A Nightmare to Life: Ch 1/2 Prolouge

Story by Rowan Nero on SoFurry

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#1 of A Nightmare to Life

Well I wanted to work with Sam and Ren again, they're just too good not to leave alone after Christmas. So here is a time farther down the road when Sam isn't moopy and himself. I wanted to finish the chapter but I only am posting half of it for three reasons.

  1. I wanted to set the mood for the type of story this is.

  2. I couldn't really work more into the first part without showing too soon what i wanted to do.

  3. I just really, really wanted to post something to show that I'm not dead X3

This is a "short story" but there will be about three to five chapters to it. I am back in college and adjusting to my scedual. As of right now, Sundays look like my writing days and I plan to stick to that. With out farther to do, here's Sam and Ren!

Oh, also note. To those who havn't read my Christmas entery : A Cold Winter's Night, that is where Sam and Ren are first introduced. If you havn't read it, it's not dire that you read it but it's not a bad idea *nudge nudge wink wink* lol

A Nightmare to Life:

Tests: Part 1

A Ren and Sam story

Ren walked into the living room, smiling. The otter stood at about five foot eight and was really toned. His six pack could be seen barely through his fur, which he stood shirtless. He only wore a pair of boxers, silver and silky. He looked out the window and smiled, the summer sun shinning through into the living room making the room glow a dull gold. It was a rather plain room, a old green couch with a few rips and tears in it sat at the back wall and a glass table was in front of it.

Ren turned his deep green eyes to the kitchen, the black mark running down from his left eye half way down his muzzle a little fluzzy due to his fur being ruffled from sleeping, where a silver wolf was dancing around in the kitchen. All four burners on the stove had a different skillet on it cooking fried potatoes, gravy, sausage and bacon, and fried eggs. The wolf, who's name was Sam, was jamming to his ipod while cooking. He wore only a white apron and his boxers as well, the boxers being black and silky. Ren chuckled as he recognized his pair of boxers he liked, and walked to the wolf.

As the wolf danced and checked the food, flipping eggs with one hand and taking sausage out of the skillet with the other. The sink was full on the left side of dishwater, the right was a stack of dishes he just finished scrubbing. As soon as he finished his job of moving the finished food from the skillets, being the eggs, sausage and bacon, he'd turn back to the dishwater. His tail swishing left and right in rhythm to the song he was blasting into his ears, almost getting shut up in the oven door when he opened it and took out the biscuits in the middle of rinsing the dishes in the sink.

As Sam set the biscuits down and took off his oven mitts he noticed the otter in the kitchen and smiled. He waved a finger and pointed to the living room, enforcing his rule of "If I'm cooking, you will not distract me with anything that would lead to sex. That's the ONLY way I will burn something and you know it!" to which the otter obeyed with a grumble.

Ren sat down in the living room, flipping the TV on to watch the news. The seven o'clock news came up, showing a report of sunny skies and a easy day. The first day of the college's summer break started tomorrow, giving Ren a month's vacation from recruiting for the Army at the school. No students, no need to go in. All he had to do was keep his professional cell phone at the ready and answer it during his normal hours and he was allowed to do what ever he wanted off the phone. As he sighed, rubbing his neck, the news brought up a story that made Ren's ears perk up.

"Police report that the driver did not stop after hitting the lady as she crossed the street. It was a rather nasty mess. The car was also stolen, and this is the third hit and run this week by a similar result. If your car is stolen, be sure to contact the police immediately on the time, area, make, year, and model of your car. For everyone else, we remind you of the basic concept of looking both ways before crossing a street, as each hit was done in a crosswalk when the walk signal is on. Be defensive, and keep a eye out. If you know who the culprit is, the number to call the police is one eight hundred, seven, three, seven, six, seven, eight, one. This spells one eight hundred Report! With a explanation mark to make it easy to remember."

Ren frowned as he watched the skunk on the news give this information. As Sam walked in, Ren turned to the wolf and as he opened his muzzle the wolf plopped a sausage paddy into his mouth and shut it from the bottom. He smiled and said "Stay out of the streets and such, got it sweety. Now, get a good breakfast and come back with good marks for me okay?" as he sat down a plate with the works. It was properly portioned how ever, Sam learned how to cook a filling meal that Ren would work off with his morning run and work outs so he wouldn't gain weight.

Ren nodded as the wolf sat beside him, picking up a stack of papers off of the glass table. He yawned and scratched his left ear a moment. He then looked over the paper which was full of French verb conjugation as Ren frowned. "Did you come to bed last night Sam, or where you up all Night studying for your French final?"

Sam looked to Ren and chuckled, saying "I was up all night, it's a lot to remember." as he wolfed down his breakfast himself. As he finished, he jumped up and ran into the other room saying "I don't want to be late, so I'm leaving early! Text me later if you pass or not, but I'm pretty sure you won't fail!"

Fifteen minutes later, Sam was looking Ren over while he was still in his boxers. He scanned over the toned muscles in his arms, the six pack, squeezed Ren's tight ass, felt his toned legs, and stood back up to the blushing otter saying "Oh yeah, you won't fail. So don't worry alright sweet cheeks?"

Ren nodded and said "Well, be careful on the way to and from campus and please don't go anywhere extra. With those people doing all this hit and run, I'm scared for you to be out to get hurt." as Sam kissed his lips. Sam was now dressed in black pants with silver colored studs running up the legs. He wore a silver button up shirt that had black flame designs down the back and over the shoulders. He wore white tennis shoes, and a chain holding his wallet was attached to the silver studded black belt.

"I will love, have fun with the Army and tell Sargent Board-up-his-ass I said hi as flamboyantly as possible~" Sam said as he kissed the otter on the cheek, grabbed his shoulder bag, and ran out the door.

Ren chuckled and went into his room to get dressed in the military basic outfit he was required to wear. He looked up on the dresser, a glass mug he bought for Sam sitting there. He smiled at it, and turned. It was bought in Virginia while he was training, and he knew Sam loved shot glasses even though he never drank. As Ren pulled his pants up, the sound of glass breaking reached his ears. He turned, and saw the shot glass had fell off the dresser and on top of the desk beside it. It didn't shatter, but it broke in half. Ren whimpered as he walked over, seeing it broke cleanly in half in a jagged line. No glass shards where around anywhere, and when he put the pieces together there was nothing missing. Just a jagged line down the glass on both sides.

He sighed and shook his head, setting the shot glass on the desk to put his shirt on. "Calm down, it's nothing bad. Today will be a good day, I will pass my exam!"