"thank you, ogun," the cybernetic otter smiled at the chimera. "you did good." ogun may not have been one of mandrake's clients as such, but it didn't mean the chimera's mental health was unimportant to the otter. he didn't want to make him feel bad.
Aikido, Alchemy, Alcohol, Android, Anglerfish, Arabic, Arachnid, Arachnomorph, Arthropod, Atheism, Atheist, Bat, Battle, Bear, Bird, Blowfish, Buddhism, Bug, Bunny, Butterfly, Candomblé, Cave, Cephalopod, Chameleon, Character Development, Chimera, Cigarette, Clean, Couple, Crab, Crocodile, Crustacean, Cuddling, Cyborg, Daoism, Dark Fantasy, Death, Demon, Depression, Dolphin, Dragon, Drama, Dream, Drugs, Dryad, Eel, Electricity, FTM, Fantasy, Father, Female, Fight, Fire, Fish, Flight, Flying, Forest, Friendship, Gay, Gay Relationships, God, Golem, Gorgon, Grove, Heartbreak, Hinduism, Homosexual, Horse, Hug, Hybrid, Ice, Iguana, Insect, Islam, Jewish, Journalist, Judaism, Kabbalah, Kissing, Knitting, Krav maga, Lesbian, Lion, Love, Machine, Magic, Magician, Male, Mammal, Medical Procedures, Mild Violence, Military, Mollusk, Molting, Monogamy, Morphing, Mother, MtF, Multifurry, Multiple Species, Mushroom, Muslim, Mustelid, Mythological Creature, Naga, Non-binary, Octopus, Open relationships, Otter, Paganism, Petrification, Philosophical, Philosophy, Plant, Plot Development, Political, Psychological, Psychotherapy, Puppetry, Rabbit, Rainbow, Ram, Rat, Religion, Reptile, Robot, Romance, SFW, Sci-Fi, Science, Science Fiction, Shapeshifting, Shark, Sheep, Skunk, Snake, Snuggling, Son, Spider, Suicide, Supernatural, Taur, Thelema, Therapy, Trance, Transformation, Transgender, Transwoman, Tree of life, Turtle, Various Species, Vision, War, Weasel, Wings, Witchcraft, Wolf, Yoga, animism, astral projection, beehive, blacksmith, cactus, cavern, cloud, combat, cult, empathy, flowers, forge, genderqueer, genetic engineering, goddess, hermit crab, hindu, hookah, invertebrate, kleptomania, lava, mad scientist, martial arts, medusa, melting, mental health, metamorphosis, monogamous, moth, muay thai, multi, nightmare, nuzzling, pagan, pelican, polyamory, psychology, quest, shedding, sorcery, sparrow, surreal, surrealism, therapist, transman, trees, urchin, volcano, voodoo, water, waterslide, wax, witch