The Simple Life, Chapter 2 : Afternoon With The Boys

"Hey guys, I'm home!" I called out to my seemingly empty apartment, the weight of my tired and sore body leaned up against the blonde wood front door as I threw off one of my spike heeled work boots and massaged my instep. Walking around on hard wood...

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The Simple Life, Chapter 1 : Fenris in The Mornings

Hey there all, StellaLuna here! Just a reminder this is the first time I'm writing in this forum so be gentle please. The Simple Life is just the story of all the little things I've come to cherish, and I hope you as the reader will come to covet them...

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Moving On. (Chapter 1)

READ "MEMORIES" FIRST!!!! Hey, dudes. This is going to be a sequel to my story thing "Memories". Since people seem to like it so much, why not expand upon it? Now, this takes place AFTER memories. The main character, Damien is...

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 9

"maybe he really tried to return to his mating time again," said tarkas to jon when he asked about the elf's dragon. "he's still pretty young, though."

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Chapter 3: Expect the Unexpected

**Expect the Unexpected** Copyright (c) FarmWolf's Player After the initial exhilaration of the first history-making flight, Felix soon settled into a routine: fly the day's mission, review the logs, and tune the ship for the next flight. Of the...

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For you...

Some of them will be poems, like this one, while others will be short sex scenes that i imagine, mostly containing love and romantic feelings. i will try to do this every week, or every other week on tuesdays to have something consistent.

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Revealing Information

_Revealing Information_ _Finding One's True Self: Part 43_ _By Xan Steel_ Armatist Torid was at home sleeping when he received an encoded message at 0200 hours. He turned over in bed to review it and noticed who it was from. He started to get up...

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Chapter 5: Memorial

**Memorial** Copyright (c) FarmWolf's player "We are gathered to remember and celebrate the life of Felix Otto Steiger. His recent contribution to the space program was great, but that wasn't the largest part of his life. Since many of you knew him...

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One Last Goodbye

We were all standing outside his room, in the blazingly pristine white halls that smelled of cleaning agents. I always hated hospitals. The unsettling reek of chemicals that cannot be escaped behind their cold walls. They always caused me headaches....

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F.S.S. DRACONUS Day One Part 1

**F.S.S. DRACONUS** © Day One Part I Written and edited by superchook692005 and mkewing2553. 12th June 2352 At the Starfleet section of the Melbourne International...

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Moving On. (Chapter 3)

READ "MEMORIES", THEN CHAPTER 1, THEN CHAPTER 2 OF THIS STORY FIRST!! Hey, dudes. I think it is time to keep going. So, last time, we introduced a new character in Chris, a young fox who has had a similar fate to damien's. They talked,...

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Chapter 4: Where no Mortal Has Gone

**Where no Mortal has Gone** Copyright (c) FarmWolf's player _I never thought I would ever be furclad in space_, Felix said to himself, then amended, _I never thought I'd be furclad while actually floating in the void_. As he floated, he recalled...

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