Kage's Camping Trip 3

Story by Shadow55419 on SoFurry

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#3 of Kage's Camping Trip

Here be more

Chapter 3

When they arrived at the school Kage went to the office to see his mother for a few minutes after getting Julie's things from the back of the truck and the pup sent off to her parents. When he arrived in the school office he waved at the vixen behind the desk before she stopped him from going into the principal's private office.

"Ms. Veronica has a student in with her right now Mr. Kage, you'll have to wait out here until she's done," the vixen said pointing to the other desk, "And I could use a little help here too."

The black wolf laughed and sat down in the other desk and answered a few phone calls while waiting to see his mother. When a young hyena girl came out of the principal's private office she blushed and waved at Kage when he greeted her as he walked into his mother's office.

The room wasn't overly large but it had a window that looked out directly onto the school's huge flower garden, behind the desk was a brown furred wolf with a look of true grace even when sitting down as she was. The woman stood and hugged the black wolf tightly around the neck.

"Hey mom, needed to know if I was supposed to take Shara home with me or not," Kage asked after the quick hug as they sat across the desk from one another.

"I'll take her home with me, you look tired dear," Veronica answered with a small look of concern, "Mrs. Melik called on the way back and said you had a small encounter with your father as well, how did that turn out?"

"Well I'll just say I was hoping you would take Shara so I can burn off some stress," Kage said with a chuckle when the older woman just rolled her eyes, "It didn't go well for me, I was tempted to shred him into tiny little wolf bits when he pulled my tail, but it went better for Shara."

"He pulled your tail?"

"Yeah, I thought he was Samson since I couldn't smell anything but shampoo and I was trying to get him out of the shower half of the building."

"I don't want to know why, though I hope it wasn't a cub you were with," the brown timber wolf replied in a serious tone.

Kage fell out of his chair in shock and took a few moments to recover while he straightened himself and the chair.

"Mother, you know better than that, I would never do such a thing," the black wolf answered in an almost reprimanding tone, "I may be a wild animal but geez give me some credit in self control."

Veronica childishly pressed her ears to her head, placing her hands over them and closed her eyes before she started to shake her head back and forth, hating to hear her son call himself a wild animal. Kage just rolled his eyes with a chuckle before he hugged his mother after kissing her between the ears and went back to the students.

When he got back to where the carpool had parked most of the students and cars had already left, Shara and Julie were playing on the jungle gym so he went and said his good byes to his sister and her friend who both hugged him and thanked him for an awesome week.

"Headed back to the wild wolf boy?" a sultry female voice asked from behind him just before he opened the door to his truck.

"Not yet, some of my gear needs cleaning, cloths need washing and all that," Kage replied without turning around as he caught Melony's reflection in the windows, "Might have this pretty little platinum blonde haired husky I know come over for dinner tonight if she wouldn't mind."

"I bet she wouldn't," Melony replied with an excited tone before she ran around to the passenger side of the truck.

"What about your car?"

"It's still at my house, I walked here at the start of the week; I only live right around the corner."

The two drove to Kage's house on the outskirts of town, he didn't even get the truck stopped good before Melony was out and on her way into the house with her bag over her shoulder. When he got the truck and trailer parked where they belonged he went into the house and was met with the sound of running water from his bathroom so he went back outside and started unloading the trailer and getting things back where they belonged in the large shed he had in the back yard.

"Showers free," Melony called from the porch just as he finished unloading the trailer, her platinum blond hair clinging to the shirt she had on.

"How did you even find it? You've never been here before," Kage replied with a laugh.

"That was the easy part, finding the towels was the hard part and that only took a couple seconds while I waited on the hot water," the golden eyed husky laughed, "Now, are you taking me out or are we staying in for dinner?"

"What in the devil makes you think I'm in any condition to go out at this moment?" the black wolf asked with a chuckle as he ran a hand through the middle silver streak in his sweat soaked hair as he made his way up to the deck.

"I guess you don't hear everything after all," Melony said with a slight pout before moving a strand of her hair out of her face.

"Oh I never said I hear everything, just more than most," Kage said with a confused tone, "What am I missing here? Because you're a little off topic at the moment I think."

"I like you, you big ofe, I wouldn't have gone into the men's showers with Samson and I most certainly wouldn't have disrobed the way I did if I had," she replied the blush creeping into her ears.

"You don't know me that well Melony, the safest thing for anyone is to stay away from me," the black wolf said going back into the house, "When I invited you I meant for dinner, but nothing more."

"Why?" the golden eyed husky asked following him, "Why is it best for anyone to stay away from you? It can't be because you're a wolf, you're not the only one out there, my father is a wolf after all."

"Reason is, I'm almost as wild as that buck and the rabbit Shara held onto are. When Jack left me out there I became like them, when the rangers finally brought me into civilization I had no memory of how to live like you do every day," Kage said with a low growl in his throat as well as some fear in his tone, "I'm just another one of those wild animals I lured out into the campsites, nothing more."

"You're much more than that, especially to your sister, you must have heard her bragging on you the whole trip, not to mention the fact even the feline students weren't afraid of you, well excepting that moment you howled during the ghost story and the barking at the parents thing, but that scared everyone."

"Look, you've always been a city girl, you know the transition into cushy woods life, but I had to learn and live in the wild for eleven years. That's not a life one easily moves out of and one most certainly doesn't forget who caused just that problem."

"So that's the real reason you never talk about your father, you hate him for what you once were, but how long have you been living in the city now?"

"About ten years off and on, I spend the better part of two months in the woods just after new years each year since about three years ago as well as three more around summer time; I can't just walk away from it."

"You can't possibly hold a steady job with all that time in the wild, how did you get all this?"

"My mom's father, same as the streaks in my hair, he left it all to me specifically, the truck, a lot of the camping gear, the house too, I some times wonder if Jack put me out there so he could have time to find a way around the will."

"That would be a purely evil thing to do, but I guess putting a pup that's five or six years old, in the wild with no means is just as bad," Melony said wrapping Kage in a hug from behind, "I'm going to stay here with you a while, just because I can."

"I was three when he left me out there, he's always said he constantly had eyes on me but I don't see how," the black wolf said with a low tone, "I'm still just as much a wild animal, are you sure you want to stay here?"

"Stop calling yourself that, you're not wild and even if you were you'd find someone to be with, so why not let it be a silly city girl?" the golden eyed husky asked with her cheek still against his back.

"Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot," Kage said with a small smile on his muzzle.

"I have to ask one thing, why would your father want this house, that truck, and all that camping gear? Seems a little petty if you ask me, I mean it's just stuff."

"Oh it's not all that he wanted, it's the couple hundred million dollars attached to it all that he probably wanted, but when mom divorced him he had no claim to it anymore."

"And since it's your name on the will and I'm guessing your mom was the executor he couldn't touch it with you around," Melony said with a shocked and hateful tone, "That evil son of a bitch!"

"It wasn't till just after Shara was born that I was brought out of my exile, she was a little over a year old and never knew she had a brother," Kage said with a somber tone.

"She seems to love you all the same now," the golden eyed husky said coming around in front of him.

"Oh she giggled her little grey head off when a 14 year old black furred grey wolf came into the house on all fours and sniffing for a familiar scent, but she called me 'big brother' just as pretty as you please when I came over and sniffed her," the black wolf said with a chuckle at one of his fonder memories, "She immediately hugged me around the neck too, didn't take that too well and was under the back porch before anyone could stop me when she let go."

"So who taught to be as you are now?" Melony asked sounding a little more curious.

"Mom taught me basically everything; how to talk again, reading, writing, walking with shoes on, though as you saw I rarely keep them on if I don't need them. Learning how to eat politely with a knife and fork instead of claws and teeth was also on the list, took five years of doing but here I am."

"Well at least you're a trained wild animal."

"Well yes and no, I've never had a girlfriend, so if that's what you're looking to be you're going to have to be patient, and get used to me being gone five months out of the year or more if I take students out camping, which seems to be happening more often of late."

"Can't you cut back on the wild trips a little?"

"Oh, I have believe me, I'm down from eight months dead straight a year four years ago, before that it was ten months straight. I used to run away when I was still new to city life, that German shepherd Ranger that taught the kids about the animals I was bringing into camp, he found me one time and taught me all those knots I was teaching the kids."

"He didn't report you as a lost kid or anything?"

"Since he was one of the rangers who found me in the wild he reported it to my father, who proceeded to call my mom for her to come get me. I actually hadn't seen Jack since Shara's fifth birthday."

"Well if you need to go back, I won't stop you since your mom doesn't even bother anymore," Melony said with a small smile.

"Oh she requires two weeks notice, my general location and that I carry a satellite phone in case she needs me," Kage laughed remembering the freak out his mother went through the first time he told her he was going back, "Other than that all I take is some fishing line, a knife and spear head though I rarely use any of it. And since everything here is paid for all I have to do is have the power cut off and park the truck at the visitors center out at King's Mountain," he added with a more serious tone, "And if I'm out when the truck inspection comes due one of the rangers handles it for me."

"So what do you do while you're in civilization?" Melony asked taking a couple steps back and sitting in one of the few chairs in the house.

"Ordinarily I spend time at the school, I'm a registered volunteer and I play teachers assistant once in a while when I'm needed."

"I meant outside of school, do you have any friends here? Or are the park rangers your only friends?"

"No close friends, there are a few people I tolerate because they don't ask questions about my past, the rangers out at King's Mountain are more like family, well if I knew what a normal family was that is," Kage paused for a moment and looked the golden eyed husky with a look of wonder on his face, "This is the first time I've felt comfortable telling anyone about all this, why?"

"Maybe because you know my father is a wolf," the golden eyed husky replied with a shrug and a small chuckle, "I'm not a psychiatrist, so I don't know."

"Alright I'll ask this then. Is there some reason I don't scare you the way I normally scare everyone else?"

"Maybe it's because I've seen you be nicer than most people I know to someone whose scared witless instead of taking advantage and be so kind and comforting that instead of the wild animal you claim to be, I see one of the best people I know," Melony answered with a calm and cool tone, "Or it's the fact you're a total hunk, and I want you," she added with a more joking tone.

The inside of Kage's ears turned bright red which caused the golden eyed husky woman to start laughing uncontrollably. When Melony finally regained her composure she noticed that the black wolf had left the room and that the shower was running.

The grey furred husky decided to explore the house a little bit, finding a room clearly marked with Shara's name on the door. She found the room very much the young grey furred wolf's style dressed in deep purples and blues everywhere. The next room was an empty room with a couple of shelves on the wall that held nothing but one small figurine of a feral wolf howling.

"You came for dinner, but unless you want a can of Vienna sausages, I think we'd better go out," Kage's voice said from behind her making the golden eyed husky jump slightly.

"Thought you weren't in any condition to go out," Melony replied with a chuckle as she turned to face the black wolf to be led out of the room.

"Just needed a cool down shower since I unloaded the trailer," the black wolf replied with a smile, "I'll feel even better after a good night's sleep but it's a little early in the day for that."

"What kind of truck is that?" Melony asked finally taking full notice of the huge machine once they were out of the house.

"The title says it's a 1988 Chevrolet C10, Jack says it's a crew cab with a long bed and four wheel drive," Kage replied with a shrug, "Mom told me it was the last thing Grandpa bought before moving out here, all I really know is that it tows that trailer without second thought, it goes through gas faster than Jack's work truck, and I can go really, really fast in it if I put my foot to the floor." He added the last part with a silly tone.

"Well, limited as my knowledge of vehicles may be the general rule of thumb is the older the car the worse the gas mileage," the golden eyed husky replied with a giggle, "Though I have seen that proven wrong in a couple cases."

"Well it gets me from point A to point B so I won't complain," the black wolf said with a chuckle of his own as he started the huge machine and pulled out of the drive way.

They drove back to the general vicinity of Melony's home before picking a pizza place, ordering the biggest meat lovers pizza they offered. They spent most of the time before the pizza came in a comfortable silence just staring at each other, Kage wearing a small smile.

"At least this time I don't have to ask for my pants while you stare at me," the black wolf said breaking the silence and causing his platinum blonde haired companion to blush all the way up to her ears.

"Why did your grandfather leave everything to you?" the golden eyed husky asked once she regained her ability to speak.

"How do I know? I was only a pup, why don't you tell me something about yourself city girl?"

"Well, I grew up in this city, never really been anywhere else unless you count vacations to the beach and other states to visit distant family. I'm a college student currently majoring in art history and taking classes to be a better artist as well, nothing much else to tell except for school stories, and I'm sure you've got a few of those yourself."

"Actually no I don't, since I was in the woods for eleven years, I don't have a formal school day education, yeah I can talk pretty, read and write and all that, I have some history lessons outside King's Mountain and such, but I never even got into elementary school, never spent enough time in the city to actually get a major education either."

"Okay, guess I should have seen that coming, with you being out there eight months out of a year," Melony said rubbing her muzzle, "I do have one question, how long did it take for your mother to divorce your father, I mean was it before or after you came back?"

"When she saw me coming into the house on all fours, not talking, tail tucked firmly between my legs and looking more scared than excited, she was ready to kill Jack, since it was pretty obvious to her that he'd been less than truthful about where I'd been for eleven years," Kage replied with a small smirk, "According to him I'd been in school and living with him at the Ranger's station."

"So wait, when he came back here without you, what would he say then?" the golden eyed husky asked with a confused tone.

"Anything from school projects that needed finishing, staying the weekend with friends to sick in bed apparently," the black wolf replied a little crossly, "I don't see how that held for eleven years but my bet is it really didn't and my coming back the way I was, was the final straw."

"Well, if you ever wonder what normal family is like, you can come visit me and my folks any time, they're a little stricter about certain things so I wouldn't let on you've got no formal education."

"Well that just leaves what I do know, the history of King's Mountain and enough math to get by on."

When the pizza came they dug in to their first slices wordlessly, Melony just happy to have popular foods again, Kage because he hadn't gotten breakfast.

"So Melony, why did you really go on that camping trip?" the black wolf asked between bites, "Beyond the fact that you thought Mrs. Melik would need help with the girls."

"To get away from my parents for a little bit mostly, but also to see just what all the fuss was about when it came to camping and the rumors about you being the best in the school when it comes to things like that," the golden eyed husky answered with a small embarrassed smile.

"What rumors?"

"All the female volunteers at the school talk about you being so great with children and strong enough to carry them without thinking about it, the guys talk about how good you are with the set up and actual camping games and such."

"Okay, good rumors then, what about this getting away from your parents?"

"Well as I said they're a little stricter than your mother about a full education, I'm constantly being told to study up or asked how I did on my last test or assignments. My mother also likes to pick on me about finding a boy to get married to while I'm in college like she and dad did."

"Oh believe me, Shara is getting a full education, even if I have to go along and beat her butt to get it done, mom's already said that plenty of times," Kage said with a chuckle, "But I can see how it would get annoying to be constantly bugged that way."

"Wait, who'd go to college with her?" Melony asked a little confused by what he'd said.

"Me, Kage, her big brother, neither mom nor I will have her held up in life like I have been," the black wolf said with a more serious tone, "I'll also be there to keep the boys at bay if I go," he added with a sharp toothed grin.

"Protective of your little sister, always a good sign," the platinum blonde husky said with a giggle.

"You have no idea how much so, after a few weeks around her I couldn't help but feel it, so much so that I would either sleep on the floor next to her bed or on the foot of it curled up like a feral wolf would which would lead to her either unraveling me and sleeping wrapped up in my arms like I was a blanket or using my thigh for a pillow."

"I bet your mother thought that was cute as all get out."

"For a while she didn't mind it and then as I got a little more 'trained', as you called it, I was no longer allowed to sleep in her room, this led to her sneaking into mine for a couple weeks before mom caught on."

"How didn't she catch on right away?"

"I've always been up first, usually before day break or right at, so I would carry her back to her room in the mornings before mom was up, mom went into her room looking for something one night and found Shara in my bed with me when she came to wake me to help find her."

"What did you do, pick her up in your teeth by her PJs?" the husky asked with a giggle at the image.

"No I believe it is called a bridal carry," the black wolf replied seriously, "Her PJs wouldn't have stood up to my teeth," he added with a chuckle.

"Okay, so when is your next camping trip?"

"Week after next since it's still only Friday, I told the teacher of this one I'd need a break after three weeks in a row in the woods, little bit of a white lie considering, just wanted to spend some time with mom and Shara."

Melony's phone rang in her purse, seeing the number she quickly answered it. Kage continued to eat quietly figuring by the way the conversation was going it was her parents on the other end. After she mentioned someone bringing her home to pick up a few things before she left again he started paying closer attention.

"Are you planning on getting me lynched or something?" the black wolf asked leaning over the table slightly after she'd put her phone away, "Because if I'm not terribly mistaken you just told your father you were staying with a man for a couple weeks, one of those on another camping trip."

"Oh he won't hang you, he might shoot at you though," Melony replied with a thoughtful look.

"I should warn you then, I don't react well to guns of any kind," Kage said with a quieter tone and quite seriously, "As in I go bananas at the sight of one and might just take your father's head off even if he doesn't pull the trigger first."

"He won't have one on hand with me coming, but with your nose you'll probably be able to sniff out where they are and scare him a bit," the golden eyed husky replied with a giggle at the thought of her father scared of someone as young as Kage.

They finished the pizza quickly and headed for her home to retrieve her car and a few personal belongings to last her at least two more days than what she had in the bag already in Kage's truck and her school books. When they arrived Melony agreed to make any introductions quick before her father had a chance to go for anything dangerous. While they sat in the driveway the front door opened and an older version of Melony stood there waiting for them, she was a grey furred husky with the same platinum blonde hair but with bright blue eyes.

"Mom, this is Kage, the guy I'm staying with for the next couple weeks, he's in need of tutoring and since he lives so far outside the city I'm going to his place to help him," the golden eyed husky said as she and the black wolf walked up to the front door, "He also chaperoned the camping trip I just came home from."

"Please tell your husband that coming around the corner with that shot gun would be a bad idea in my presence," Kage said calmly after a moment of standing in the door, "I can't stand guns is all, I go a little nuts seeing them."

They all heard the gun being placed back in its place before a tall red wolf stepped around the corner with his hand motioning for both of them to come into the house. Melony immediately making a sprint for her room to get her books and cloths.

"So how did my daughter fair on the camping trip young Mr. Kage?" the red wolf asked as he took a seat on the couch.

"She did better than a few of the students did, her wolf half truly showed during the last two days," the black wolf replied running a hand through the three streaks in his hair.

"I'd like to know how you knew about the gun my husband had," the graying husky female asked sitting with her husband, "Please sit, Melony will be a while."

"I smelled the powder in the shells, heard the rounds being loaded," Kage replied finding a seat to sit in, "12 gauge, side by side double barrel if I'm not mistaken."

"Thought you didn't like guns son," Melony's father said with a half shocked tone, "But to be able to tell that from smells and hearing alone you must know something about them."

"Knowing them doesn't require liking them and that glock to your left side in the couch won't do much good against me either sir, what ever you do choose to do with it, don't draw it unless you think you're faster than I am."

The three of them sat in an uncomfortable silence, Melony's father was stunned that Kage knew about the one gun in the house that no one else did and her mother was stunned at his senses being so acute.

"So Melony told you about my collection of guns did she?" the red wolf said with a small chuckle.

"Only that you have a few sir, she didn't list any specifics, I can also tell you Melony just opened her shampoo bottle upstairs and that your dinner is about five minutes from over cooking." Kage replied calmly his left ear twitching slightly, "Also, there is someone coming up your walk."

The knock on the door brought Melony's parents out of their shock, the older husky moved to the kitchen to remove their dinner from the oven while the Melony's father answered the door. Kage remained seated in the chair just out of site of the door, over hearing some person spout off about 'the good word' till the door was slammed in his face.

"Couldn't have told me it was a Jehovah's Witness?" the red wolf asked with a chuckle as he came back around to the couch.

"Can't usually tell who they are till the door is open," Kage replied with a similar chuckle.

"So you say Melony opened her shampoo upstairs, how do you know?"

"She used a strawberry and kiwi scented shampoo during the camping trip and the smell increased ten fold for a moment and then went back to what I normally smell from her fur alone, I can only assume she opened the bottle being down here."

"What about the glock at my left side, the shot gun and the dinner?"

"Same principle, all by nose, the guy on the walk had a heavy limp in his left leg, pretty easy to hear when you know what to listen for sir,"

"Sounds like you've spent a while in the wild or you naturally have heightened senses."

"Both sir, I'm pure blood grey wolf from both sides so my nose and ears are a little more sensitive and I camp a lot during the later half of the year being the schools biggest supplier of camping gear," Kage said with a small chuckle, "I also help out my mother's sister school and a one or two of the middle school classes when it comes to camping."

"Middle school classes? That's got to be a couple hundred students at a time!" the red wolf replied in a shocked tone.

"My largest middle school class has only been 27, those students have to not only earn the trip by grades but the money for it as well," the black wolf said with a small nod, "And their parents have to approve which is what hinders quite a few of them from coming when they're involved in some kind of sport or other activities outside the school."

"Seems a little unfair to me, but I'm not a middle school parent anymore."

"Seems a little unfair to the students if you ask me, take this past week for example, there were several parents who didn't approve of this idea but every student in the class was there because the teacher thought they needed the time out of a classroom and at least one parent approved."

Just then Melony came down the stairs with a pretty good sized school bag over one shoulder and a plastic bag with a few toiletries in it.

"Melony before you go, did you open your shampoo while you were upstairs?" her father asked remaining on the couch.

"Yeah, did Kage say something about me smelling of strawberries and kiwi?" the golden eyed husky said with a short giggle.

"He mentioned it, showing off his nose I guess, now for the real test," the red wolf said as his wife came back into the room, "Mr. Kage, what are we having for dinner tonight?"

Kage inhaled deeply through the nose before a few short sniffs.

"Oven roasted turkey, turned slow on a rotisserie in the oven, seasoned with thyme, rosemary and pepper corn, veggies smell like," Kage paused a moment and sniffed the air one last time, "Snap peas and collard greens, sir," he finished with the utmost certainty causing both of Melony's parent's jaws to drop.

"I should probably invite you to join us after such a show," the red wolf replied with a chuckle, "But as I understand it we caught you in the middle of your dinner when we called Melony."

"We'll be on our way so you can enjoy your dinner, ma'am a pleasure to meet you, sir the same," Kage said with a slight bow after he stood up, "Maybe next time you'll catch us before we're both starved of good food," he added with a chuckle.

"I think you impressed my dad, what exactly did you do beyond pointing out dinner and my shampoo?" Melony asked once they were back at Kage's home since they took separate cars back.

"Pointed out the glock stuffed in the side of the couch," the black wolf replied with a chuckle, "What exactly were you planning for the next week with me while I try and arrange it for you to chaperone the next class?"

"Well, for your information I'm your teacher for the next two days, come Monday I'll need to go back to classes to get any work I missed," the golden eyed husky said with a smirk of her own, "After I've finished any school work I'll keep teaching you and maybe some day you can go after your GED and a degree of some kind."

"You're assuming I actually have a want to do any of that Melony," Kage replied leaning against the front of his truck, "I'm too wild to sit and listen to some teacher talk all day, I had a hard time just sitting still while my mother taught me, hell more recently I had a hard time sitting still while the nightly stuff around the camp fire was going on."

"And what about the visitors center out there? You enjoyed that from what I saw."

"You saw wrong, I was asleep in the back row through the movie and I spent most of the battle ground hike talking to Samson about his family, I've heard and seen everything about that place more times than I can count, the quiz I brought back was actually made by the rangers up there since they did most of the talking and figured I wasn't listening anymore."

"Well, what is your plan for your future then?"

"Right now I'm fine with my life, if I want to go live in the woods I can, if I want to spend time with my sister, I'm more than welcome, I may be a little stupid on some things, but I think everyone is if it holds no interest for them."

Melony finally gave up after twenty more minutes of trying to get the black furred wolf to see the benefits of a proper education and went into the house leaving her bags and things in her car. Kage rolled his eyes slightly and grabbed everything but the school books from her car in one arm and a couple of the grocery bags they'd stopped to get from the back seat of his truck in the other before going in.

"I don't have a bed for you so you can stay in Shara's room, if she decides she staying over you can stay in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." The black wolf said as he walked through the house, dropping her bags next to the couch on the way to the kitchen.

"Can I ask you something?" the golden eyed husky asked coming in off the porch, getting a small nod from him before she continued, "Why, if I'm your girlfriend, shouldn't I just stay in your bed with you?"

"I was raised, well taught I guess would be a better word, not to stay in the same bed with a woman I'm not married to," Kage said as he made room for more stuff in his refrigerator before walking back out the front door.