system.
"Yes but first we're going to the debris cloud of the Grand Asher's ship, there should be some weapons left in there that we can use." Basil said as he looked out through the window and tried to see the debris cloud, and then Mike arrested the ship's movements. Mike clicked open the window and kept a forcefield over the Vertibird.
"Basil you're in complete control now you can go out into the void of space now, be careful out there don't get crushed." Mike said to Basil over the ear piece, he exited out of the spaceship. His body able to breath in space and his body shielded from most of the solar radiation by the planet below. He floated forward and looked around, he got used to the three dimensional space.
And with that the Vertibird's doors closed and Basil was alone in space, except for Mike in his ear, the ship behind him, the debris in front of him and the massive destroyer that would probably cast a massive black shadow on him in a few minutes. Basil floated forward and looked forward, at the debris.
Some of the debris was remains of room and some of it was just pieces of metal floating around, the cloud seemed to be rotating like it was a few months ago. Basil flew forward and knew that he had to be careful if he didn't want to be hurt by the debris, he looked through it and started to float towards what he thought looked like the weapons room.
"So Mike, how good am I doing?' Basil asked as he put himself in the stable area of the debris cloud, probably where the hallway was once located. The base felt weird without the artificial gravity but all he had to do was use little blasts of energy to maneuver around the base.
"Depends what are we talking about, how you're traveling through the base, how your relationship with Matthew is going or how we are doing with staying the good guys?" Mike said as he responding, his snarky attitude surprising the shark as he was floating around the base. He looked around and looked as the weapons cache started to rotate towards.
"Ah I don't know I can see the weapons cache, so you know let's talk about what you're thinking about my supposed mortality problem." Basil asked as he waited a few seconds and waited for the weapon's room to arrive at his location. He groaned and started to tap his finger waiting for the room to arrive.
"Well you know how people work, they need a hero to root for, that's how people work and you're not exactly the kind of person that people will cheer for especially with President Asher controlling all media, you need to distribute you and Matthew's story and I'm not saying anything about what you've done but people do will believe a traditional love story that could say exist between you and a king." Mike said as Basil put out his hand and grabbed onto the edge of weapon cache's door, he stood still and was pulled along as he looked out at the door.
Putting his hand up to it he wrenched his hand into the door and with a bit of energy he pushed it in and pulled the door apart, he looked out through the weapons cache and smiled, looking at all the shiny stuff to take and he wondered about all the things he do with the weapons. He grabbed them and placed them in his storage container on his back, grabbing all the weapons and all the ammo he could fit in his fingers.
"Are you saying I should fake love with Matthew, put on a fairy tale romance in order to trick the people of Terraona Prime in order to accept Matthew as their new leader, that doesn't exactly sound much better than what Asher does." Basil said as he grabbed the last few weapons and looked around, there was always something better in these vaults, a last resort weapon to use.
He looked forward and saw a closet in the corner of the room, smiling he floated over and looked at it, the closet was locked with a password gate. That would be easy to pass through and all he had to do is break it open. He grabbed the padlock and squeezed applying a little energy to it and it crushed under his hand.
"Well I mean it wouldn't win everyone over, like the rich but your underdog story won't win everyone over, what you need is to be a show man how else will you convince everyone that Matthew is a better leader, Asher already is a classic showman." Mike said into the headset as he tried to explain his point of view but then he remembered an idea that might help him.
"Remember back to the Acropolis, you saw my brother being exacuted; Asher was being a complete show, in fact the truth about the latter is that he was simply knocked out and sent into a state of dying, he is probably be tortured for information right now." Mike said without hesitation, Basil had that look of uncomfortableness on his face.
"Are you okay with saying that, he is your brother you know, we can talk about that later." Basil said as he waited a few seconds. He expected Mike to take a few seconds as well but subtly was never the wolf's approach.
"No, my brother's fine, we'll probably find him, but does or would the crowd know that? No. They don't know about tasering, they think when someone is hit like that their dead, Asher used misinformation and the fact that people are assumptive to seemingly trick a crowd, now say that isn't showman ship." Mike said and Basil couldn't deny that, it was like Asher to be the crowd pleaser, to make everyone happy and make seemingly impossibly promises, to always appear in control and seem like he knew what he was doing.
"Well either way, what am I supposed to do about that, Matthew is the king not me, maybe I could defuse but what will that promise the crowd?" Basil said as he opened the weapons cabinet and smiled at what was inside of it. Grabbing inside, he reached in and got the perception filter holster. Placing it over his back, it phased through his sword glowing text presumably appeared.
"Well Matthew you can show you as superior warriors and then he can show off his crowd healing, how well do you think rebellion will go against a person that can heal his entire army?" Mike said as he smiled in the control room and turned the ship toward Basil who was about to come out of the room soon.
"Well then now we're talking." Basil said as he reached inside and grabbed the first gun, a large black and red handgun, engraved with the name, "Soulbearer", on the side, it was a plasma based weapon and presumably based on its grip shape it had infinite ammo. The other was a black and white handgun and was engraved, "Bodybearer", based on its bulkier hand grip, it was for the left hand and had an electron lead producer, infinite ammo as well.
"I'm sorry are we talking about the guns or our plans?" Mike asked as he listened to the shark on the other side of the line, yet he did not expect a massive explosion to blow up the weapon's room. Basil flew out, his body glowing with energy as he uncarefully went through the debris and towards the Vertibird.
Mike groaned as he activated the forcefield again and opened the window. Basil quickly put out his wings not that it would help, and landed in the Vertibird, shaking the ship. Mike closed the door and then turned off the forcefield as a life signal appeared on Basil's manifold.
"Well then you seem happy blowing up the rest of the base like a jackass, now then it's time to get to the warp gate, so then is the destroyer read to travel to the warp gate?" Mike asked as his and Basil's ear piece connected shutting off transmissions from between then and only then between them and Grand Asher Deacon.
"Well, I say we'd be ready to go, if we make a burn now we can arrive at the gate's altitude in three minutes." Grand Asher Deacon said as he sent Mike the calculated physics for the transfer burn to travel about a hundred miles upwards and into the gate.
"Everyone hold on, I'm implanting the burn command we're all going to the warp gate, no need to be alarmed." Mike said as he sent the transmission to all the ships and they all activated their burn engines and started to point towards the massive warp gate that was about a hundred or miles above them.
"Now then we'll be here in a second and this is the point of no return so then, everyone check their equipment and make sure that we are all good." Mike said as the ships all gathered around the destroyer seemingly like a tiny little bug compared to the massive ship. They all twisted and adjusted as they approached the warp gate.
Pulling double duty Mike checked in with the ships and started to hack the warp gate, blue lights glowing on the edge as he did. The gate glowed and so did his fingers as electricity seemingly generated from nowhere was pulled out of the air, and conducted around the ship.
Basil adjusted his second bandolier, laying the new one on top of his old plain leather one. Seemingly reading Cilantro's mind the bandoliers melted in one and formed a blend. The guns moved to behind his left shoulder on his right hip, he grabbed them and was able to pull them out with ease.
"Rebel Seven clear to go."
"Rebel Three clear to go."
"Rebel Six clear to go."
"Rebel Five and Two clear to go."
"Well then Rebel Four and her occupants are ready to go, spare for one soldier who I should have left on the planet. How many times will we have to go through the gate during night cycle?" Grand Asher Deacon said as he reported in and his destroyer slowly approached the gate. Mike gave Basil a look and he nodded as well.
"Well then, ah, Rebel One ready; all clear for gate transport, setting coordinates and de-activating gat security, activating perception filter and preparing for transport, every one hold on." The wolf said as he pointed his hand directly in front and walked into the pilot seat, Basil grabbed his manifold and pulled it off walking to the front of the Vertibird.
"Well then let's go." Basil said as he sat down and plugged his manifold in. The ship trusted forward and they approached the gate as a seeming white membrane was formed over the gate and they drove forward. Static electricity bounced off the ship and the entire ship was magnetized.
They were pulled in and the entire ship was seemingly pulled apart and pulled into the portal. Basil felt nearly all the forced as the ship was sent above the speed of light and did a seeming curve around the universe. A white silver portal wall surrounded them, as the white streaks of light that someone would see from an outside perspective.
Basil looked out of the portal as they arrived at Terraona Prime, purple dark clouds seemingly popped off the surface, tiny dots of titanium appearing with in the clouds. Basil looked at Mike and they went forward, the Destroyer and the other ships staying behind covered in a perception filter as they went ahead to scout the planet.
Basil remembered his last time on this planet, it had to be at least three years ago and that was for a day, he didn't remember much of this planet; he was so used to Terraona Alpha this felt completely alien to him. The purple clouds shifted and bloomed over the country as he looked down to the planet, he tried to remember where the biggest stretch of swamp was.
He looked up to the capital and tried to see where the flattest stretch of land through the clouds appeared. Benji pointed downwards and Mike seemingly followed as he activated the autopilot and started to float down towards the planet. They descended into the planet's atmosphere.
As he and Wallace seemingly travelled along the desert, Matthew was suddenly tripped up and their massive sand caravan knocked off its leggings. They flew into the air and Matthew landed on the ground worse for wear. Landing on the ground, Matthew looked up into the air and saw the capital, it was so close all he had to do was make it to the plateau and he'd be there.
But a silver scaled tail was laid over his face and his body dragged through the sand, he heard snickering but Matthew tried to push himself forward. He ran his hand into the sand but a blast changed the sand into class and knocked his hand away, he felt dizzy, he felt bad and he didn't think he cloud stand up again. He heard a strange laughing noise and he turned back towards the Sand Crawlers.
The large sand lizards were knocked over in the sand, their tiny legs swinging in the air as they tried to pick themselves up and get back on the ground, yet natural selection seemed to have it out for them, the smaller dust raiders able to flip up but not able to pull without hell.
As for the glorified wooden board with skis they were using in order to travel across the land all it seemed was that the ski snapped and maybe they'd be able to start traveling again. Most of the troopers looked okay, but it seemed everyone was taken out and lying against the ground in one way or another.
Suddenly Matthew was thrown and he rag dolled through the air as he was knocked against a pile of rocks in a cove. Suddenly two large white wings were spread up into the air and eclipsed the sun above them. Matthew realized he was dealing with a dragon and backed up, but then something changed the dragon appeared more wolf like.
Dragons normally more thin and sleek jaw was more muzzled shaped on his ankles appeared little puffs of white fur. Matthew stood up and backed himself against the rocks as he realized he wasn't exactly helping himself. The dragon smiled and raised his fist.
"Now then if you want to be properly threatened, well then I guess I would need a name." The dragon said as he folded in his wings and revealed the full extent of his body. "I'll be Zero because, you times me will still equal nothing, so then little King have you figured me out already."
"Must be new to you; don't seem like the king to get out much; this much be your first social interaction in years; well then we are going to have fun, Basil. Matthew and Basil will raise the Terra Nova empire again." Matthew said looking up at the shark, smiling as the shark's wings seemingly eclipsed the sun behind them. The shark rolled his eyes at his first real name, and instead picked Matthew up and even as the wolf struggled; easily pulled him along.
"Well shame, you made them even more of cannon fodder than they were before. So then only a half-hour defected from the ship and you're already calling yourself Basil. Well then to keep with this fun hokey do, you call me Ingram." Ingram raised his finger and swiped it; a wave of will blasted it out and Matthew hit the floor as the wave stuck the town. It was engulfed in fire as Ingram laughed out.
"I feel pretty good now, except for that name. Ingram was always my name, I shouldn't have done that. How about we call myself Ephraim, I like that has a much more mystical and more joined sense then Ingram." The Dragon Komodo said as he decided to change his name and now called himself Ephraim
Matthew remembered back, Hybridtroopers were experiencing newfound freedom and choosing names from themselves, and he wasn't even sure how he remembered the last one. Matthew tried to back up further as he was realizing that he was dealing with the last hybridtrooper and if he was right, this was the last one, the newest generation and the most powerful one.
"Now then you should know my name, I know yours King Matthew Piecewise the XXVI; the only question is the last one you have to ask yourself, how luckily do you and your little resistance feel about fighting the newest generation of hybrid warrior, I'm Dragon and Wolf baby!"
"Ok, adjust altitude controls and pass through the cloud layer." Basil said as Mike put his hand on the touch pad of the screen and two aerobrakes were extended out the side of the ship. They started a decent down towards the ground and as they did, the clouds shifted.
Mike kept the ship stable as winds attempted to tumble the ship around, but as the clouds cleared around them they were suddenly in between two cities. They floated on large plates and hovered in the air, seemingly able to stay still. The plates were massive, they seemed to be at least a mile wide in every direction.
Large building were raised into the air and they seemed to be more like potted plants, dirt and vegetable life easily growing out of the ground from the metal plate. The buildings were large and extending up into the air, while all stabilized with clamps on the ground.
And to add to the amazement large bridges were extended between the cities, connecting in and middle and seemingly extending and pulling back as needed with the plate's wobbles. People walked on these bridges, they had become people of the sky not caring about gravity or the massive twenty thousand foot drop below them.
The people lived in the sky, they were born in the sky and they died in the sky, some people cloud live their entire life in the sky and never know about the world below. And with that Mike started their descent to the ground, as they passed under the plates, trying to work out a path for the destroyer to take on its journey, suddenly there was a little beeping on the front panel.
The ship started to tumble and it couldn't make anything of the situation as it's side and vertical thrusters activated and threw them in all sorts of direction. The soldiers grabbed onto their manifolds and held on for life as the large craft started to plummet to the ground. Basil looked at Mike who seemed to be freaking out as they were knocked around, something was happening and they were traveling to fast, the ship was trying to correct something.
"Mike, change the atmospheric modes!" Basil said as he suddenly came to the realization that the ship was thinking it was still on Terraona Alpha and was trying to land on Terraona Alpha, not glide down onto Terraona Prime. Mike quickly got the message and the ship started to properly correct itself as they were angled back to level with the horizon and the ship's areobrakes fully extended.
And with that they landed in a patch of land, not far from an open field; perfect for a destroyer.
"Welcome to Terraona Prime, this is the real Terraona Prime, where they evolved and where I grew up and trained." Basil said as he stood up, the ship was landing but he didn't want to exactly want to go out into the swamp planet just yet. He looked out and it still seemed like the exact same planet he did training runs on.
Large red and brown trees grew out of the ground and expanding in yellow leafs while a vines dotted with yellow and green fruits grew around the edge of tree and seemingly sucked the energy out of it. Basil stuck his head up to the window and looked out, the entire planet would seem familiar to him.
"Whoa there boy, you're going to fog up the windows , now back up and go out there and get a signal for them to follow us with and make sure they know about the atmospheric switch." Mike said as he pulled Basil off the window and threw him out into the compartment.
Steam came from the doors and they opened up; Basil walked out and his foot was somewhat engulfed with mud. It was like a waterbed really, if you put pressure on one place another place rose and it was horrible to walk on. He looked out and past the tiny tree line was the field.
Walking on the waterbed mud he saw a path between the trees out into the field and tried to follow it, it felt like his feet wanted to push through the ground but he just couldn't the ground pushing back too hard. As he approached the tree line for the field, he knew he had to be careful. While Terraona Prime might have been a good place to train, it was not friendly to those who acted stupidly around it.
The fruits growing on the vines for example had parasites with in them and the tree that the vine grew on, absorbed the parasites and then used them for its own poison. Bushes against the ground could release a toxic cloud of gas if you rubbed up against them too much and he was pretty sure that the water bed mud had a way to kill you as well.
He carefully continued on the path and went in between two trees and with that he was in the field. Putting out his communication device, he suddenly received full signal from the ship and his ear piece was put in communication with the rest of the fleet. The signal line was a bit fuzzy but he adjusted and strengthened the signal just to under any of the real channel's frequencies.
"Ok, Grand Asher Deacon you and the rest of the fleet can come in just make sure that you set your autopilot to the right atmosphere, you got that?" Basil said as he placed his hand on his ear piece allowing him to talk with the entire fleet in one go.
"We are a go, switching atmosphere to Terraona Prime now." Grand Asher Deacon said from the other side, his signal blurry and filled with static as he tried to talk. Benji looked back at Mike and started to back up not wanting to see how close they would be with the Destroyer class ship in the field.
"Oh well then take this." Suddenly Zero was knocked to his side, smashing into the rock wall. Ephraim stood up and smashed his hands into Zero. The wolf-dragon groaned as he recovered from the surprise attack. Ephraim nodded at Matthew as he turned towards Zero and put his hand forward, firing a blast at the hybridtrooper his body was blasted through the rock wall and knocked against the sand.
"Matthew I can take him, go to the cart and have the soldiers get everything back together, I can hold him back, the soldiers can take the battle; I'd have to face eventually anyway." Ephraim said as he blasted forward through the rockwall hole and towards Zero.
Matthew stood up and ran at the caravan; running he saw the thrown soldiers waking up and starting to fix the wooden boards and their own. Matthew quickly arrived and grabbed the skies from the ground and saw the soldiers picking up the board, Matthew quickly fitted the ski and turned his attentions towards the sand crawlers.
"Guys we need to flip the beasts as well!" Matthew said pointing at them as they wigged their little legs around unsuited to dealing with such situations as being flipped over. Him and a few soldiers walked over and started to push on their side trying to get them back.
The beasts flipped over worse for wear and they started to run, Matthew and the other soldiers got on their wooden boards and they started to ski through the desert. Matthew looked over at Ephraim and Zero as they fought with in the desert their own personal battlefield. And with that they continued northwards, trying to get to plateau and make it to the Capital.
Zero raised his hand and punched Ephraim, knocking him back into the opposite end of the rock wall; Ephraim put his wings out and flapped, raising a wall of sand and temporally blocking him. Yet having neon green energy wasn't helping much with the dust.
Ephraim flew out of the dust cloud and knocked himself into Zero; both of them tumbling out of the dust and rolling around in the desert. Quickly Zero punched Ephraim and knocked him in the air. Ephraim pointed down and fired a blast; Zero quickly stood up and dodged them all.
And then Zero raised his hand and fired a massive beam of energy at the Dragon Komodo. Ephraim put his hands out and seemingly grabbed onto the energy as he infected it and changed it to his own. Waiting for a few seconds, he then turned the beam around and blasted it back down.
The two were knocked away from each other and they both landed on the ground. Ephraim took a breath and smiled at Zero as they stood up and decided to continue the battle. Ephraim gave himself a thumbs-up as he saw the travel of dust indicating that Matthew had managed to get away.
"Now then folks, we've got an extra special show for you tonight; we are going to fly up to the capital and entrap them. After that we have a map of the city and from that, well let's say so long as you follow the instructions that you've been given then both Asher and you will be seeing an extra special show." Mike said as he walked in front of the destroyer, the only ship that wouldn't be leaving instead it would be their last resort, and base of operations.
"Now then, do not shoot civilians and in order to maximize our changes of not doing that we will be focusing on one building, Asher's headquarters you all might be familiar with that building." Grand Asher Deacon said as he rolled out a hologram projector and it showed the massive steel metal building that extending into the sky.
Basil smiled seeing everyone that was fighting for them; he just hoped he would be able to do his job. He kind of was the main fighter here, he was going to oversee the fighting and make sure that everyone was fighting the best they could, and when the main phase of fighting was over he would move into strike mode.
It was hoped that he might be able to convince Asher into surrender or do worse if he had to. He took a breath and hoped that Asher would go with them easily, and with that Basil walked into his ship and activated the autopilot program as he plugged in his manifold.
The soldiers gathered into the Vertibirds and they took off, quickly they all flew in formation upwards. They had waited for this exact time because as they passed up, suddenly the Capital was above them, it had completed its rotation around the planet. Basil looked at everyone, and everyone remained silent.
Three of the ships flew off path and they started to circle the city, they weren't back up they were the entrapment. The Vertibirds' body glowed as they all encircled the Capital and quite quickly a wall of energy was formed between them, a massive forcefield had formed around the city, no one was getting in and no one was getting out.
Basil looked at the Capital and knew this was where something was going to end, this was where Asher would fall and this was where Matthew would take his rightful throne as the King of Tau Ceti. Basil smiled and the ship was dragged over to the ground, the Vertibird's door opened and all the troopers rushed out.
This was maybe the most important part they needed to be the heroes, and as Basil and the soldiers rushed the building, they knocked open the glass doors and ran in. The secretary screamed and ran away from her desk, the only thing one the first floor was the empty solider application both and the locked elevator.
Basil ran over to the desk and unlocked the elevator for his troopers. The soldiers quickly called the elevator and they stuffed themselves in, they had a mission, a few Vertibirds outside would handle the rest of the airforce that was entrapped and inside they would take down the head officers of Asher's administration.
Basil looked around making sure that the soldiers weren't fighting to get into the elevator and he heard gun fire on the floors above the battle had begun.
Matthew continued and his sled was turned and started to travel up the plateau towards the Capital. Despite the soldiers warning him not to go, this was too big of a battle not to lead. He needed to be there and he needed to lead his troops. He looked up and looked at the new steel gates of Terra Nova.
Matthew sighed and the soldiers in their first sled got off while the others stayed behind, Matthew was in the latter of groups. Staying behind still didn't feel right, he wanted to address the Grand Asher that was in control of his city, he wanted to make a badass boast.
"The resistance says hi!" Matthew heard from one of the soldiers ahead of him, suddenly gun fire broke out, and people were falling. Matthew looked out and his soldiers had amazingly managed to get into the city. It was at this point that Matthew looked at himself and wondered what was happening; it shouldn't have been this easy. Matthew and the other soldiers walked forward and approached the open gate.
And amazing as he walked through the gate there were no dead bodies, Asher had made a mistake, he kept his soldiers in the same place. These were the same soldiers that had been serving under him only a few months ago. Only a few seemingly loyal Primetroopers had been the ones that needed to be killed.
Matthew looked in amazement as he walked forward through his town, citizens were clapping for him and seemingly very few people had to die, maybe if the siege of Terraona Prime was well then maybe just it would be easy. He walked forward and the soldiers parted like the ocean when he arrived at his old castle.
The doors were seemingly boarded up and he was the first to pull them off. The door creaked as he opened it and he walked into his old castle, looking at the untouched paint and untouched goods that he surely thought would be raided by now. Matthew looked and no one was in his castle, surely if Zero had waited, he would have been the only threat.
And with that Matthew sat down in his throne as he arrived at the top floor, it was still as uncomfortable as he remembered it. And as he placed his hand on the chair, his powers activated. A pink wave of energy was released from his body, but it didn't hurt him. The wave seemingly spread over the land surely helping those who needed it.
"Well it's good to be king."
Ephraim stood helpless against Zero as the Wolf-Dragon raised his hand and prepared to destroy Ingram with a final blast of energy.
"Say your good-byes brother this is the end of your story and now then mine as well." Zero said as he raised his hand and increased the size of the energy blast, Ephraim looked up and could only hope for some sort of mercy. And then suddenly a purple wave of energy hit him, he felt reinvigorated and strong.
"No this is the end of your story." Ephraim suddenly released an explosion of energy in front of him and with that Zero disappeared. Ephraim turned toward the capital and knew that somehow Matthew had succeeded. It was now times for the Rifts to rise again.
"So then, you're not putting up any fight nor do you seem to care that your surrounded by five, no wait seven guns." Basil said as he pulled out his new gun weapons and pointed them at President Asher. Five months ago this would have been consider treason but now this seemed somewhat normal for him.
"It is only the flow of centuries; it's your turn take control. Do it for your leader Basil and let him rise." And then Basil did something that Asher wouldn't have expected, he pulled the trigger. And like that Basil smiled as blood hit the wall and the president fell to the ground.
The reign of Asher had ended and thus seemingly as easy as pie the reign of King Piecewise the XXVI had begun. Matthew was in disbelief, it was too easy people were too accepting of him and people were too welcoming of him. It was too easy, the resistance was too simple and nothing felt right. And at the same time it felt great.
"Well then my Fusion stone, the original fusion stone is unlocked now; Asher can't keep me here any longer." Ephraim said to Basil as he held up his stone and it was strange it appeared more vibrant and more spectacular. Basil had the feeling that Ephraim will have bailed on them.
"So are you going to go?" Basil asked as he tried wondered what would happen and wondered if Ephraim would bail on them.
"Well depends, would you come with me; you can usher in a new generation of Riftwalkers, fused Riftwalkers." Ephraim said as he tried to convince Basil to come with him and maybe then he might follow.
"No, we have to help Matthew, this is his time. His day is now and we going to stay, but maybe in fifty years well then we'll have to see." Basil said as they turned towards the door and walked into the regal throne room. Matthew was sitting down on his throne and he looked strangely comfortable.
Basil and Ingram walked to the throne and put their hands on Matthew's shoulder. They were his advisors and they were going to ensure his legacy, and yet Basil wondered back to when this all started.
Basil stood still as he stayed at the end of the sword and King Piecewise the XXV stood with his sword to Basil's neck. And then as he thought that his life would end the King pulled his sword back and he was spared. Basil looked surprised, he thought he would die, but then he promised himself he would repay the king.
And with that the crowd in front of them clapped, as Matthew stood up and took his rightful place as the King of Tau Ceti.