The Summer of a life time: Chapter 6 - An Old Friend

Sitting up off the grass James looks down at his love, still laying on the hillside gazing into the moonlit night. James smiled at him lovingly before looking away a moment, James noticed their masks were together his laying by the side of Tom's whose...

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The Summer of a life time: Chapter 4 - A Secret Revealed

It was all over, and now looking at each other they noticed they were both staring straight back into one another's eyes. No words were spoken and silence began to fill the air, until it was broken by Tom who couldn't help but break the silence with a...

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The Summer of a life time: Chapter 3 - The Mall

After what seemed like only seconds of driving, they had arrived at the mall with a heavy slam as Scott hit the breaks, making everything in the van fly forwards. But although the trip there hadn't taken very long, the time spent trying to find a...

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The Summer of a life time: Chapter 2 - Dreams Of A Nightmare

Inside James's house both furs lay asleep in bed, nestled under the covers, hiding in the dark, hidden warmth of their beds. Tom was sleeping heavily, like he always did, lying on his chest face down into the pillow. He was snoring lightly, with his...

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