Kage's Camping Trip 2

Story by Shadow55419 on SoFurry

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#2 of Kage's Camping Trip

Next installment of Kage's story :D

Chapter 2

It was just after midnight when Kage heard something tapping the side of his truck. Taking in a lung full of air he immediately picked up Melony's unique strawberry kiwi shampoo as well as two students from the class, one a mouse the other a grey hound, both boys.

"Yes Ms. Melony, what is it?" He asked a little tiredly as he remained lying down.

"I've got a couple boys here that need to go to the restroom, just thought I'd let you know," Melony said before she and the two students continued their way up the path.

It was only a few moments later he heard the golden eyed husky scream bloody murder. He cleared the side of his truck and several feet of ground before landing and running towards the bath house where the two students and the rather faint looking husky woman were backing slowly away from a snake, the two boys by no choice of their own.

The black wolf simply shook his head, stepped up to the snake and picked him up allowing it to wrap itself around his arm and chest for warmth, being nothing more than a black snake there was nothing to really worry about.

"Mr. Kage you put that snake down, it might be poisonous," Melony said sounding absolutely freaked out.

'She's too much of a city girl,' Kage thought with a chuckle as he stared at the golden eyed husky.

"He's just looking for a warm place, he won't bite unless you provoke him," the black wolf said kneeling down and letting the two boys touch the snake as it continued to wrap itself around his arm and upper torso, letting his tail wag slightly showing his amusement with the two boys, "I think I'll hang on to him till morning, show the rest of the class."

The two boys were absolutely ecstatic about that before they ran into the bathroom remembering why they had come up to the bath house. While the boys were in the bathroom the camp host came out to make sure everything was okay before giving the snake a quick pat on the head and going back to his camper.

Melony kept the two cubs between her and Kage as they walked back to the camp fearing the snake some how might jump from Kage's body to hers. Once back at camp Kage found a bag to put the snake in so he would be warm through the night and went back to sleep with no further interruptions.

After breakfast Kage retrieved the snake from his truck, allowing the students to feel it and even managing to get it to show its teeth, before teaching them more about it, including that since it wasn't a venomous snake it did not have hollow fangs. The black wolf let the snake loose down by the stream and greeted what the students were now calling 'his buck' that was standing on the opposing bank. The buck backed up slightly and jumped to Kage's side.

"So you want to visit my students today?" The black wolf asked with a chuckle.

The buck simply dropped his head before raising it back up as a sort of nod to the wolf. Kage nodded back and began walking up the path, the white tailed deer walking next to him as though it were the most natural thing. Shara was the first to spot the buck walking along side her brother and let out a surprised and excited scream drawing the attention of the rest of the class.

"STOP!" Kage shouted as the students started stampeding towards the deer and himself.

The students stopped seeing that the buck had moved behind Kage as if to hide from them. After giving them specific rules about dealing with the uncharacteristically people friendly deer each student was allowed to pet him. Even though Mr. Samson and Mrs. Melik were quite surprised to see a wild deer so friendly with a wolf such as Kage they too took turns to pet the animal as it stood patiently in their campsite.

Once the fascination with the wild creature had worn off, Kage fed him some of the salad they had left over from lunch and sent the large buck on his way after thanking him for his kindness.

"I never knew you were so animal friendly Mr. Kage," Julie's voice said from behind the tall black wolf.

"I can be if I want to," he replied with a chuckle as he sent the girl back to her duties as part of the supper time gathering group.

Throughout the day Kage taught the students how to tie a few knots, start a fire with two sticks, as well as luring a couple other wild animals out of hiding to greet the class. The one that got the most attention was a feral rabbit that allowed himself to be picked up and held by the grey furred wolf that was Kage's little sister.

Tanker came to the camp and was surprised to see the wolf pup holding a rabbit, but said nothing since even though it was uncommon to see one being held; it wasn't surprising to see feral animals in a campsite that Kage was using. He stayed for dinner explaining different things about some of the other animals that his friend had managed to lure into the camp.

"Kage you've got to stop bringing wild animals into the camp grounds," The tan furred German shepherd said as the two men walked up to the camp store after they'd eaten dinner with the class.

"Oh come now Tank, you've said that how many times over the years I've been doing this? Have I listened yet?" the black wolf replied with a chuckle, "Besides its good for the kids, it's not like I feed them and keep them around; they come on their own and leave on their own."

"I know all that, but that lady husky seemed a little scared of your talents of finding animals to show off," Tanker replied as he unlocked the building that held the store.

"She's a city girl, she screamed bloody murder last night at a little ole five foot black snake," Kage said drawing a laugh from the German shepherd, "Hey our resupply should be here any minute, you mind leading them down? I'm on clean up duty or I'd go."

"Sure thing Kage," the German shepherd replied shaking his head and walking back out of the store to head for the camp ground's main gate.

The person bringing the fresh supplies left after helping pack everything away, the students went down to the stream to play for a while, even though the water was cold, before once again gathering around the campfire for a new word game and a rather fun story from Kage. Once all the glow stick wearing cubs were in their beds and sleeping soundly Kage made his way up to his truck and began gathering his bathing stuff.

"You mind if I come with you?" the golden eyed husky asked holding up her towel and shampoo bottle.

Kage shrugged and began walking towards the bathhouse with Melony at his side. When they got there he looked a little confused when the husky woman walked to the men's side of the building.

"Ummm, this is the men's," Kage said tapping the sign by the door.

"I know, but there isn't anyone else around and I won't tell if you don't," she replied stepping through the door before the black furred wolf could reply.

He stepped into the building and quickly figured out which shower the grey furred husky woman was using and selected one as far as possible from it. The quiet patter of water against tile and fur was the only sound that filled the building for a long time.

"So how did you get so good with wild animals?" Melony asked through the cascade of water from her shower head.

"Just kind of happened, started a few years ago with that buck that met the class this morning," Kage answered washing the shampoo from his tail, "Why did you want to use the men's shower?"

"Nervousness after what happened with the snake," the grey husky said quietly, "I just don't like being snuck up on by wild animals."

"Maybe you shouldn't have come then," the black wolf said shutting off the water in his shower earning a surprised yelp from the husky.

"You heard me over the water?"

"I hear a lot more than most think, including the girls in the grey tent talking about how cute I am," Kage said with a laugh as he dried his fur, "And Mr. Samson telling you I was the bravest person out here."

"Let's test that theory then shall we," Melony replied with a devious tone while turning the water to full blast and moving to another one and turning it on as well.

"Can you hear me now?" she said just above a whisper while she stood wrapped in a towel in the large handicap shower on the end.

"Yes I can hear you. Now why don't you ask a question I'll have to think to answer?"

The grey husky let out a huff as she tried to think up a question for him to answer while Kage quietly moved himself to the opposing end of the building just to shock the crap out of the female chaperone.

"Okay, do you think it's possible to scare your sister?" Melony asked in a more normal tone when she finally thought of a question.

"It is, but you have to know what she doesn't like," Kage shouted from across the building.

Melony heard his loud tone and immediately went through the showers, shutting off the two she'd turned on as she went, to see if he were still in the same half of the large space. She found his bathing supplies in the stall closest to the sink, his towel and him missing though his cloths were still there.

"Where are you?" she asked in a loud shocked tone.

The black wolf stepped out of the handicap stall at the opposite end of the building with a smirk on his lips and his tail swaying slightly behind him under the towel he wore around his waist. Melony's jaw nearly hit the floor, exactly the reaction Kage was looking for, but then she started to notice the wolf in front of her as he came back towards the shower stalls. His black fur still slightly damp but the lines of his abdominal muscles still clearly showing and his well toned arms crossed over his chest.

"If you're going to stare at me, mind at least letting me get my pants?" Kage chuckled when the golden eyed husky blushed furiously beneath her fur.

It was Kage's turn to blush, though he didn't let it show, when the woman reached up and dropped her towel to the floor showing off her flat stomach and c-cup breasts, both covered in snow white fur bordered by a lighter grey than what covered the rest of her body. Her blush reached the inside of her ears as she reached for the black wolf's towel.

"Just what are you doing?" Kage managed to ask as the husky removed his towel.

"I gave you everything to stare at, I just want everything in return," Melony said with a slight tremble in her tone as the towel fell from her hand and the black wolf's body.

The grey husky took a step back and stared at Kage's body, his muscles lean and well built but not bulky like some body builder, she could easily tell that given the chance he could probably lift her clear over his head and not think twice.

"I've been meaning to ask, just how old are you and Mr. Samson?" Kage asked drawing a slight yelp of surprise from Melony.

"I just turned 25 and he's 27 I think," She answered not taking her eyes off him and knowing he wasn't taking his eyes off her, "We used to be student's of Mrs. Melik's."

They stood in silence for a few minutes before the husky braved up and stepped closer to the black wolf that still stood as though nothing was wrong. The sound of feet crunching across gravel caught Kage's attention so he quickly grabbed the golden eyed husky and their towels before moving them both into the closest shower stall and motioning for her to stay quiet when she pulled away from him.

The door opened and two cubs came in and went to the opposite end of the building completely oblivious that two of their chaperones were in one of the shower stalls. They heard the door open again and a pair of heavier foot steps making their way towards the showers. Kage stuck a few inches of his tail out of the curtain to get what he hoped, since he couldn't smell anything but Melony's shampoo, was Mr. Samson's attention and tell him to get out. What he didn't expect was someone to grab his tail and pull on it causing him to yelp.

The black wolf immediately pulled his tail away from the grip as he wrapped a towel around his waist while Melony stepped behind the second curtain to hide.

"Whoever yanked my tail better believe he's in for a whoopin'," Kage growled as he stepped out of the stall and straight into a Ranger's chest which caused his ears to immediately lay flat against his head until he noticed who it was, "Oh, hi Jack, what are you doing out here?" he asked with a slight growl in his tone.

The taller grey wolf had a few large patches of black on his arms that were visible, and he was also very well toned like the smaller black wolf in front of him.

"Came hunting my son, you weren't in your truck like you normally are, these two cubs asked me to bring them up since you weren't there," the taller wolf said with slight shake of his head looking past his son, "Enjoying this trip are we?"

"Not your business old man," Kage whispered with the growl still somehow audible when he heard the curtain behind him moving.

"Can I at least meet the lucky husky?" his father asked with a chuckle in the same hushed tone to make sure the students didn't find out.

Melony peaked out from behind the shower curtain with a nervous smile on her face, her platinum blonde hair still clinging to her shoulders. When she caught sight of the tall grey and black wolf she looked a little awe struck and ducked back behind the curtain when the two students came out of their stalls.

"Jack will take you back to camp, I was just getting out of the shower when you boys came in," Kage said with a smile as he stepped back into the shower stall.

After the boys had left with the older wolf, Kage tapped the curtain signaling it safe was for the golden eyed husky to come out. Melony quickly went back to her stall and dressed and waited outside the door for Kage, the blush never leaving her face.

"Why didn't you tell anyone your dad was a Park Ranger here?" Melony asked as they walked back to the campsite.

"Not that big a deal is it?" Kage asked dodging the question.

"Not really, but nearly getting caught doing something like that with kids around wasn't fun, so why didn't you tell anyone?" the golden eyed husky asked a little more sternly.

"Because he's the reason I am the way I am, I spent more time in the woods as a pup than a house or school because of him," the black wolf answered with a growl deep in his throat.

"I happen to like the way you are," Melony said wrapping her arms around his arm and snuggling up to him, "You're great with kids, you're knowledgeable about surviving out here, and you're a pretty nice wolf when it comes down to it."

"You didn't know me before," the black wolf replied quietly.

"I don't need to know who you were before, just who you are now," the grey husky replied as they spotted Kage's father sitting on the front of his truck.

"You're not much of a camper are you young lady?" the tall grey wolf asked once she could hear him.

"Not really, I came out here thinking it would be easier than it has been, but I must admit I am having a great deal of fun," she answered with a smile before separating herself from Kage's arm and walking back to her own tent.

"She likes you, who would have thought it possible for a city girl like that to go for a mongrel like you," the taller grey wolf said in a teasing tone.

"The only reason I'm a mongrel is because of you Jack, now why are you here?" Kage asked with a low growl as he turned to face his father.

"Oh come on son, I can't come by to see you when you're in town?" the older wolf asked sounding a little hurt, even though Kage could tell it was false.

"I've been here three weeks in a row and you've never come to visit before so why now?" the black wolf replied coldly before adding, "And would you please for the love of the wild STOP calling me son, you were no father to me when I was a pup and you're even less of one now."

"Because this week your sister is here too, I'll come back in the morning, I just wanted to warn you that I'd be here for breakfast as a surprise to her before your group leaves," the grey wolf replied calmly before turning and walking into the darkness completely ignoring the second part of Kage's statement.

The next morning Shara was so excited to see their father that she practically tackled him to the ground when she spotted him sitting at the camp fire with her brother. She was having so much fun talking to the older grey wolf that Kage took her place on the cooking team to save a little time. Jack left after having a plate full of ham and eggs and a short lesson on dealing with some of the more dangerous snakes that might be around since Shara had told him about the black snake Kage brought to the camp.

Once the students had finished their breakfasts and cleaning the kitchen, Kage had them start taking the tents down while he and a selected few of the students started packing up the kitchen. Samson, the large Bengal tiger, was helping a few students get Kage's bed cover back on his truck since they'd taken it off to use as the adult's table for the week. Melony, the golden eyed husky with platinum blonde hair, was helping some of the students clear out the supply and gear tents while Mrs. Melik, the graying leopard and teacher of this bunch of students, was talking with the parents who started to show up to pick up their kids.

"No one is leaving till we police the sight," Kage said overhearing a conversation of one irate mother trying to get away from nature as fast as possible, "My rules not, Mrs. Melik's."

"You can't stop me from taking my child home young man," an older calico said with a sneer.

A whole slew of parents began shouting at him and the teacher about having a schedule to keep or some other excuse to leave as fast as they could. No one noticed that instead of his ears going back in fear they were pointed straight up off his head and the left was twitching, his tail low but straight in no way showing he would falter as they continued to yell at the two of them. Eventually even Mrs. Melik's long fuse began to grow rather short and Kage's temper finally broke, he gave three almost deafening barks that made the birds in the trees fly off and everyone around, including most of the students in the campsites, to get really quiet really fast.

"Alright, my rules are the ones we've done this trip and every other trip by, that's the rules we're sticking to now," Kage said with a low growl from his throat as he spoke, "Now that means no one leaves till everything is dealt with and the campsites are cleaned of any trash."

Mrs. Melik nodded her head in agreement, glad that the parents were starting to cooperate, even if it was out of fear of the young wolf standing beside her. Soon the class had the campsite cleared of tents and personal property, the parents were standing in the line with a couple trash bags as the students walked slow from one end of the three sites to the other picking up trash. The Ranger that had been in the store at the time of Kage's barks came down to the sites to make sure everything was okay and to let Mrs. Melik know that everything with the campgrounds was settled as far as money went.

Once the students and parents were all loaded into their cars, Kage put his shoes back on while Melony and Shara loaded into his truck with Julie before they headed for the school behind the convoy of cars with the bed only holding their luggage and the trailer in tow.

"Did you have fun this week Julie?" the black wolf asked as they got on to the interstate.

"Yeah, after the first night it was fine," the malamute said with a wide smile on her face, "Meeting all those animals was fun too."

"And what about you Ms. Melony?" he asked looking away from the road for a moment.

"Well it could have been a little more fun, but I did find it enjoyable for my first time in the woods," the golden eyed husky replied with a wink that caused the two girls in the back to giggle madly.