The kaiju predator (ghidorah/godzilla vore)

The bulge moved down ghidorah's long neck and then all that was left of godzilla was a weakly squirming swelling in the hydra's gut. ghidorah had swallowed the king of the monsters whole. exhausted, ghidorah slumped down where he lay.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.4 - The Final War

Rai tried to punch him, but kiryu swerved around the ghidorah's body and pulled doi's head into a tangled stab.

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Rebuilding fences with wheels

The equinid gazes at the draconic male with a soft blush and says sheepishly "oh.. hey ghidorah. not sure..."

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.1 - The Faces of Evil

In the Millennium Tower, a kaiju was waiting in the lavish halls of the upper floors. With guards and accountants patrolling the halls in severe suits, the air was strangely oppressive to most visitors who sat in the lounge with ergonomic chairs,...

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Godzilla and the warbat

In a moment it lay coiled before him, thick as his mighty thigh and with frilled wings near as wide as ghidorah's. godzilla studied the great loops of serpent, looking for the bulge that was once kong. if it was there, it was subtle.

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