Chronicles of the Wasteland Warrior Chapter 1: Prologue

The story in general will contain m/herm, f/herm, m/f, and m/f/herm, a bit of non-con as well as action, romance, and some silliness.

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F.S.S. DRACONUS Day One Part 2

**F.S.S. DRACONUS** © Day One Part 2 Written and edited by superchook692005 and mkewing2553. Several hours later an exhausted Lieutenant Sundawn placed hir tricorder in its recharge dock in Stephillum's office before picked up...

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F.S.S. DRACONUS Day One Part 1

**F.S.S. DRACONUS** © Day One Part I Written and edited by superchook692005 and mkewing2553. 12th June 2352 At the Starfleet section of the Melbourne International...

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Illumanati's Diary 6

**ILLUMANATI'S DIARY.** This Diary belongs to Illumanati Blackpaw. 2314 Dear Diary I woke up whimpering again from my nightmare. I dreamt that Stephan couldn't reach to me in time. And I was burning. My...

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GOLDPAW redux.

Chakats, Charles and Katherine Turner and Zig Zag belongs to Bernard Doove. **GOLDPAW. ©** May 18th 2129 The two scientists looked at the small bundles of fur in the cage, nursing on the surrogate tiger's teats. Ten...

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