Guardians: Prologue
#1 of Guardians: The First Cycle
Guardians: Prologue
A dim red light flashed every few moments. And in these flashes one could see the faint image of what was left in the room. Bodies were everywhere, the whole place glistened wetly, but in the red light you couldn't tell whether it was blood or not. A dragon lying in the middle of the room was the only thing breathing. He had a crowbar clutched to his chest as his purple blood stained his clothes darker. It's blue eyes opened glowing softly in the dark when the light was out.
The dragon shuddered and tried to get up, he managed to get one foot under him before he collapsed. He lay there panting feeling the life slowly draining from him. His radio on his shoulder came on,
"Red leader, come in red leader." The dragon weakly moved his one good arm to the radio and pressed a button on it.
"I'm here Swanson..." He panted softly as what little vision he had blurred darker, "Just barely though... I'm in the room with the target in it..."
"Do you need assistance? Are you hurt man?" The voice sounded a little worried now.
"Damn straight." The dragon replied and let his arm flop back down trying to conserve whatever was left of his strength. He looked down at himself and wondered how the hell he got himself into something like this. After a few moments he answered himself.
"Simple really. All I had to do was say no and I wouldn't be here dying."
He leaned back and replayed what had happened in his mind.
. . .