Krystal and Chase: Reunion P2
#2 of Krystal and Chase
With Krystal having discovered that her old partner is still alive and is now under her watch while he recovers, the vixen finds herself in the position to reveal her hidden past to Fox and the rest of the team.
Krystal belongs to Nintendo / Rare
Chase is mine
Part two: Past Relations
Krystal couldn't believe her eyes. It was Chase! She recognized the black slash across the fox's muzzle. And the other four black scorch marks across his chest and stomach from the same training accident.
"Oh my god!" She whispered, "It is you. But, you're dead."
The fox moaned. Whatever security protocol Slippy had been talking about must have knocked him out pretty well. But how long he was floating out there, she didn't know. Without the ability to recollect his logs from the destroyed computers, what had happened was still a mystery.
As the vixen carefully stroked his forehead, the fox's eyes creaked open.
"W-wha?" the fox asked quietly.
"Easy, you're going to be alright Chase." Krystal said in a soft and motherly tone, "You're with friends."
Chase's eyes closed for a minute. The fox's mind cleared itself and began to race with questions as it regained full control over his body. What had happened to him? Where was he? What was the extent of the damage to the ship? Had anyone informed the people that had hired him? And who was this vixen with him? She seemed too familiar, but from where?
Then, he realized who it was. Someone he hadn't spoken to in years. The only vixen he'd really known.
"Krystal?" he asked as he opened his eyes once more, "Is it really you?"
"Yes, it's me Chase." Krystal replied, rolling up her sleeve to show him the white pattern on her upper arm.
"What about your leg ones?" Chase asked.
"I'm not going to take off my pants Chase." Krystal replied, a slight blush coming into her cheeks, "But yes, they are there as well."
He looked up at her, shook his head, and laid back again.
"I'm sorry." Chase said after a minute, "I still feel a bit dizzy. How do I know I'm not dreaming this up?"
Krystal pinched him. Chase gave a quiet yip of pain and knew he wasn't dreaming. It really was her!
"Did that help?" She asked.
"A little." Chase replied, "Still pretty sleepy though."
"I understand." Krystal said, gently stroking his forehead again, "Just rest up. Give your body the rest of the day to get back to normal."
Chase nodded and felt his eyes closing again.
"Krystal?" he asked as he tried to keep his eyes open to look up at the vixen.
"Hmm? What is it Chase?" Krystal asked.
"Will you be here tomorrow?" Chase asked, "I've really missed you."
Krystal smiled gently and replied, "Of course I will. And I've missed you too."
Chase smiled back and fell asleep.
* * *
As Krystal made her way back to the Great Fox, her mind was reeling with this newfound knowledge and plenty of questions. Chase was alive! But if he was, why did Hiigan say he was dead? And better yet, why didn't Chase contact her at all over the past few years if he was alive all this time? The fox would have known that Krystal would be heartbroken by the news of his death, so why didn't he tell her he was alive all those years ago? So many questions more than these and no answers to any of them.
As she passed the medical technicians who had brought Chase in, one asked if the fox had woken up yet or needed anything to stablize his condition so far.
The vixen nodded and replied, "He woke up, but then he went back to sleep."
"Did he say anything of importance?" One of the techs asked.
"He didn't say anything too important." Krystal replied, "He still seemed too groggy to really think straight."
"Ok, we'll go in and check on him then." The tech replied.
Krystal watched as the tech walked down the hall to the room Chase was in. With that, the vixen continued back to the Great Fox.
* * *
Over the next few days, Krystal watched over Chase, just as Fox had asked her to. She told him about what she had been doing since the Sauria incident, but Chase refused to talk about why he was still alive when she had been told he was dead.
But now, as the Star Fox team stood on the command bridge of the Great Fox, General Pepper was addressing them with their mission updates.
"Alright, so far your team has been doing a great job at halting and reducing the Aparoid threat on Sauria." The General said, "But that's not enough anymore. From what we've gathered from planet side intel, the Aparoids are working harder than they were before and there's suddenly a lot more of them. They have managed to complete a large hive that now houses all of their forces. If you can take that out, those parasites won't have a chance of winning."
"Wait a second, how big a hive are we talking about here?" Falco asked.
"It's a smaller size than the first one was." General Pepper replied, "Roughly about one fifth that size. I don't know how they did it, but the parasites have managed to build it directly under one of the strongholds used by General Scales in the incident years ago. It must be destroyed at any cost."
"Ok, so we know what we have to do." Fox replied, "But how are we supposed to get in? It's not like they're just going to let us walk in with a bomb and you can bet it'll be heavily guarded."
"I have managed to call in a favor from a friend who owes us from a previous incident." General Pepper replied, "They have agreed to lend us a skilled mercenary for the duration of this mission. While he is just one more mercenary, his skill set and high record of success speak for itself. The mercenary will be mostly under your command Fox."
Fox sighed, "Ok, who is this guy?"
"They wouldn't tell me his real name, but he is to be referred to as 'Ronin'." The general replied, "They said he had a partner once, but they refused to tell me why they aren't partners any longer."
"That's understandable since he's bound to have enemies who'd love to have his head." Falco commented, "Not too mention his partners head as well."
"It'll be a few more days before the mission." The general continued, "They're sending a supply shuttle to bring the bomb and new weapons for you."
"Why can't we use our standard weapons?" Fox asked, "Last time we fought them off here that's all me and Krystal had while Falco and Slippy covered us in arwings."
"According to intel the parasites have managed to build some sort of barrier around their bodies and the hive entrance." The general replied, "It deflects most blaster fire, absorbs most forms of explosions from grenades to rockets and light artillery rounds, and they can now cool their bodies to prevent attack from heat seeking rockets, so the Demon Launchers and shoulder mounted rockets are out of the question. The entrance shield also absorbs explosions from most conventional rocket weapons, missiles, and bombs. But we have found that lead and steel ammunition, like the ammunition used for the 9mm Stinger handguns, can easily penetrate the shields.
"You'll be equipped with the Stinger handguns and new generation miniguns. It's lightweight, accurate, and can fire three hundred armor-piercing rounds per minute. Each of you will have four hundred rounds per gun. Like most chainguns, it takes a second to warm up, but when it is firing, it's a force to be reckoned with."
"What about for vehicle support if we need it?" Falco asked, "And better yet, aerial support?"
"From the intel we have received they do not have aerial support yet, but they have managed to somehow get a few anti-aircraft guns active around the stronghold. Needless to say this looks like it will mainly be ground fighting." The general replied, "As for the Landmaster, we've called in a second favor from an armored vehicle manufacture. They've got a new vehicle they're sending with the shuttle. It was developed to be an assault vehicle. Its main armaments are the four minigun turrets, one on each corner, and a large, rapid fire, missile system on top. It may be big and slow, but they say it's unstoppable with the right crew. They call it the 'Frontal Assault Vehicle' or FAV for short."
"Ok, so we have the weapons and the vehicle, but who's this 'Ronin' guy?" Fox asked, "Isn't there anything else you can tell us?"
"I shouldn't tell you this, but I am going to for the sake of the mission. From what I've been told from declassified information, one of you already knows exactly who Ronin is." The general replied, "In fact, they worked together for a long time before parting. If they are willing, they can tell you what you need to know of him. But, I'll leave that part up to you and to them. You will meet up with Ronin when the supply shuttle arrives within an hour. The FAV shuttle will take longer. Good luck and God speed team. Pepper out."
The view screen went black as the team looked to each other. One of them knew the guy already?
"Well, you all know it's not me." Fox said, "I don't have any more idea of who the general was talking about than the rest of you."
"Same here." Falco replied, "Slippy?"
"No." Slippy replied, "What about you Peppy?"
"Wait a minute. Out of the five of us, only one of us is newer than the rest." Falco interrupted before the old hare could reply.
"What're you getting at Falco?" Fox asked.
"Well, let's think about it. Since we know this guy isn't known to us, it can't be Peppy. It would have to be someone newer than the rest of us. And only one of us is newest to the team. The only one of us who could possibly know this mercenary. Isn't that right?" Falco asked, and then he pointed accusingly and exclaimed, "Krystal!"
"Now wait a minute." Fox said before the vixen could reply, "Just because Krystal's newer doesn't mean we can rule out Peppy or ROB. This guy could be someone my father and Peppy worked with before my father was killed."
"No, he's right Fox." Krystal admitted sadly, "It is me. I know exactly who Ronin is."
"What? How?" Fox asked, a little confused.
Krystal sighed and said quietly, "Because I was a Ronin as well. I was his partner."
The rest of the team looked to the vixen with disbelief. But the vixen herself looked depressed as memories of the times before the incident flooded into her mind. Krystal didn't need to look at the team to know how they felt. She knew as their eyes stared at her that they felt hurt and betrayed. They had trusted her. Now they didn't know what to believe.
"I knew it!" Falco exclaimed, "I knew you had too much skill for a novice when we met you and you started training to join us. Now spill it, what exactly did you do before you and Fox met on Sauria?"
"Look, what I did before doesn't matter." Krystal said, "All that does is that I left that life behind years ago. Who I was then doesn't matter. It's who I am now that does."
"Oh no?" Falco asked, "What are you hiding?"
"I'm not hiding anything." Krystal insisted, "I just don't want to talk about it."
"It's alright to tell us Krystal," Fox urged, "Who is Ronin and what did you do before us?"
"That pilot we found and brought here. He used to be Ronin-2. His real name is Chase." Krystal explained sadly, "No last name for the sake of his own safety as well as mine. On missions, I was Ronin-1. He was Ronin-2. We weren't just partners, but very close friends. For years we worked together, not just as a team, but as close friends. He always kept an eye on me to be sure that I was safe, and I always looked out for him. Chase was loyal, well trained, and deadly on missions. But outside of that, he was someone I could always count on to be there when I needed someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Chase understood a lot more than it seemed, and I learned that constantly. He was just one of those who you know you can count on when things got rough.
"But then came the Sauria incident. Shortly before General Scales captured me, we were on our way towards his ship. I was on a Cloud runner, and Chase was flying defense for me in a new class of interceptors based off a mixture of the Arwing, Wolfen, and some other design that I didn't know about.
"But someone tipped him off and Scales knew we were coming. He had an anti-air cannon on the back of his craft. I got aboard, but Chase was shot down after a shot passed through his left wing, tail fin, and engine. Once I was captured, I'd hoped that he had survived the crash. But as the days passed, I knew he hadn't, but I still hung on to that hope that he was planning a rescue.
"Instead, it was Fox who saved my life. It was only then that I knew Chase was gone. After the incident I left the mercenary business and joined all of you. Chase and I had been discussing leaving it for some time. I knew that he wouldn't have wanted me to stay in it."
"So, it turns out our little vixen was actually a dangerous mercenary." Falco replied, "No wonder you never talked about your past."
"What I don't get," Fox said, "is why you kept it a secret, Krystal."
'I couldn't tell you." Krystal replied sadly as tears formed from the memory of losing Chase once, "We weren't supposed to exist outside."
"I don't buy that." Falco snapped, "How do we know you weren't hired to join us, learn our habits, and then kill us all later?"
"I wasn't-!"
"Like hell you weren't, what else are you keeping secret Krystal? Or should we call you Ronin?"
"Nothing, I swear!"
"Tell us now or I swear I'll-!"
"Enough!" Fox shouted, "Falco, stand down."
The two glared at each other for a minute, Krystal had tears in her eyes, and Slippy just looked between Falco and Fox with confusion. Finally, it was Peppy who broke the spell of the unsteady silence.
"Come on." Peppy sighed, "We can't be too harsh on Krystal. After all, we all have secrets. Some that can be revealed, and others that can't."
"Fine, we can deal with this later." Falco said in a huff, "But she's not off the hook yet. This is far from over Krystal."
* * *
"So, you're Ronin." Fox said, "Or should I call you Chase?"
"Either one's fine with me." Chase replied distractedly, "I already know you, Fox. Krystal spoke pretty fondly of you when she was telling me what she's been doing over these past few years. Not to mention your team's reputation has spread pretty far among those I work for."
"So you already know about us, then." Fox replied.
"I know your missions and successes, but not your personalities." Chase said, "There's a difference between hearing about someone and knowing them yourself, after all. You could be a great hero whose story is told everywhere, but that doesn't mean you may not be an arrogant jerk."
"Point taken." Krystal said as she looked him over.
Fox and Krystal had met up with Chase in the docking bay. The shuttle had already docked and Chase had been getting weapons and armor from some of the crew. Now, the red fox looked a lot more familiar to Krystal. Chase had gotten a suit of battle armor that was similar to the one he had been wearing during the incident Krystal had been told he'd died in.
The armor was mostly the same except for two things. On the back of his torso armor was a large energy pack. Painted red and black to blend in with the rest of his armor, the pack gave a soft hissing noise every so often, as if it were releasing some sort of gas. It was also lighter than the pervious model, making it easier for Chase to move, but while keeping the same amount of protection it offered before.
"You almost look just like I remembered you to before the mission." Krystal commented, "Is that the same armor?"
"I'm glad to see that you're not back in that outfit from that same day." Chase smiled, "Like I said then, you looked sexy, but deadly."
"You haven't answered my question." Krystal said as she blushed lightly.
Chase smiled and replied, "No, it's not the same armor. It's a similar class, but it's had some upgrades since then with some new tech we 'acquired' from some research corporation."
Krystal knew it was better not to ask about the acquisition. She already knew exactly what he meant.
Chase opened a large, metal box and pulled out a black rifle with two tanks of red energy attached to its sides. He pulled it to his shoulder and took aim at the box. Apparently satisfied, Chase strapped the gun to his back with a clamp that was just below the hissing pack.
"So, what's the pack for?" Krystal asked as he handed her a Stinger.
"Shields." Chase replied as he handed a second one to Fox, "A stronger version of the ones used by the Aparoids to protect themselves. It won't last long under sustained fire, but it'll offer some protection. It's also longer lasting than those barriers you use. I have enough energy in this pack to keep the shields active for hours at a time."
"Nice." Fox replied with a hint of admiration, "And that gun you just had?"
"Some new weapon the corporation wants me to test." Chase answered, "This thing fires concentrated beams of energy as its primary fire. Secondary fire is a fragmented burst, sort of like a scattershot rifle."
"But their shields reflect energy rounds now." Fox said.
"They don't reflect all energy weapons." Chase smiled.
"What?" Fox asked in confusion, "But our weapons are useless against them now."
"It's not all about speed Fox." Chase replied, "Take this new weapon for instance. It fires a slower shot than the standard blasters you use. It also takes longer to charge. So, instead of speed, I get penetration. The range on this thing is amazing. Almost like a sniper rifle, but with a slightly slower reload time than your standard energy sniper."
Quickly, Chase drew the weapon from behind his back, took aim, and fired a single shot. A bright red beam shot from the end of the barrel and raced towards an empty steel containment crate. Then, the beam passed clear through, leaving a small hole in front, but blowing out over half of the opposite side.
Chase smiled devilishly, "My aim's gotten better since we parted Krystal."
"So it was you on Sauria?" Krystal asked.
"Yeah." Chase replied, "Saw you guys a few times down there, too. You've really improved Krystal. I have to say, I'm proud of you."
The vixen blushed more and said, "I couldn't have improved without Fox and the team to train me more."
She hugged Fox sideways and nuzzled his neck.
Chase smiled, "Good to see that you've moved on at least. Speaking of the team, I'm guessing Krystal told you guys about our past. How'd you guys take it?"
"As far as I'm concerned about it, past is past. But as for the others, not very well. Krystal told us just a little while ago. That's why it's just the two of us here." Fox replied.
"The others don't trust mercenaries, huh? Well, I can't say it doesn't figure. Not many do at first. But right now, if you want to stop those parasites, they'll have to."
"I'm just hoping Falco will cool off. He was pretty harsh with her."
"Sorry to hear that."
The vixen nodded as Chase turned back to one of the cases. The fox opened it and took out a rifle with a long barrel and a scope attachment. He loaded a large magazine into it and pulled back the lever to load one bullet into the chamber.
"So we'll all met up later and plan out the assault?" Fox asked.
"I guess." Chase replied as he looked to them.
The three shook hands and separated.
* * *
As Fox and Krystal walked back to the Great Fox, Fox noticed that something was bothering Krystal.
"Anything wrong?" He asked.
"I feel like an idiot for believing Hiigan." Krystal replied with a heavy tone of resentment, "I should have known better."
When she saw Fox's confused look she explained, "Hiigan was our CO. He told us what missions to take, what needed to be done to complete them, and when we had to do them. He left how we did it and what weapons we took up to us. At least, all except one mission. I wasn't given an option for the Sauria incident."
"So why do you say that you feel like an idiot?" Fox asked.
"I quit that life remember?" Krystal replied, "I should have known he'd lie to me about Chase. All because I'm no longer a mercenary. I'm away from that life so I'm also cut out from any real information from them. But why wouldn't Chase contact me at all over these few years?"
"Maybe he couldn't." Fox said.
Krystal gave a 'hmm' sound and Fox sighed. He knew that she didn't want to talk about the topic any more. It was time to focus and prepare for the mission at hand.