twilight finally asked, pushing the sugar bowl across the table.
"i..." her eyes fell from twilight's as her voice caught in her throat.
Fanfiction, Gryphon, My Little Pony, Pony
She said, having the toy fly down at twilight. twilight swung woona went it got close, and luna had tia fly to the side. "and the younger sister saves the day again!" luna then grabbed twilight and, with her black wing, tickled twilight on her stomach.
My Little Pony
Dustin threw shade at twilight and the shark surely noticed, with a smile on his face twilight walked over and looking at the outsider smiled.
Adult, Comedy, Gay Relationships, Humor, Insanity, Lizard, M/M, Plot Development, Relationships, Satire, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Shark, Teenager, Vampire, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wings, Wolf
twilight gasped as she realized something about that mark.
"what is it twilight?" spike asked.
"i've seen that mark before," twilight answered, "it's one of the markings of the pure ones!"
"one of the what now?" applejack asked.
Clean, F/F, M/F, MLP