StarFox Meta

#1 of starfox meta learning the site buttons any hints would be appreciated and tag what you see please starfox meta arc 1: prologue a shadow of a head topped with cannid ears can be seen over an old couch in the glow of a large square holograph depicting

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Canvas and Melody - Prologue

prologue _memories_ a dismal, gray fog envelopes all in a shroud of mist, haze, and surreal sounds.

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COMM - Just Lion Around - Commission for Jensen - Prologue -

Just lion around commission for jensen prologue © cederwyn whitefurr 26thoctober, 2021 all rights reserved. **just**** lion ****around** **prologue** "my name is phillip," he spoke into the tablet he had propped up in front of him on the desk.

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Stories (Kill. Survive. Die) - Prologue [WiP]

Earth is dying. A bomb dropped. With that bomb, also dropped the final limb of the stark, naked tree that Earth's future and survival clung to. Another bomb. Now it is only a matter of time. _60 _percent of Earth lies an irradiated hell. _15_...

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Guardians: Prologue

#1 of guardians: the first cycle guardians: prologue a dim red light flashed every few moments. and in these flashes one could see the faint image of what was left in the room.

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The Snow Queen: Prolog

300 years ago... "Oh god!" "They're everywhere!" "Run!" "They're on the walls!" "I'm running low on ammo!" "Heeeeeeeeeelllllp!" "Dr. Fall!" "AHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh---!" These were but a few things said aboard the human ship 'Pegasus' as their...

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One Week to Change: Prologue

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **prologue** sometimes i would

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The Furry Rebellion: Prolouge

Note: this is just the prologue any story before this is, after this.

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Cold Blooded(prolouge)

prologue early august, 2439, a cold siberian summer, low 20's, heavy north wind.korskova east passage, two barreling mountains north and south, after the worst possible solution for peace, i'm all thats left

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Chronicles of Draxuz: Prologue

"Mama! Papa! Noo!" The young wolf cried out as he struggled against the iron grip of the guard holding him. He was only 14 winters old, and strong for his age, but no match for the...

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A Nightmare to Life: Ch 1/2 Prolouge

Well I wanted to work with Sam and Ren again, they're just too good not to leave alone after Christmas. So here is a time farther down the road when Sam isn't moopy and himself. I wanted to finish the chapter but I only am posting half of it for three...

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In Utter Darkness: Prologue: Nothing Ventured

**in utter darkness: prologue: nothing ventured** paul jackson sighed as he leaned back in his chair at seti institute.

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