D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Chapter 3 (Husky P.O.V)
#4 of D.E/LOTVS Crossover Story
Another! :D Once again, sorry for the messed up format.
For four hours, Yukiomaru waited in the small cell that the aliens had provided for him. He couldn't see much being trapped in the glass room but the alien named Husky kept him company.
Outside, the D.E1 team still monitored the white furred alien, but they were more relaxed and all had taken their armors off. Outside from the quarantine sector, activity in Canis Major went back to normal.
The small furred creature who now had identified himself as Yukiomaru Alexander looked much more relaxed now, even with all the Evos around him. He was now dressed, and the Evos had not presented any reason for Yukiomaru to feel threatened. However, more relaxed the white alien seemed, his expression was now blank as two medics performed some quick examinations and drew some blood from him.
Husky couldn't help to notice how quiet little Yukiomaru was. It's true that he must have been sore from all that he went through, but a very deep sadness could be perceived in his eyes. Yukiomaru's gaze had fallen to the ground while he seemed oblivious to the medic's actions, and he hugged himself tightly in the thick fluffy sheet.
"If you feel pain or anything, just let us know." Husky said. He now felt more confident and gently placed his arm around Yukiomaru.
Yukiomaru's ears twitched at the touch as Yukiomaru was suddenly distracted from his thoughts. Slowly he turned his head toward Husky and looked him in the eyes. The golden eyes of this beautiful creature seemed very sad. This was not only physical pain what he was feeling.
"What's wrong, Yukiomaru? You can tell me." Husky said as he felt the pain of the little white creature.
Yukiomaru remained silent for a moment and his ears fell back before he answered. "It's... nothing..." His voice broke and that was enough for Husky to know that the little creature was resisting crying for some reason. The white alien turned back to stare at the ground.
The medics had left after finishing their examinations, and gathering samples that they needed.
"It's okay, Yukiomaru. You can tell us." Husky found enough confidence now to lean closer to the little white furred creature and bring him closer to him. Yukiomaru instinctively pulled away at the first tug. Through his life he had kept himself distant from comforting contact, and only one other has allowed Yukiomaru to overcome that defensive instincthe had learned.
However, with Husky he felt comfortable. This was a creature that genuinely cared for him even though they had just met. After the initial reflex, the little furred creature soon relaxed against Husky's body.
"I... made a reckless mistake." Yukiomaru admitted. It was obvious that he was avoiding talking about what was really bothering him. "Now my ship is destroyed and I don't know how to get back home."
"Hey, it's okay. We already told you that we would fix your ship no matter what. You'll get back in no time." Husky reassured to Yukiomaru. Despite the reassurance, Yukiomaru closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.
"I appreciate it, but..." Yukiomaru's voice was drowned out by it breaking again, and he suddenly stopped talking. A sob shook his body, and Yukiomaru buried his face in the sheets.
Husky looked at Yukiomaru and noticed through his squinted eyes, that his golden eyes flooded in tears. It was true that had just met Yukiomaru not four hours ago, but the emotional connection with this creature that looked so much like them was enough to break Husky's heart.
"You have... loved ones that might be worried?" Husky dared to ask.
Yukiomaru didn't respond, and it was obvious that he was fighting hard to push back the tears. Husky could feelthe little creature nod slightly inside the sheets.
The sobs that wracked his body calmed as Yukiomaru fought against them so that he could speak again. He glanced at Husky to answer him. "I never should have left," Yukiomaru answered. His expression quickly saddened and he looked away again."I... am so sorry Jun. Please don't worry about me. Please..." Husky knew that Yukiomaru wasn't speaking to him but he could feel the pain the little creature felt.
The strength of the little furred creature was very noticeable. The pain must have been immense, but Yukiomaru did an outstanding job at concealing most of his emotions.
Yukiomaru's emotions slipped and he buried his face in the sheets again, but Husky let him cry. Thirty seconds went by before Yukiomaru was able to successfully subdue his emotions. He breathed shakily in the sheets and didn't uncover his teary eyes.
"Is this Jun that you mention someone important to you?" Husky dared to ask.
"Jun... is everything to me," answered Yukiomaru. His voice was muffled slightly by the sheet cover his face but Husky could understand him clear enough. "He's a brother to me. I love him."Yukiomaru responded.
He had successfully managed to suppress his emotions. Either because he was an obviously strong creature, or because the presence of the Evocanis made him feel at ease.
"Look at me, Yukiomaru." Husky said. He gently uncovered Yukiomaru's face from he sheets and placed his paw on the little creature's face. "We will do everything that's possible so you reunite with your friend Jun. I can give you my promise."
They've seen his pain and something in the Evocani's words made Yukiomaru feel very confident that they would really help him. It was a strange situation, since these aliens had no gain on helping him, or any reason for being this friendly. But something inside Yukiomaru told him that he could trust them.
With a little more hope, Yukiomaru sat up a little straighter. The little creature even seemed comfortable with the Evo's comforting touch. They sat silent with each other for some time while they waited.
Yukiomaru was even surprised that Husky was so patient and even enjoyed doing nothing other than waiting there with him. The little creature almost smiled at the appreciation of this act.
Other Evos eventually entered the quarantine room to get to know Yukiomaru a bit better. The little white furred alien now looked even more comfortable in this strange environment.
"Hi there," said one of the Evo's that looked similar to Husky. "How are you feeling?"
"I am thirsty..." Yuki admitted.
"I know, Yukiomaru," Husky responded."But we can't give you water or any food right now until we know that it won't be harmful for you." Yukiomaru's ears fell slightly again. "Kalem will return soon with the analysis. I promise that when it's done, you'll have more food that you could possibly eat." Husky reassured the similar alien when he noticed Yukiomaru's expression fall a bit.
So far they found that Yukiomaru's organism was identical to theirs, so there was no reason to believe that Evocanis food or Canis Major's water would harm him.
"I brought you something."Suddenly, said the same furred alien that bared a very strong resemblance to Husky. Yuki was surprised on how similar this alien was to Husky but noticed how its voice had a much higher and softer pitch.
"Yukiomaru, this is Hasky," Husky enthusiastically introduced the similar looking Evo."She is part of our defense team and someone very special to me."
"Are you twins?" Yukiomaru asked an obvious question as he inspected both aliens to notice any possible difference. It took a moment but he noticed some slight variations in the fur pattern. Otherwise, they looked practically identical.
"We are definitely Evocanis brothers, Yukiomaru," Husky replied. "But more specifically, Hasky was responsible for me being born. She is my mother."
"Really? That's... nice." Yukiomaru responded. He was astonished that they looked and acted more like twins. Yukiomaru never had a mother but he had always imagined that a mother would be different that Husky's mother was acting now. There as no difference between how they acted, son and mother, female and male. It was another strange familiarity with home. "Wait... What is an Evocanis?"
"Oh, sorry!" Husky immediately realized he hadn't told little Yukiomaru the name of their race. "Evocanis is the name of our race."
"Evocanis Genesis, as we recently have discovered." Hasky added.
"It is strange how two species that are so similar could've developed and exists in two completely different sectors of the Universe." Yukiomaru added.
"Lately we've seen so many things that we aren't surprised anymore." Hasky chuckled at this realization. Yes, anything was possible in the Universe. "Oh, and try this on."
Yukiomaru had forgotten that Hasky had brought something in for him. She showed him an outfit just like the ones that Evos wore, but small enough for Yukiomaru.
He shed off the blanket and carefully hopped off the table in order to avoid causing further pain and aches to his bruises He accepted the outfit from Husky's mother and held it out in front of him to examine it. He wasn't sure if they'd be comfortable to wear, considering that his own uniform that he wore a while back was not comfortable and they looked similarly designed.
He set to shirt aside, and held the leggings by the rim of the waist. He lowed them and stepped a paw into them, then carefully the other paw. It was somewhat tight and it pulled back his fur when he pulled the leggings up over his calves, thighs and waist, but the fabric that this outfit was made off made the fur slide back to its natural place with the simple act of turning back for the shirt.
"This is more comfortable that I thought it would be." Yukiomaru mentioned. He looked at the white leggings covering his white fur and admired how they felt on him.
"Here, try the shirt on." Hasky said, and she grabbed the shirt from the metallic table where Yukiomaru had placed it. She helped Yukiomaru put it on by scrunching the shirt up so that it would easily fit over Yukiomaru's head and allow his arms easy passage through the sleeves. Soon the little furred creature was wearing an all white Evocanis outfit.
It was a little tight but Yukiomaru was surprised at how well it fit. He noticed the Evos still staring at him, waiting for his opinion. "Well... It will take some time to get used to, but it is much more comfortable than it appeared," Yukiomaru said as he stretched a bit to make his fur fall down in place. "It's not bad. I actually like it."
"If you're going to run around our ship, it's better if you look just like us." Husky said with a big smile on his face. And that wasn't really hard. Yukiomaru was virtually undistinguishable from an Evocanis, apart from his slit pupils and some proportional features of his skull. Other than that, even the scent of the little creature was very similar to theirs.
Yukiomaru was starting to feel more comfortable as he noticed the similarities too. By now, it was clear that the trust had grown further between both aliens. They knew there wasn't anything that either could do to hurt each other, or that could pose a threat to them.
"You look really cute in an Evo outfit, Yukiomaru," Hasky said. "I am really surprised how similar you are to us."
"Thank you," Yukiomaru shyly answered, again feeling complimented.
Before they could say much more, an Evocanis medic came in with Captain Kalem. Something in their expression made Husky feel a bit concerned.
Yukiomaru noticed it too, and his expression soured immediately.
"Yukiomaru. We need to clarify... some things." Kalem said. As others, he already had grown trustful of Yukiomaru and whatever he had found made him feel a bit disappointed.
"... I told you not to take blood samples." Yukiomaru whispered, his eyes narrowing.
"You are aware of what you have inside of you, then. Is this something natural in your race?" Kalem questioned him.
"No... It is not." Yuki replied shortly. His tone had dropped from being friendly, and he only answered in short direct answers. Yukiomaru's ears fell back and he did his best to suppress a growl. He did not want to show any hostility but he feared how the aliens would react if they were to learn more about the infection. He was no mad at them for finding it, but he was mad at himself for letting them find it. He should have refused the tests, and let them leave him alone.
"We've never seen such a microorganism like this before. It seems as if it's bonded to your DNA. It's frightening." Kalem said as he read the report in his oversized ComPod. "Understand that this ship is our home and everyone inside it is the only Evocanis in existence. We have to be very careful with things that might endanger our race."
"I cannot infect you." Yukiomaru replied, yet he still sounded upset by discussing this. "I swear it."
"I know you can't. This parasite died just a few minutes after it was taken from you. It appears to respond to your genetic code exclusively, and taking it out from your organism ends its life.We still need to know what it is and if it poses a danger to our ship in some other way."
"It is not a threat," answered Yukiomaru. "I cannot get into the details. All I can tell you is that this organism has... nearly destroyed me. I dread it, I hate it, but it helped me protect my loved ones. We have performed numerable tests on it and it has been proven that it cannot infect anyone else, even if you were to take my blood and inject it directly into your own blood stream. As you say, it only responds to me."
"I trust your words..." Kalem responded. He didn't feel too confident and felt that Yukiomaru only told him part of the truth, but knowing by Yukiomaru's own words and also by the tests performed that this parasite couldn't pose a threat to them, was enough for now. The Evos were risking too much already, but they had built too much trust with Yukiomaru already. They would keep a vigilant eye on the little furred creature just I case.
"Well, in this case, there isn't much more than we can do. Apart from the organism in your body, I don't see anything else that might be an obstacle from letting you inside the ship. Yukiomaru, you are welcome in Canis Major." With a smile, Kalem stepped aside and the glass doors of the quarantine room were finally opened.
Yukiomaru stared at the golden alien for a moment, wondering if they really did trust him. They opened quarantine but how could they trust him when he had such a deadly parasite infecting him? True, he couldn't infect anyone else but it gave him strength that if the Evo's discovered would be a serious concern.
The desire to return home came back to Yukiomaru. They already know all the details about the infection and accepted him for it. He was more comfortable there, rather than trying to convince some aliens that this deadly infection is no threat.
Regardless of Yukiomaru's defensive attitude resurfacing a bit, the Evos were very happy to welcome this wonderful creature into their home and they would do anything in their power to help him get back home.