Revelation The Beginning
this sis a story im working on please read an let me know if you would like to read more
In the beginning when the universe was created a being made up of pure energy was formed his name was Domega. He was made of eight of the universal elements earth wind water fire dark light electricity and sound. He used these elements to help him govern the universe.
After many years of being by himself and seeing the universe ever expanding he saw a shooting star one day and plucked it from the sky he cracked it in half and made two beings from it. The first being he created was a female ,he called her Alpha and bestowed upon her four of the 8 universal elements earth wind fire and water to help her govern half of the universe. He took the other half and made a second being a male he called him omega and bestowed four of the other eight universal elements dark light sound and electricity to help him govern the other half of universe.
For many years these three govern the universe as a whole alpha helped make life possible for many different planets as a omega helped civilization grow on many different planets but neither one could do anything without Domega's approval. After many centuries of this Alpha and Omega grew tired of the Domega's rule and thought they could govern universe much better than he. So they got together and hatched a plan to lock Domega away forever and strip him of his powers.
They picked five mages from each of the respective halves of the universe and five masons from each of their respected halves of universe. They instructed the 10 Masons to construct a giant stone doorway to lock the Domega away. They instructed the 10 mages to invent a spell strip the Domega of his eight elements. As the mages conjure a spell one of the high mages went to Alpha and explained that they cannot make the elements go away they can only bestow them into eight different items.
With this new information alpha went to Omega and had him pick eight blacksmiths to construct eight different swords which were to be used to store the powers of the eight elements stripped from Domege. Many years went by as the Masons and mages worked Day and night to construct the spell and The tomb that would lock Domega away forever.
Finally after 10 long years of waiting the tomb the spell an the swords we're finally completed and Alpha and Omega knew that the time was coming to finally take over the universe and have it all to themselves. Alpha contacted the domega and asked him to come to her half of universe not knowing what fate awaited him.
Soon after arriving there omega an alpha moved into action and set forth the chain of events that would last eternity. The mages started chanting as the doors lit up and started to suck Domega in making his powers get stripped one by one from his body into 8 different swords soon he was only fail An weak not able to fight the powers of the mages soon he was sucked into the to the doors as they closed tightly behind him and locked him away forever.
After the doors closed The eight elemental swords flew up into the sky and scattered around the universe never to be seen again. Soon after omega and alpha started to celebrate as their plan works perfectly but little did they realize that domega's powers were also their own and now that he was stripped and locked away they would lose their's slowly.
After a year went by of them realizing their power slowly draining away they separated and went to their respective halves of the universe and made guardians to protect them once all their powers have left. Alpha using what little magic she had left she made a fountain of enchanted golden liquid that can transform any mear weapon into a magic so strong that can keep the wielder immortalized forever.
On the other side of the universe oh omega created Twelvestone dragons with the power of infernal fire which he bestowed that power to 12 masons and mages he picks to construct the tomb that locked away Domega to help guard him for eternity.