Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 25: Heist

The king chef had joined them by this point and was looking at ravine with shock and betrayal. "you?" he said, "you did this?" even through her exhaust, ravine looked at him defiantly.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 27: Cracked

Fortunately the king chef had fainted before he had a chance to have a heart attack, because if he hadn't fainted, the shock of everything he had just witnessed would've certainly been enough to kill him.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 28: Peace

"we'll talk," the king chef agreed, looking at his audience as if to clarify. "we'll talk too," embryo couldn't help but tease quietly to summit at her side. she realized suddenly probably her pre-egg emotions were starting to act up again apparently.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 19: Gathering

The king chef landed at the front of the group and turned to face the waiting dragons. "tonight is the night the world has been waiting for, tonight we step out of the shadows and show pyrrhia the beauty of the omelet.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 24: Married

The king chef thankfully didn't seem to have grown suspicious of her whereabouts yet, he was probably busy with his own stuff right now, or perhaps he figured she was still stuck in the bathroom with major problems today.

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