My foxy Days: Friendship
He just starts talking about his annoying neighbor and how their cats always pee into that one smelly corner right next to his door and ends up describing how the light bulb was invented in 1778 by james cook while discovering the united states of atlantis
Wylde Fyre - Chapter Eleven
**Wylde Fyre** _By Stephen Doyle_ **Barry Roberts and all associated characters belong to Direwolf505, and are used with his permission. Please check out his work on FurAffinity!** **Chapter Eleven** **August 27th 2017** **Thirty Miles North of...
Seekers Tale Part 22
So instead i gave you a different power that i had been working on for years before atlantis fell. unfortunately i was unable to finish it in time for it to be put in use to save our home.
Seekers Tale Part 20
My father steps up and studies harandoom closely before saying, "he was possessed by the evil that destroyed atlantis." he turns and looks at me before continuing, "the evil that destroyed us."
A Comprehensive Guide to the planet of Alexandrite
The capital city is this ginormous megalopolis under the water and is very much like the "atlantis" of alexandrite, being very pretty to look at especially at night.
File #13
#13 of star trek: warrior - atlantis the adventures of the u.s.s. warrior file #13 the shuttle was cramped as both yusa and muraco flew over the landscape, the lush green rolling hills coming into view out of the shuttle's windows.
Epicenter: Day 2 Part 1
This isn't atlantis. it would take a big quake to take down this island." "well, that's exactly what's happening; it's atlantis all over again!"
Long way to Indianna (Part 1)
atlantis, eldorado, shangri-lah. and perhaps the least known, and hardest to wrapone's mind around... is the an-ordis dominion. there has never been a solid story on what the lost land holds.
Havana or Hell, part six
The company showed up as the registrant for almost twenty websites: mi amigo cash casino, atlantis winnings, champion casino, surefire bets among others -all of them were sites related to betting and casinos.
Seekers Tale Part 27
Just then a loud booming voice shakes the house, "last son of atlantis, i call you out to fight."
Seekers Tale Part 34
Only a great evil did return and it destroyed atlantis and there was no sign of the light or dark guardians. which leads me to believe that it was just a poem written by someone who saw the fight and used some poetic license to make a good story."
Thirteen Tales (2019): Sixth Tale
I mean, the there is a non-zero chance that atlantis only sunk due to attempting to compete a very competitive game by those rules. still, i think they're worth a shot if you-" "no! that's it! shut up! i'm begging you! have mercy!"