Nujema: The First Stop
It had two metal doors and it looked like an elevator to me so i pushed the only button which was down and got on as the evaluator moved down i began to hear noises, like the sound of people and vehicles, horns and bells so i turn around and i can see the
"evaluating life there big shot?" ganta didn't reply, john repeated himself in a louder voice and ganta snapped back into reality and quickly turned his head towards the other.
You ARE a writer! : Srsly (2nd step on the road to success!)
If this all seems a bit high brow for you, re-evaluate why you just spent a couple of minutes reading the above. it hopefully didn't make you feel better about yourself, and it sure as hell didn't improve your word count.
The Greek's Arrival
We looked at a lot of customer evaluation forms from different airports in the local area and found that yours are always outshining everyone elses.
Demonstration of Power
Its not my fault that you can't see how i evaluate their power." "i don't think you are evaluating their power," said ux as she turned her back to me. "you are simply surrendering yours. and by extension mine." i nodded. "it can be both perhaps."
Interview: Delylah Beni #1
_sometime during the second month of the first semester, the vice principal and various members of staff were to undergo psychological evaluation by an outside psychologist temporarily employed by the school to interview the school staff.
Chapter 17: Oh, THAT Mental Examination
I'm going to be giving you a psychiatric evaluation today." he offered his hand to shadow, which was met with an upturned nose. the doctor withdrew his hand and shook his head. "some definite anger issues you have, shadow.
Huay Chivo part 2
Heard also that he would be evaluated by the psychiatrist in case of mental breakdown." "oh dear... what could it happen to him...?" as they continued their discussions, akio felt disbelieved. how is this even possible?
6 : BlindSighted
It was the evaluation that scilius, cecil, and elliot, and two other furs, had been given by their algebra ii teacher. "do you have yours with you?" she asked the two of them. scilius pulled his from his backpack.
_'whether i care or not, being scrutinized and evaluated is already unsettling in and of itself.'_ she repressed a twitch from the third eyelid in her forehead beneath her hood. the world never felt like there was enough space in it.
The more klein tried to evaluate him in terms of angles of attack, the more he was confronted with the reality of what a complex endeavor that would prove to be. the snake tail head shrieked at his lowered face from between the chimera's legs.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-One
"each one was evaluated to see if it could be saved." "are you all right, yuki?" jun asked the arctic fox. "i am fine," he replied, glancing at jun with an almost smile. "and you?" "we're okay, yuki," jun answered, smiling for the arctic fox.