Kage's Camping Trip 5

#5 of kage's camping trip still more experimenting :p chapter 5 after an hour or so of playing with the fawn and talking to the buck kage decided to head back to the primitive campgrounds since he had been gone for over two hours.

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Kage's Camping Trip 3

"okay, so when is your next camping trip?"

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Kage's Camping Trip 2

"alright, my rules are the ones we've done this trip and every other trip by, that's the rules we're sticking to now," kage said with a low growl from his throat as he spoke, "now that means no one leaves till everything is dealt with and the campsites are

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The Mountain trip Day Three

#3 of moutain trip after many amazing dreams that i remembered so vividly they seemed real, and i wished they were, i slowly opened my eyes. it was still dark outside, only about four thirty by my clock.

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The Mountain trip Day Two

#2 of moutain trip day two i slowly opened my eyes, i heard my name called again. "john, wakie wakie john," i head. i sat up quickly and looked around, the sun was shining in through the window next to my bed.

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Beach Trip: Part 1

Sol breathed a content sigh and fell backwards with an ungraceful yet gentle thud down to the tattered down thrown carelessly across the sand, swinging his legs in the air before letting gravity pull them back down. He was a black furred rabbit with...

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Willy Skunk and the fishing trip

About a family and their fishing trip. one day, willy was packing for a fishing trip. he told kelly to get the kids ready. he brought the fishing gear to the trunk of the car.

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Part Three: The Fishing Trip

Everyone loves a fishing trip! ...except rudan. (sorry for being a day late, i couldn't find any inspiration last night.) the eirlund sun peered down on the world. like a great baleful eye of fire, it observed from on high.

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A Trip to Betty's: A Sneak Peek

Just as tim walked through the door, t.j. was downstairs, lurking about, trying to act as though he wasn't there simply to hear his father's verdict on the trip to betty's.

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Jade's trip to the fair 2

#2 of jade's trip to the fair * * *  

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Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

#35 of short stories road trip, involving a cartoon badger. ~ the cockatiel bobbed his head to the music on the radio even as the static in the signal continued its slow rumble.


Car Trip (Sneak Peek)

Hunter's family is going on a trip to the cabin, just like many other families do in the summer. the real fun will come in the full story, but this should give some hints of what's to come! koda inspected himself in the mirror.

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