Lost Haven: Aunt Ruth
As a result, the scientific advancements made in robotics were applied to make the robot more deadly, equipping it with explosives and a much better ai.
Invane: Like a plague
I walked towards the large group of robots before harkell havlut and huzizu took down the three robots they have jumped, i smirked before rushing towards one of the closest robots i could find.
This was robots approaching us. i had never fought robots before! then i saw them. they were big, frightening and had the look of death on their faces. they had guns for arms and stood 12 feet high!.
Making Waves at Walter’s World
It's one of the robots that turned us. looks like they missed this one." i looked right through the panda's semi clear skin to the automaton she was blocking. it was looked like a mobile car factory robot, badly dented by the wave machine.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 7
Fara focused through the psi-link helmet and the pods detached from her wings and flew around the floating robot. "where is the creator?" the robot fired off its fists again right as the psi-pods circled behind it.
Welcome to the Eggman Empire
A robotic voice announced. "removing subject's clothing."
The Airship
As he got there, he saw a few robots guarding it so he took them out. then a big robot popped up so chris dodged its attacks and attacked it until it fell back and made a big explosion. then the ship started to go down and chris fell out of the ship.
Memories of a black fox.
Dubbing himself the evil robot (just because they're smart doesn't mean they're clever), he fell back to my old m.o. attacking the nearest city with a robot army.
Programmed for Cute
The giant robot announced in his booming, warped voice.
Age of Heroes Ch13 The Obstacle Course
Not only were the one, two, and three point robots present, but their bigger, larger zero point robot brothers were also standing with them, red eyes targeted straight at the students.
Drako Tygon- chapter 5
I landed and started killing robots left and right. i mean, they were dropping like flies. soon, the robots were destroyed, and so our army cheered.
BlackBlood Ch1
The gopher came up under the robot, pushing it to make it fall backward to the ground. the creature pins down the robot arms then bites of the metal off in the middle with its incisor, taking the boy out of the robot in it clutches."chiro!"