6 : BlindSighted

Story by Flamen Famae on SoFurry

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Scilius scratched at the scales on his arm, where the skin was finally starting to peal of cleanly. He was almost ready to shed his old skin completely. He would no longer have to deal with the constant assault of teasing classmates. He'd be able to spend his time with video games and reading again, instead of just mindlessly listening to his television, without mind of the screen. And, most of all, he could finally see her

Elliot was to his left, doodling with her pen and notebook. He could only imagine what beautiful snout might match her heavenly voice. The silver skin, yellow eyes, and dainty tail will finally focus into the beautiful girl he had fell in love with. He'd go home tonight, rip his old skin off, and flaunt his shiny new scales and meet his beautiful lizard friend. Nothing could stop him now, not even Cecil.

Cecil, he decided, would no longer hinder him. He had figured that all the affection Elliot gave to him was nothing more than a sister showing affection to her brother. He had seen Cecil, apparently living in the same house with her, and rejoiced. There was no longer the competition he thought he might face for this girl. Even an overprotective adoptive brother, he surmised, couldn't keep him away from her.

The bell rang, causing Cecil to put down his book, Elliot to pack her pencils, and Scilius to leap onto his feet. Lunch time was the perfect time to be with Elliot: he could be close to her, flaunt it to her brother, and get the chance to set up a date for after he sheds his dreadful hazy layer of skin. He got between Elliot and Cecil immediately and tried to show nothing but the utmost confidence.

That, however, wasn't easy. As the three of them walked to their secret spot, Scilius had, twice, tried to grab her claw. It'd be such a sweet and heartfelt way to show that he liked her, and he knew it'd work. However, every time he'd even inch his claw closer to her, it stopped. Some strange subconscious force was acting upon him and has appendages. He blamed Cecil, the stupid fox was looking down upon him and aggravating his nerves.

So, defeated within his emotions, he made sure at the least to sit between Elliot and her brother. Idle conversation passed the lunch period, where Scilius stood awkwardly between the two siblings, easily talking with each other. Elliot introduced Scilius first when she pulled out a thick packet, labeled "Mu Alpha Theta" and slapped it on the ground next to him. It was the evaluation that Scilius, Cecil, and Elliot, and two other furs, had been given by their Algebra II teacher.

"Do you have yours with you?" She asked the two of them.

Scilius pulled his from his backpack. Due to his blindness it was one of the only things he had been carrying around in his backpack for the last week. Cecil pulled out his at the same time, although, his packet was crumpled at the edges, like he didn't give it the same care the other two scales had.

"Schrodinger said it's due today, right?"

"Yeah, who's bringing it?"

They all looked around at each other. It would've been just as easy for all three to go. However, Scilius was looking at Cecil, whom he'd love to banish and be alone with Elliot. Elliot, for possibly the same reason, had favored against Cecil as-well.

"You go." She started, pointing at Cecil.


"Because you have fur."

"You have scales."

"We have scales." Elliot pointed to Scilius as she spoke.

For some reason, Scilius read into what she said something far more.Cecil had to go because Elliot and I have scales. He had to go because WE had scales. Cecil hesitated, looking at the both of them.

"Fine, lazy-asses." he retorted sarcastically.

"Love you." She said back, he only waved her off.

Scilius thought that Cecil was ever so lucky to hear that from Elliot, and in return, only gave her a wave.What an ass. He stuck his tongue out at Cecil as he left.

"So what's up?" He started.

Their conversation lead to little. Apparently, Schrodinger had told Elliot that there's a math tournament as early as next weekend, and, of course, it was a two day tournament. They would be staying in one of the old dorms of the college that hosts it.Dorms, he thought_, definitely have rooms holding more than one person. How great would it be to room with her._

"That'd be awesome."


There was a bit of a silence. Scilius seemed to create silence whenever he talks to anyone.

"Do you have anything going on this weekend?" Elliot asked.

"Not really." He looked at the skin peeling off his skin. He'd get it all off by tonight for sure, then tomorrow, Saturday, he'd be golden.

"Do you like movies?"

Who doesn't, he thought.

"Yeah, actually. My mother always takes me to see movies with her."

After the words left his snout, he was kicking himself. What'd I say that for.

"Aww, that's sweet." She made him blush

"So, you want to see a movie?" He asked shyly,changing the subject. I'm not going to sit here talking about my mom.

"Yeah, that new horror movie looks great."

Scilius thought for a second, he knew what she was talking about. The movie seemed like it'd be the worst thing in the existence of everything. But with her...

"I'd love to go see it - with you."

"Let's do it then." She smiled. "I had a lot of fun last night."

Last night, he thought. The rather fine evening walking home with her, talking and talking on his heated bed, playing tag-tail, and a really awkward walk back to her house. Cecil was there, like it was nothing. Scilius hadn't even a vague notion that they could be siblings. However, now that he's aware of it, he has nothing to worry about: no more surprises. It would just be a nice evening with her.

"I had a lot of fun too," he dared again to tap her tail with his, and it tapped back, and then clung to his, wrapping around it.

He had thought about it a lot: what her claws might feel like against his. How each of her phalanges would interlock with his. Would her nails be sharp, and if so, would it feel pleasant?

Without anymore though, tail dangling along with hers, he reached out a claw and pressed it onto hers, folding it around her smaller palm. It was soft.

"So what's all this supposed to mean?" She said it with such a beautiful voice.

"What does that mean?" He was intoxicated, and couldn't even bother to interpret vague thoughts.

"I mean," she squeezed his claw, "does this -" she raised their joined claws and tails "- mean you like me."

"Only if it means you like me." He couldn't think of something that clever again in a million years.

He stared at her eyes after that, not getting an answer, but being content anyway. Her eyes were golden, and glowed like halos around her oblong pupils. He had wondered, before, what it'd be like to kiss this girl. His first, and up to this point last, kiss had been so long ago. Would her lips feel just as soft, as warm? From what little he knew of romance he started.

He leaned headlong towards her, rather quickly, and closed his eyes, not that it mattered. When his vision disappeared he felt as if he drifted through space before he pressed his snout against hers. When he tried to meld together his and her lips he felt something amiss. He backed away, eyes wide, feeling like a fool.

I missed. He had barely grazed her maw, before just hitting the side of her cheek, close to her chin. He was terrified of his little faux pas, but Elliot found it amusing.

"Wow," she laughed. "Maybe I should lead."

Relieved, "Yeah," he breathed.

She took his shoulder with her free claw and pulled him close to her, pressing her lips onto his, accurately. Scilius felt the soft scales of her maw rub against his. He felt, with the deepest reach of his lips, the moist inside of her snout.Aafter and eternity of eyes-closed bliss, they separated.

Scilius just looked at Elliot, but Elliot looked behind him.

"Hey Cecil," she said. Scilius turned quickly, startled.

"Aren't you two cute," he didn't sound like he meant it.

"Jealous," she stuck a tongue out.

"Nope. You two freaks just keep on truckin.'" Scilius didn't feel worthy of the title 'freak.'

"Whatever, fuzzy."

"Schrodinger said, 'looks like Scilius and Elliot read ahead,' and then he saw mine and I think he might have felt bad for me." Scilius laughed, not with malice, and Cecil and Elliot did too.

Cecil's not very menacing, he thought.

When the lunch bell rang, they all got up, ready to phone in the last three classes of their Friday. Elliot, of course, reminded him not to forget about their plans for Saturday.

"Can I text now?"

"Maybe, I'll shower first thing I get home, see if it peels off."

"Okay, Scilly, I can't wait." Her sweet voice radiated into his heart.

He could still taste her lips.