Bottle it Up; Pour it Out

The orc holds a wooden mug under the barrel's spigot, lifts the lever, and waits until the amber liquid sloshing into the mug reaches the top, spilling some foam onto the sticky floor.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter8

Her arms were much to small to beat out kalevar's own reach, however, as he quickly lifted the cup and held it away from her.

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First Timer

He then looked at the now large empty cup. as reed got bigger in comparison to himself, wings tried to back away. reed picked him up with one hand, as he grabbed a cup out of the cupboard.

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Mocha's Cutiemark - Story

He had brought the coffee kettle and cup with him but was keeping the cup away from the other ponies - it was special to him for the exact same reason that they were having the celebration.

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Playing With Magic Ch1

He helped vye up and got the mug. setting it down on the floor, he stood back and gestured to it. vye set herself up again; pointing her wand at the cup and concentrating.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 87

She poured the water into two cups, and plucked two tea bags from a small glass jar. she brought the cups over by saucer, one in each hand, the tea bags resting upon the side. each cup had a charm: she had the flower. ket was given the basketball.

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The Bureau: Epilogue

Cadogan said as he found a travel cup for his tea, pouring the contents of the mug in and then adding a bit more from the pot. "what is it this time?" he asked while twisting the top onto the cup. "well, the deputy director isn't too happy."

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Solace In Misery - Part One

He asked, putting down the mug.   "well, yea. of course."   "but i coulda sworn i saw her in here a week ago with some guy, a dragon i believe."   "no, that's impossible.

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Journey to another world ch49

The mother turns and see her daughter holding up a small paper cup filled with soda. she takes the cup and downs the drink like a whisky pro, then hands the cup back to her daughter.

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Micro May: Daily Life

It was made out of a paper cup, dental floss and two buttons to act as wheels. the front of the paper cup was cut open making it easy for odin to step off the edge of the bed and into the cup.

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Ch. 10 -- Sister Shotgun

She offered the second cup to miranda, which she took while never breaking eye contact with shannon. shannon considered trying to find a third cup for herself, but returned to the chair and sat down instead.

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Coffee Time!

His paws were clutching a cup, which was already empty, but its bottom on inside had pretty fresh ring stains of coffee: the cup still felt warm to hold onto.

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