Making Waves at Walter’s World

( transformation m human - f inflatable, no sex, occasional swearing ) "so, err, just wear swimming trunks?" i asked. the soldier nodded. well, he was the guy with the gun, and his commanding officer was paying me, so...

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 42

Their voices soon fused together into an incomprehensible jumble of noise, mixed with an occasional swear, but dorin simply let it wash over him. they weren't taking this seriously. they assumed he only wanted to delay the war, not stop it completely.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 42

Their voices soon fused together into an incomprehensible jumble of noise, mixed with an occasional swear, but dorin simply let it wash over him. they weren't taking this seriously. they assumed he only wanted to delay the war, not stop it completely.

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