The Summer of a life time: Chapter 6 - An Old Friend

Story by Gentaro on SoFurry

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Sitting up off the grass James looks down at his love, still laying on the hillside gazing into the moonlit night. James smiled at him lovingly before looking away a moment, James noticed their masks were together his laying by the side of Tom's whose was lent up against a tree. Taking a closer look at them he notices the insignia on the top of his doesn't match Tom's. Feeling his heart begin to sink heavily inside of him he pulls his knees into his face and buries his head away, slowly sobbing to himself. Hearing him slowly start to cry Tom immediately sat up and moved towards him to see what's wrong. "James, Are you alright?" Tom went to hug him feeling concerned but was pushed away by one of James's hands. "I'm fine....... It's just; the masks aren't the same so... You don't really love me, do you?" James kept his head buried away in-between his legs not wanting to be looked at by Tom. "Awww, James......... I want to show you something?" Tom spoke softly to him trying to get him to take notice and look again. Lifting his head up he looked at Tom to see what he wanted. Picking up a small stone he threw it at his mask knocking it over next to James's on the grass. James suddenly smiled at what he saw, seeing the Insignia was the same, only his mask was upside down compared to Tom's one when it was against the tree. "See, And Yes........ I Do Love You" Tom didn't give James a minute to come up with a second thought and pounced on top of him again Kissing him softly and holding him close as he did so. James just ignored all thoughts of doubt he ever had and hugged Tom back tightly, not wanting it to break. Pulling away from the kiss, Tom lay over James smiling but was concerned when he didn't get a smile back. "What's wrong? Don't you want the symbols to be the same?" Tom felt sadden by the question he'd ask thinking to himself that he was right but hoping he was wrong. James looked away before looking back again and speaking to him sadly. "No, I just feel kind of guilty for saying you didn't love me, I..... I'm sorry" James just looked away again thinking he'd probably just ruined what he had. "James, Don't feel guilty about it, it's over now..." "What!?" James went wide eyed hearing that. "No! I mean what happened? Not us........ Come here" Reaching down and cuddling James softly Tom began purring and licking his neck softly before sitting up again. "James, Lets just forget that happened and go on loving each other instead of feeling guilty over something silly? Ok?" Tom stayed hugging him tightly to make sure he got the message. "O.... Ok Babe" James smiled up at him softly relaxing into the hug "There ya g.... wait, what did you call me?" Tom just looked at him with a hidden blush "Err..... I called you? Well...... I said Babe." James looked down sadly thinking he'd dome something wrong. Tom just smiled, his face going red under his fur, not that it was hard to see with his face being white. Leaning down and giving a gentle lick across James's forehead Tom pulled back and smiled at him again. "Awww....... I think it's cute that you have a lil nick name for me?" Tom looked at him with a warm hearted smile before giving him a soft lick on the nose which made James squint from the touch. Standing up they both wandered off down the hill towards the gap in the fence they came through previously. Climbing back through the gap the two furs wander off into the Festival again looking for anything that would entertain them........... "So, where'd you wanna go now?" James looked at Tom wondering where they should go. "Well, there are still a few Market stalls left that I've not been to, wanna check them out with me?" James just nodded in reply before Tom grabbed his arm and Yanked him through the crowds of fur's and down the market stalls, looking for anything and everything that interests them. "Aww Yes! Fire Splitters! They had this here last year, let's get some?" Tom pulled James towards one of the stalls that looked a bit like a sweet maker standing in the queue. "What are Fire Splitters?" "It's basically candy that comes in a little bag that you can eat out of, There tasty as anything" James looked unsure but it cleared his mind when they moved up the to front of the queue they notice a wolf standing within the stall ready to serve them. "Ok, who's nex........? Hey, it's you guys? Nice to see you again, how's it going?" "Hey, I know you? You're the guy who works in that guitar shop in the new mall right?" James was surprised to see him here of all places. "Works? Haha, I own the shop, and yes I am. So, what can I do ya for?" "Two bags of Fire Splitters please" Tom cut in quick not wanting to wait any longer (When Food is one of the only things on this guys mind It's no surprise he Can't wait) "Here you are, Enjoy" The wolf handed them both a tiny silk bag with about 100 little red round disks inside. It wasn't long till tom had a few in his hand and was eating them one by one. James placed a small pile of onto his hand and chucked them straight into his mouth all at once. Tom Stopped and stared in amazement at what he'd just done. "What?" James looked at Tom wondering why he was wide eyed "You'll see" With this Tom began his usual jokey Chuckle. "I still don't get why you're Laughi........." James paused for a moment feeling strange "Oh God!?" Within seconds his tongue was practically on fire and he was breathing pure heat. Panting heavily he started to cool down a bit before he collapsed into Tom's arms looking up at him. "Guess you figured out why there called Fire Splitters now didn't ya?" Tom continued chuckling at him, before helping him up again. "Well........ I can safely say I'm NOT Doing that again" James got out with a light smile, still panting a little but stopping after a few more moments. "Haha, I bet you won't" Tom cuddled him tightly before they moved onward looking at the rest of the stalls and observing the rest of the Festival. The night went smoothly and the two furs had an amazing time together wandering around, playfully pushing each other when they needed a laugh and hugging afterwards. Making there way home from The Fire Festival they see the entire town lit up by a barrage of colours in the sky as Firework after Firework was set of in yet another stunning display. Walking along the old path past the other houses Tom swings round lamp posts with joy whenever he gets bored making James laugh a little, and at one point tries to make him join in. Reaching James's house the two walk up to the door together Tom Cuddling James from behind while he unlocks the door. "Ahh, I had a wonderful night tonight" "Me too babe, me too." "Haha, You and you're lil nick name for me." "What? It just slipped out?" "That's ok, to be honest, I like you calling me that" "Really?" James smiled at him happy to hear he doesn't mind his lil nick name for him "Of course not? It makes me feel that lil bit more special to you than I am" "You are special to me Tom, End of story" "Yea........ I'm gonna miss you though" "Well, you might not have to if you can stay the night again" "But what about you're dad" "Well, there's another note on the back of the door, so he's not going to be back till the morning" "Well in that case, I guess I might join you" Tom smirked as he stepped into the house with James. Following him upstairs they both wander into his room slowly closing the door behind them. Leaving the light off the two immediately moved into the others embrace, cuddling gently as their arms wrapped around one another closely holding them together. James being slightly smaller than the tiger holding him in his embrace lent his head softly against his chest, his arms still wrapped gently around his love. Leaning down a little Tom kissed the wolf within his arms on the head softly exciting a light murr from him as his head lay against Tom's chest comfortably. Leaning his head back a little James looked up into Tom's eyes, gazing deeply at the shining Icy blue orbs that were now staring straight back at him with a loving smile to match. Returning the smile with one of his own James lent up a bit a gently licked him on the nose causing Tom to squint and shudder lightly with the touch. (This was probably payback from earlier) Grinning back at James's little stunt there with making him squint he Hooked a finger under the dress shirt He'd borrowed from Laura, Tom lifted it off quickly and threw it to one side. Looking back only to see James Grinning as well he noticed where his hand had gone, and within seconds Tom's shirt too was on the floor just next to James. Moving against each other again James pulled Tom into a loving kiss, holding him close as Tom quickly returned the gesture with a kiss of his own. Picking James up into his arms in mid kiss Tom walked the wolf he was carrying over to his bed, collapsing them both onto the bed each other arm in arm, their muzzles interlocked with one another. James had wrapped his legs around Tom's waist as he lay over James kissing him still, there tongues twisting and twirling together as they both lay clung onto the one they love deeply. Breaking the kiss Tom lent up looking down at James and grinned at him, James was looking up into Tom's eyes again grinning all the same. Reaching his hands down Tom began stroking James's chest fur lovingly, slowly massaging it with his hands. Running his fingers smoothly across the lines of muscles that are noticeable on James's chest, he elicits another light murr from James. Moving his head down towards his chest Tom licks it softly in the center, causing James to gasp a little before shuddering himself into a relaxed state as he gently closes his eyes. Licking across his chest some more he moves up to his neck and begins kissing into it a little before biting down softly causing yet another murr to escape James's maw. Lifting off and moving back down his chest again slowly trailing his wet tongue along his chest line wetting down the fur a little he hears a soft growl from further up the bed. Trailing his paws down James's chest fur now, rubbing in the saliva he'd left behind with his tongue he reaches for elastic to slip off the trousers he wore to the festival. Hooking a finger on the inside of the elastic he pauses for a moment and looks up as James begins to speak. "Mmmm.......... someone's a little keen aren't they?" James said with a giggle "Haha, what's the matter, you not up for a little fun?" Tom just smiled at him, grinning a little "Well, I'm not sure about it, if I really wanna be doing this? I've not ever done this with anyone before........... But the Bulge forming near you're hand obviously doesn't agree with me now does it?" James said with a blush slowly forming across his face. Tom looked down to see his hand was resting lightly on James's crotch making him slowly stiffen up with the touch. "Well, In that case let's make you a little more comfortable and slip these off then?" Tom moved his hand and re-hooked his finger into the elastic of the trousers that James borrowed from Laura for the festival. Sliding them off and throwing them onto the pile of cloths that they were slowly starting to make. Tom looked down at the wolf that was lying on the bed in nothing but his tight boxers blushing deeper than before. Quickly sliding off his own trousers that he wore for the festival and throwing them onto the pile, before practically diving towards James. Lying next to each other in just there boxers, they pull one another closer and embrace in another passionate kiss, interlocking there muzzles again. Letting their arms wander they hold each other closely, stroking and caressing one another gently. Moving his arm down to grope at James's crotch through his boxers, Tom feels James murr deeply into the kiss. James returns the gesture by reaching around and groping Tom's ass, giving a light squeeze making him thrust forward a little before pulling away to break the kiss. "Are you ready to move on?" Tom said with a smirk "Mmmhmm.......... don't you know it babe" James smirked back with a wink as he said this "Well In that case.......... I guess I'll just slip these off as wel......" "Shh!!!!!!" James instantly sat up and cupped a paw around Tom's maw before raising an ear high trying to listen to the sounds around them. Hearing a slam downstairs it suddenly dawned on him that his dad's got back from working or wherever he was early. Hearing footsteps slowly begin creeping up the stairs he suddenly went wide eyed. "Quick! Get into the spare bed before my dad see's you with me!" James whispered this trying not to alert anyone. Tom nodded and went to climb out of the bed but was pulled back quickly by James. Kissing him quickly from upside-down James smiled and whispered "I Love You" to him before lifting him back forward and letting him go. Tom quickly scrambled on his feet diving himself into the spare bed quickly and pulling the cover over him just as his dad opened the door. "Right, well you can sleep on the spar......... oh? James must have a friend over again? Don't worry, there's another room you can stay in if you'd like to surprise him in the morning I'm sure he mi........." Closing the door the conversation trailed off quickly before James could take a guess at who his dad was talking to. Raising his ear quickly he began trying to listen into the conversation again. Not getting any words out of the mumbling sounds that he could hear fading on the other side of the door he gave up and whispered to Tom again. "Psst....... Tom." "Yea?" "You can join me again if you'd like? But we can't do anything tonight, it's too risky with my dad sleeping just across the hall." Within moments Tom scrambled to his feet again and crawled into the bed with James and began cuddling him from behind gently. "That's ok hunni I don't mind? As long as I get to spend time with you then I'm happy enough" Tom gently licked James on the back of the neck, biting down a little electing another murr from the little wolf he clung onto from behind. "What's that? A nick name for me perhaps?" James giggled at the though of having a nick name of his own. "Well....... I? Ugh....... Yea, I guess it kinda is." Tom went red with embarrassment not realising that he'd just called James "hunni" but he didn't feel as embarrassed knowing the room was too dark to tell he was blushing. "Awww......." James Turned around to kiss him quickly before licking him softly on the forehead and turning back away from him as he enjoyed being held from behind in his loves soft, fuzzy arms. "That's cute babe, I like it" "Hehe, really?" Tom was still glowing red at this point. (I'm surprised his face didn't light up the whole room?) "Mmmm........" Yawning softly James began to fall blissfully into comfort lying in Tom's loving embrace. "I'll see you in the morning babe, sleep tight" "You too Hun, you too..........." And with those final words the two lovers let their eyes fall heavy and crept slowly and swiftly to a sound sleep with Tom still clung on tightly to James from behind. ** Morning ** It was roughly 7:47am, and James had woken up early. Leaning up to stretch and yawn, his arms felt weighed down for some reason. Looking behind him he smiled softly, as sure enough, his big strong tiger was still sound asleep clung onto him same as the night before. James smiled softly at him before remembering the events of the night before and the mysterious stranger his dad was talking to before he went to sleep. Trying to slide out of Tom's grip to get out of bed he slid up letting Tom's arms slide down his body until he gets free. Moving the arms past the waist Tom clenched his hands and arms not wanting to let go, making James jump and fall off the bed. "Huh what?" Tom woke in a daze wondering what's going on as he heard James fall over. "Oww......." James sat up on the floor and looked up at Tom who was looking down at him as he leant off the bed trying to keep his laugh in at what'd just happened. "Are you ok down there?" Tom just about got out with out giggling hysterically "Haha! What's so damn funny about falling over anyway?" James stood up and brushed himself down. "Falling over? No, I was laughing at the fact you left these behind when you did..." Tom was now giggling uncontrollably at this point as he held up the boxers that James WAS wearing. "Gimmi Those!" James snatched them off of Tom quickly and pulled them on just as fast as they had come off. (If you could see his face right about now it'd look like this......... ¬_¬) Getting up the two Fur's get dressed and ready for yet another day of excitement during there summer holidays. Looking over at James while he was sliding his jeans on Tom's gaze moved slowly up and down his body as he looked over the guy that recently stole his heart. Snapping out of it and lifting his gaze up towards his lovers chest he see's the necklace he gave him still tightly wrapped around his neck and instantly smiles wider than the side of a truck. "Hey? What are you smiling at?" James smirked "Oh err........ nothing?" Tom looked away with a blush "Yea, I'm sure nothing kept you from putting jeans on so I couldn't see you getting hard from staring at me now didn't it?" James chuckled lightly with the thought going through his mind which was saying (Ah How Revenge Is Sweet) "Maybe I was staring just a little?" Tom looked away with a face as red as the sun this time, sliding on his jeans quickly and getting ready again. Once both Fur's were fully dressed and ready James nodded to him and they were about to head off down stairs for breakfast until there was suddenly a knock at his bedroom door. "Come in?" James called out to whoever was at the door. The door opened and a wolf wearing a mask from the Fire Festival walked into the room. The wolf was dressed in jeans with black trainers, and a Black Punisher Skull T-Shirt covering his chest. Standing there he was breathing Heavily and his eyes were closed so you couldn't see them. "Who are you?" James looked at him concerned, His heart was racing a mile a minute wondering who the Fur within his house was. "You don't remember me?" The wolf said in a strong firm voice. "Should I?" James stood ready unsure of what was happening. The Wolf Smirked at him, grinning from under the mask he wore. Raising an arm the Wolf stood in front of him placed a paw onto the mask he wore and quickly threw it aside. "You Miss me?" The wolf smirked at him "You Son Of A..........." James ran over Immediately and pulled the Wolf into a Hug, Tears streaming down his eyes a little as he clung onto His dreariest Friend tightly. "What are you doing here?" James said with a smile, tears still rolling down his face. "Well, I was locked in my room for about 2 days straight before my parents decided that we couldn't be kept apart like this, so in the end they brought a house here as soon as one came available?" He smirked as he cuddled onto James tightly, Tom looked at them feeling deeply saddened as he was left out of the reunion. "Hmmm......... I see you bagged yourself a guy then? Very hot looking guy as well?" Tom Blushed when he overheard the wolf mention him in that way. "Tad!? Keep it down, my dad doesn't know yet?" James let go of him smiling at him still, not believing that his best and closest friend was not only standing in the same room with him, but was now living in the same village as he was again. "It'll be just like the old days, only with a lot of new friends instead of just us? Eh?" Tad smiled at him as he backed up and hugged Tom closely. Tom meanwhile was just confused. "Tom, This is Taddy......... or Tad. He was my only Real Friend before I moved here, and I was heart broken to watch him stand there and be left behind. But now he's moved here, Isn't that Great!?" James just looked at Tom with a smile that could only be know as the happy smile, like a child on Christmas day he was having the time of his life, and this summer was only getting better by the second. "It's nice to meet you" Tad held out his paw to Tom ready to shake it, Tom moved closer and hesitantly reached out to shake paws with the wolf. Reaching out and grabbing his wrist Tad quickly pulled Tom forwards and hugged him before letting go and stepping back once again. "Sorry, just thought a hug would be nicer than a paw shake? Helps me feel more welcome" Tad looked at him with a polite smile before he moved towards the door. Well, Breakfast will be ready for 10, so I'll see you in the kitchen later. "Wait? What happened to Jacob?" James looked at him worried that something bad might have happened. "Well, Jacob should be getting back home from a camping trip today and then he's flying to New Zealand for a holiday till the end of summer" Tad looked back at his friend with a smile. "Oh, well as long as everything's ok?" James looked back at him with relief hearing that all is ok. "Yea, well, I'm going down stairs, so I'll leave you two alone?" Tad winked as he left the room closing the door behind him giving the two a little moment of privacy. "Wow? He's actually back?" James couldn't believe it, his best friend? His closest friend, finally, his new home, finally felt like home................ End. * * *

Well, It's finally arrived.......... part 6 is now online, I hope you all enjoy my series and look forward to the up coming chapters in my series, because like the people online that enjoy reading them, I too enjoy writing them for you're enjoyment. Chapter 7 will be coming up soon if I can get my head together and start writing it, but until then, Enjoy part 6 and I'll see you all again next time. Gentaro Wolf.