The city now had some sort of parasitic growth on some buildings and she could hear faint growls and screeches of the aliens. kenneth jones & cody stood by her and cocked their weapons. they all headed towards the an old warehouse.

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Miracle of the Gulls

They ferociously consumed all the insects, saving the grains of wheat and corn for future consumption not by parasitic pests but by hard-working mormons.

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A True Leader

His mother bless her heart was the sole reason why he continued to tolerate such a parasite as his "father". all he could do was confide in her all his soul because that was his true role model.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter One

The alien parasite known as creepers have failed to assault the mountain but from their behavior, the parasite was now much more disorganized than they were during the initial invasion.

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It's a fly that carries the parasite onchocerca volvulus. the parasite was injected into you and it caused the swelling of your face.

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Krystal and Chase: Reunion P2

"according to intel the parasites have managed to build some sort of barrier around their bodies and the hive entrance."

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Three

This parasite died just a few minutes after it was taken from you. it appears to respond to your genetic code exclusively, and taking it out from your organism ends its life.

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D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Chapter 3 (Husky P.O.V)

This parasite died just a few minutes after it was taken from you.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Fifteen

It may be our only shot at winning against the alien parasite. fury isn't going to help us._ "before we finish up," continued general vale. "i have a few more announcements to make to commend the actions of everyone here.

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 7

The parasitic aliens gave chase, but he was good enough to kill more of them with a unique kind of grenade, trapping the victims in some kind of a pocket dimension.

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Lore of Nature

"eh i wouldn't say parasites." the red feline took moment to think and as he did shaw slipped a hand into his satchel and began to feel around. "i mean would you call yourself a parasite for eating food made from another living creature?

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