Navigating in a Changed World - Enforcers and the ZPD
The fox spoke, "a mage with certain... feats associated to herself."
Light Bane: Chapter 32
Only one elf would wear a grand purple robe and carried around an ancient mage staff made out of a white tree that once grew in dracokin. the mage was alverian, the grand mage of dracokin, and also the leader of all the mages in the city.
"ah, this must be nicholas' mage i've heard about." vardin looked up at the massive fox at the statement. lord rice had refrained from using the somewhat derogatory term in classing him a mage. lord rice had not called him a 'shrink' mage.
Navigating in a Changed World - Consulting the Enforcers
"we need some solid video of mages. now it is a matter of honor! we are in this ever since the mage craze first started, and we still haven't posted a single video about mages!
The risen Curtain - Chapter 20: Reconciliation
"mages are awesome! i wish i could do that!" "he was threatening the cops! these mages might be cool, but they are also dangerous!"
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 21: The Curtain Has Risen
She knew that her mother was referring to the fact that now everyone knew that there were mages out there. "_now, not all mages are evil, or dangerous._" bonnie said to her, "_this is not something automatic to mages.
The Road Beyond Rome - Part 1
You were the lead mage, yes?" krater nodded. "for all the good it did. what was galba thinking, disbanding the mages? training mages might slow our progress, but slow progress is better than dead armies!" he stamped a paw on the ground.
[Draconicon] Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 2: Recruiting the Ice Mage
The ice mage had a footprint on his chest, the same as him and hanna.
Half-Blood Chapter IX
New Days: Chapter III
"your dad is a templar, they don't like mages very much. they are still under the belief that most mages are evil, that they need to protect the mundanes, non-magical furs, from them.
Revelation The Beginning
As the mages conjure a spell one of the high mages went to alpha and explained that they cannot make the elements go away they can only bestow them into eight different items.
New Days: Chapter II
We both say in unison, "wow, my best friend's a mage."