The Summer of a life time: Chapter 6 - An Old Friend
"i'll see you in the morning babe, sleep tight" "you too hun, you too..........."
Preview of Mana-arachnid. May 23 Monthly.
A sudden tightness at the ankle and a twist of her foot made her stumble forward. she caught herself from falling yet the recently added potion vial slipped free, cracking on the floor!
Chapter Twenty - Kevin Does Something Smart
As soon as she was out, he closed it tightly, looking inside the crate and panicking. "where's amper!?" he yelled as he looked down at electra.
Trevor and John
He quickly hugged the wolf tight. john gently squeezed trevor tight to him. "why did you follow me from the club last night?" he asked as he shifted a bit on the bench.
6: Grab a Ticket For The Bullet Train
Hacking a little more into her arm she finally stopped and hugged her new kitty tightly "im fine, i'm just sick... but i'll be better once the winters over."
Desert Wind
Against his side holding tight, barely letting him kneel down to kiss her softly on the cheek.
Forever and for Always
My ears perked as i heard the sound coming from max's body behind me, so i turn around to comfort him, holding him tight to my chest.
Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark..._" the liger barely held back a whimper. they'd danced to that song. not on a date.
I lie here in the Darkness
A cell with my eyes shut tight and i wonder i wonder if there are moths around that light
Holly screamed, but the tight flesh around her muffled the noise. she heard a loud swallow, the gullet around her tightened, and she was pushed down.
Sammy's Night Out.
The fifteen year old rabbit was out on his nightly walk, wearing his usual attire of thick soled knee high boots, tight leather mini skirt, tight shirt and many other things.
L'arc The Bloaty Lion:Beer Keg
He said rather ecstatically "err i missed you too latin" l'arc replied somewhat strained as the buck's tight embrace was constricting his chest "mind if you lighten your grip a lil bit?". "where are we going anyway?"