The Furry Rebellion: Prolouge

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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Note: This is just the prologue any story before this is, after this.

Now I know that there is no real story before Imprisonment I need to start twenty years back. There was a discovery of a planet just as advanced as we were(humans). Though these in habitants were a peaceful bunch. Until human interaction with the furs took an unexpected turn. There were several trade ships, that went missing. This led to an investigation, which had determined that humans had captured an killed the crews of the missing ships and dumped the cargo into the voids of space.

The furs demanded that those involved to be punished. No action was taken. This angered the fur's for they wanted compensation for their peoples murders. Months went by nothing was done. Then they took matters into their own hands found the crewmen who killed their brethren. The humans reacted by attacking all ships in earth's atmosphere. That's how the war began. Just like sentient beings to turn a good thing bad. These for five years were just space battles(skirmishes) it then however escalated because of an invasion of a colony.

Now his family. His dad was lost in one of the early battles when the war escalated at the battle of Hittel. He was never found but the entire planet was destroyed. His dad was a captain who was very revered. In school he was a jock never took crap from anybody. He also was one of the smartest students.

His mom was a kind gentle lady though not too much going on upstairs. She graduated from high school with straight D's. She was a very artistic person who made a living by painting. She wanted to settle down and have a family. The war had been called away for active duty. Leaving his wife and three year old son Todd Johnson(XIII) at home in San Diego, California.

When his dad died five years latter Todd had a little brother of five. Todd having gotten his dads genetics was smarter than most people in the military at the time(though they would never admit it). Then the military came in took him, and put his mom Felicity and brother Jake were going to be executed. Todd was told they wouldn't be killed if he cooperated. These people in charge Grenna's (leader is Funter Hallow). This was the man had killed Todd's family. Wanted him to be able to acquire data, such as A.I. and the like(read The second chapter to see more on subject).

He was also under armed guard 24/7 due to the lack of sense(being as he was only a kid). As he got older he was under less guard but more heavily armed. So being in this situation he never had any friends, never got to play, and was forced to read books all day. Into his teen years he never really got out much and still had a unfulfilled need(sex). This leads to the fact that he is still a virgin. Now in his adult years he was leaning towards the fur's side of the war(for those of you have read this even was happening in his early childhood).

When he finally turned himself into a fur, his name was as he saw was unfit for him as it is his old human name. He is currently 30. He sees himself as monster even though he ha absolutely no choice. There is no blood on his hands except for what he imagines is on his hands. He needs serious psychological help doesn't he.

Mary had no mom or dad. She lived with her aunt who was a psychologist. Though as of now she has no memory but most of what she know is already in her sub-conscience. Obviously she was at that horrible prison for at least 10 years she is 27. She unlike Todd was able to have friends, play outside, and even have boyfriends(also a virgin but had access to the most important thing internet) You figure it out... figure it out... good let's move on

The fox, Moulder had met his dad. He didn't think much of him. His mom was the corner stone of his life. He is a career officer in the Space Corps. This is where he has spent most of his life since the war was escalated by the time he was able to enlist.

The fox Todd saved did make it. Her husband was killed on her home planet, at the last stand. She went into shock when she was shot. After the quick patch she too assumed she was dead. The local hospital didn't even give her a hour to live. She made a full recovery, much to her doctors surprise. She has been out of communication of her two sons for more than 6 years.

I have given a history of all characters and galaxy's problems. Stay tuned for more!