Then folks could see the characters, like i see 'em in my head!" well, like i said, i ain't no artist. but i know a few who are. so, i find someone who turns my story into pictures- imagine that! folks seemed to like 'em, so i did more.
Dragons Lair This is me challenge
That's exactly what you tell 'em, jonah! that your dead dad tells 'em to sod off!!"
"come on, lazybones, up ya get."
"no!" jon grabbed hold of the blankets, willing to defend his nice, cosy little pocket of darkness with his life.
Ander, Clean, Fox, Novel, Serial, Story, Wolf
Most of 'em think all they need to beat the hoard'a their predecessors is a potion that makes 'em tougher or faster. never occurs to 'em to think of somethin' 'sides fightin', 'n' they end up joining the rest."
kuna arched a brow. "wait, what?"
Adventure, Canine, Cervidae, Cervine, Custom Species Names, Deer, Fantasy, Ghosts, Husky, Hybrid, Konuul, Magic, Male, Primitive, Sereva, Tribal, Wolf, wusky
Summit had to do something to save these eggs, but there was nothing they could do, and em wanted to help him, but had no idea how. em's parents hadn't been in to visit her since summit's arrival, and she began to wonder about them.
Breakfast, Cannibalism, Cooking, Disillusionment, Dragon, Egg Laying, Eggs, Evil Plan, Girly awkwardness, Hurt/Comfort, Hypersensitivity, Imprisionment, Infiltration, King, King Chef, Love, Memories, Morbid, Not-yum, Omelets, Queen, Questioning, Romance, Searching, Self-worth, Village, Wings of fire, chef, coming of age, confrontation, crush, hungry, kitchen, mental, room, scheme, sympathy
I heard em claim it was a wolf or a lion or a dragon, but i don't believe none of em could see enough to even guess as to species. twas too dark to see most anythin'. all they coulda see'd, all i could see, was the too-tall man blowin in.
Bison, Bobcat, Crow, Ghost, Horror, Skunk, Wolf
A lot of 'em were recruited from them. so they knew what to look for. if they saw a gang member out after dark... well, we didn't see em again. it didn't take long for everyone to see where it was heading.
Kobold, Kreet
Ground troops, we'll be relying on you to hold 'em off to the best of your ability."
murmuring spread throughout the crowd as the beastmen voiced their comments and concerns to each other.
Cat, Fox, Hybrid, SFW, Shark, Short Story, bounty hunter