Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)

, the cockatiel implored of the pilot's body, the remaining gallium flare igniting in the magazine.

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Fool's Contract (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the cockatiel appeared dubious, while the meerkat made a hand gesture to indicate her weapons were still hot.

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Fresh Date (Otherwise Untitled)

Pants in his hands another strong sniff, " well can cockatiels smell?"

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Hanging Art (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the cockatiel remained silent, even as the lights went out right to plan and the jackalope kept the piece of art under her gaze.

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Retreat to Command (Otherwise Untitled)

"i will disengage party mode shortly, sir.", reported the flicking blue ghost of a cockatiel who's attentions had turned to a display of ship systems' status.

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Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the cockatiel bobbed his head to the music on the radio even as the static in the signal continued its slow rumble.


Ship's Travel (Otherwise Untitled)

To this, betsey lost their remaining nerve and belted out laughing at the cockatiel. "you really do hate those things, don't you, cheeks?", addressing sam by his nickname who in turn replied with a vigorous nod.

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Meal Planning Concession (Otherwise Untitled)

~ there was a trill of excitement down the hallway from the cockatiel, "quite agreeable for you, today. i'll start the cooker, once my hands are free."

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Care Package (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the cockatiel chuckled aloud, audible from the couple decks below.

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Dinner and Movie (Otherwise Untitled)

It's got a cockatiel who breaks into banks!"

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The ship creaked, startling the cockatiel, but no voices. _the med bay is on the way to the panels i need to replace. byron needs deal with ila's body.

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Excerpt of "Brooklyn Blackie and the Unappetizing Menu" from Inhuman Acts, a FurPlanet book

The albino cockatiel had a better head for business than i ever had. all her feathers were fluffed in all the right places, too. it was december 9th, and lucy was in the office that morning when i came in. she was cheerful, and i was suspicious.

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