MLP:FiM: Chapture 5: A New Day With Nothing New
#5 of MLP:FiM:The Washington Saga
Zecora brings up her distrust to Twilight while Fluttershy and Washington get their hoofs full with Sasha.
It was 9 in the morning and Applejack was pounding at Washington's door, shouting " Wake. Up. Now. Wash!.".
Washington gowned. He rolled over and shouted back in a almost comprehensible language "Come on! I didn't sleep well last night. Leave me alone.".
Applejack opened the door and tore off his blanket and sheets shouting "Wash! Get up now! Fluttershy is freaking out. She's saying Sasha is having her cubs.".
Washington responded by curling up in a ball and mumbled "Cubs?".
"Yes, Wash! The Cubs! Fluttershy is freaking out about the cubs!" Applejack said more calmly, but still firmly.
Washington's eyes opened widely, with him saying "The Cubs!".
Applejack was about to shout but stopped and thought for a second. She then asked "Hey Wash. Are you getting the feeling we done this before?".
Washington flung open the door, with his arm and coat on, and raced passed Applejack, who was still thinking. Applejack shrugged and started her way downstairs where she overheard Washington and Fluttershy talking.
"Fluttershy! What's going on?" Washington asked.
"Yes! Right this second. I thought I could handle it but I don't how how to birth wolves." Fluttershy worriedly said.
"That's alright. Where is she now?" Washington asked.
"She still at my cottage. Is that bad?" Fluttershy answered back, now more worried.
"No, that's fine. Get back home and get a pot of water boiling and some raggedy towels. I have to talk to Applejack quickly and then I'll meet ya back there. Okay?" Washington suggested.
"Okay!" said Fluttershy who then took off back home.
Washington looked around and then headed back upstairs where Applejack was sitting on a chair in the hallway.
"Applejack. Sasha is birthing. Can I take the day off? I promise I'll make it up to you." begged Washington.
"Go on. Get outta here. You're not going to be in working condition if I say no anyway. I'll visit later to check up on you guys." said Applejack, waving Washington away.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. I promise I'll, I'LL, I'll..." said Washington excitedly before Applejack shouted "Go!".
He stopped, nodded, and then left in a full gallop. Applejack sighed and said to herself "Well, that's another day gone. I guess I'll see how the gangs doing.". She hopped off the bench and gave a lite stretch before leaving for town. She decided to visit Twilight Sparkle first at her library. She knocked on the door and heard a faint "Come in." though the other side.
Applejack opened the door and saw Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Zecora reading piles of books. Applejack looked at them for a second, seeing them intensely reading, and asked "Hey y'all. Watcha y'all doing?".
"We're trying to find some old myth about Limponeia. Zecora has Twilight convinced that Washington is evil now or something." said Spike, paging through a book.
"It's not a myth! And I never said Washington is evil. I think Washington is hiding something. Something primeval." said Zecora.
"Wait now. Why ya think my cousin is bad?" Applejack asked angrily.
"Applejack. We talk to Zecora yesterday about what an Eetwidomayloh is. None of them have done anything good, ever!" said Twilight Sparkle.
"Yeah, Wash said those things last night. He also said he used them to for one task and left. Also what primeval?" replied Applejack angrily.
"It mean from the beginning. Please calm down. Maybe you can explain. Did Wash tell why he become an Eetwidomayloh or anything like that?" asked Twilight Sparkle.
Applejack thought for a second and said "He told me before that he did it for Paula, his sister and my cousin. She was born severely physically disabled. He also gave his arm design to the ponies of Limponeia for free and on a mass scale. And he also gave his arm and his mark for whatever he's doing.".
Twilight gave a shamed look for a second before giving a confused look and asking "Wait... "Whatever he's doing.?" You don't know how he lost his arm or his mark?".
"No. He won't say. But in light of information I gave you, I think he's allowed some privacy of his own life. Washington doesn't lie. He may not tell the truth and he may keep secrets, but he doesn't tell lies! Anything else? And what's this about a myth now?" said Applejack.
Washington was hearing the howls of the wolf pack near the edge of the forest. He jumped the fence gate and ran up Fluttershy's porch, knocking on the door.
"Come in!" said Fluttershy, from across the house.
Washington opened the door and walked to where he last saw Sasha. Sasha was lying on the ground, panting and whimpering with Fluttershy on her side, stroking her gently.
Washington sat down next to her and Fluttershy and said "Hey Sassy Lassy. How ya doing?".
"She's being a very brave wolf. Isn't she." said Fluttershy in baby talk.
Washington smiled and said "That's my girl. A big, brave wolf. Okay, I guess we should get down to business. I have never birthed an animal before but I did read up on it when I got back. We shouldn't really help much but basically when the pups come out, we clean them and give them to her.".
"Oh. We can do that." said Fluttershy, still stoking Sasha.
"They have babies all the time out in the wild. We probably don't even need to be here." said Washington, slightly nervous.
"Look, we are not saying Washington did anything bad. We are just concerned about his past."
"Yeah! Washington seems like a great guy. But it's weird that someone becomes a leader of a demon army and doesn't do anything with them. From what Zecora is saying here, it is a very long a painful process to become it." said Spike.
"Oh yeah? What tests is there?" ask Applejack, getting more angry.
"There is a test of mende, or sticking your limbs into boxes of biting bugs. There is a test of mwamba, or diving off a cliff. There are duals with demons, leaving many with battered and bruised mugs. And there is the test of wadi or transversing the life and death riff." said Zecora.
"That is the most craziest thing I have ever heard. Fighting with demons? Jumping off a cliff? Wash would never do anything that crazy and I'll prove it to ya! I'll ask him myself!" said Applejack stomping off.
After a second of silence, Spike asked "Do you think we are being too rude here? I mean we're making accusations to Applejack's cousin, who's not here.".
Twilight Sparkles and Zecora looked at each other and recognized each others shame. Twilight immediately ran off to to find Applejack who didn't get far.
"APPLEJACK!" Twilight shouted.
"What now? Is Big Mac, Applebloom, and Granny Smith on a secret treasure hunt for pirate treasure or something and I should question them too?"
"Applejack, we're sorry. We're just worried. Washington has proved to be a good friend over the last few weeks and now this happened. We would do the same for you. We have done the same for you."
Applejack took a deep breath before saying "I accept your apology and I'm sorry too. It's just that I have the same feelings as you but Wash has asked me to trust him and respect his privacy, and I do. I'm hoping that you will do the same.".
Twilight smiled and said "Of Course we will. But Zecora will still be concerned. The myth or legend she's talking about is something I think we still should be looking into.".
Applejack rolled her eyes and sighed, asking "What legend?" in a deadpan tone.
"Zecora explained it was a old story of where a warrior survived after a long and hard battle, even though most of his fellow soldiers survived, many were still injured, including missing limbs. So the warrior went on a quest to find a way to restore his comrades back to their uninjured state using magic of the ancients. The story goes he found a way but said when he did take it he was never seen again." explained Twilight.
Applejack took a deep breath again and said "Alright. I'll help ya with this. It's not like I much to do anyway.".
"Great! Come with me. We have a lot of work to do." Twilight said with Applejack trailing her.
"Don't forget to breath. Nice deep breaths." said Fluttershy starting to get excited.
"Okay." said Washington now taking deep breaths.
Sasha whined softly. Washington moved to her head and comforted her for a second, before moving back by Fluttershy at the rear.
"Okay, I think I see a head!" Fluttershy said excitingly.
"That's good! Very good!" said Washington who had a plastic syringe ready.
Sasha gave another push and a timber wolf was born.
"There we go. It looks to be a beautiful boy. Now, let me just use my syringe here and here and here we go. The first of your litter." said Washington.
Fluttershy grabbed the cub with a towel and cleaned him then showing him to Sasha. Sasha gave the cub another cleaning before Fluttershy set the cub down next to her.
"What are you going to call him?" Fluttershy ask as she sat down next to Washington.
Washington rubbed his chin with a clean hoof and thought for a second. "I don't know what to call them. I honestly never thought about naming them when they are young.".
"What do you mean? The others have names." asked Fluttershy.
"True. But I named them after I met them or after they grew up. I don't really name cubs. When I think about it, they barely know they exist. How can I justify that? When they grow up, and know who they are, then I'll name them. But until then, they're just Sasha's cubs to me. Not to say they don't mean anything to me though. I will defend and love them just as I do with Sasha." explained Washington.
Fluttershy thought for a second before saying "I like that idea of letting someone identify himself or herself through one's own self discovery.".
"Thank you for putting it in much better terms than I did." said Washington with a smile.
Fluttershy smiled and said "You're welcome.". She turned back to Sasha and waited for the next pup to be born.
Applejack sighed as she put down her latest book. "Does the myth say anything else? I mean, how long ago was this anyway?" she asked, picking up another book.
"The legend itself is very old, but the linage of the tale is very bold." answered Zecora.
"Look. Why don't we take a break? I'm sure that after we had a treat or two, we will all fell more straight headed." suggested Spike.
The group after a second of talking agreed it was a good idea to take a break. They walked over to sugar cube corner and ordered a few cupcakes and chatted with Pinky Pie.
"You think Washington is evil?" said Pinky Pie in confusion.
"No. Pinky.." said Twilight.
"He can't be evil, He made cupcakes here." Pinky Pie then said, still trying to convince them.
"Pinky! We don't think he's evil! We are just saying he's hiding something that he is hiding something that's worth looking into." Twilight said exasperated.
Pinky Pie was silent for a second before glaring at Applejack. When Applejack noticed, she rolled her eyes, sighed and said "No Pinky. Not that. What we're doing has nothing to do with that.".
Pinky Pie eyed Applejack for a second more before returning her gaze at the rest of the group. "Wait. What are you two talking about?" asked Spike, who then took another bite of a cupcake.
"It's nothing. It's.. something we shouldn't even be talking about." said Applejack awkwardly.
Spike, Twilight and Zecora all looked at each other in unison. "What is it?" Twilight finally asked, suspiciously.
"It's nothing. It has nothing to do with his trip, with this story of yours, or with anything. Right Pinky?" Applejack said, turning to Pinky Pie.
"Right!" said Pinky, becoming stiff and now standing as if she was a soldier.
"This is a serious matter, Pinky and Applejack! There are a few versions of the story where that warrior doesn't come back!" said Zecora.
"Wait...What did y'all just say?" said Applejack.
"There are many versions of the story. Some are good, some are bad...most are bad. We found a couple of versions of the story at first but now we may have to resort to the Canterlot archives to find even a shred of a detail." explained Twilight.
"So...You actually are concerned about Wash. Not that he's secretive or possibly doing something not good?" said Applejack.
"Yes!" said Twilight.
Applejack thought for a second before saying "Wash asked me and the rest of the family to not talk about this but...Washington said that before he left for Limponeia, he was looking up information about the land and found a legend but he said he promised he would not talk about it...he only said it was true and it was how he lost his leg and his mark.". Applejack was distant now from the group with worry.
"Applejack,...I'm sorry." said Twilight who came around the table and gripped her with a hug. "I'm so sorry.".
A tear rolled down Applejack's face as she said "Thank you.".
"There we go. I think this is the last one" said Fluttershy.
"Sasha, you are going to have your hands full." Washington said, chuckling.
"They're adorable." said Fluttershy, gently hugging and nuzzling the cubs.
Washington smiled and starting petting Sasha to relax her. After a few seconds of silence he said "Well this has been a long morning. Want to grab lunch? I'll pay.". It was delayed but Washington slowly realized that just ask Fluttershy for lunch.
"Oh, that sounds very nice but you don't have to pay." said Fluttershy.
"It's the least I can do taking care of Sasha and helping her." said Washington, his heart returning to a normal pace.
"That's very generous, but i could never let any creature in distress, especially ones as loving as Sasha." said Fluttershy, nuzzling Sasha.
Washington's stomach growled to which he said "If you insist. You lead the way though. I don't know what restaurants are here.".
"There's a restaurant called The Clover. That is, if you think that's a good place." said Fluttershy.
"Sounds good to me. I'll just go see to the rest of the pack.". said Washington. He patted Sasha on the head, then stepping out. He took a deep breath and muttered illegible ramblings to himself.
Franklin, Maximilian, and Terrance ran up to the tree line, waiting for Washington. He looked at them and smiled, saying "All is good! Sasha had several healthy and strong cubs. We just need a place to relocate her to now.".
Franklin and Maximilian ran off, leaving Terrance. Washington stepped up to him and heard Terrance whining. Washington patted him on the shoulder and asked "What's wrong?".
Terrance pointed his nose at Fluttershy's cottage and let out another whimper. Washington looked back and forth between the two before realizing something. "You the Father, are ya boy?" he asked.
Terrance rested his head on Washington's shoulder and let out another whimper. Washington sighed and said "You can see her and the cubs in a short while. She needs her rest now. You can wait by the tree line until we get back, she should be rested by then.". Terrance retreated back towards the tree line by Fluttershy's house and waited there.
A few seconds later, Fluttershy came out of her house and they were off to lunch.
"Well, nothing. Not even references." said Twilight, closing the last book.
"Can we ask Washington now?" asked Spike, lying his head down on a book.
"Ain't no getting round it. I can ask Wash if he will have a sit down with us. I'm sure he won't have a problem with it." said Applejack, disappointingly.
"I can visit the Canterlot library and the archives but,even then I don't know if we will get anything from it... Maybe I can request the information...Spike, write a letter requesting the information of legend/Myth of.. What did you say the name of the legend was, Zecora?" said Twilight.
"Remember this name, for I am not lyin'! The name of the legend and the name you are looking for, that name is Orion." said Zecora.
"Right, got that. Anyone want any lunch?" asked Spike.
"I'll have a rose salad, please." Said Fluttershy to the waiter.
"And I'll have an apple and dandelion sandwich with with small side of fried hay, crispy please." said Washington, taking a napkin laying on his lap.
The waiter nodded and walked off, scribbling on a notepad. Washington looked around and said "Nice day today.".
"Yes, it's very lovely." Fluttershy said back, grabbing a bread roll.
Washington looked around and spotted Spike. "Hey Spike!" He shouted. Spike spun around looking when he finally found Washington, waving.
Spike walked over nervously saying "Hey Washington. Hey Fluttershy. H-How has your day been?".
"Very busy." said Fluttershy.
"Yeah. Sasha gave birth this morning." Washington explained.
"Whoa. Is she alright?" Spike now asked worried.
Fluttershy became slightly flustered. Washington said "Yeah, she gave birth to 6 cubs. No problems.".
"Wow, I'll tell everyone when I get back. Hey Washington, I have a question for you." said Spike.
"What is it?" Washington asked. The waiter came round and placed his and Fluttershy's plates down.
"Um..Would you do a sorta Q and A type of thing for Twilight about your time in Limponeia?" asked Spike, eying Washington's fried hay.
"I guess I wouldn't have a problem doing that. Why would she want to know that though?" Washington asked, placing a napkin on his lap.
"She loves to research these kind of things. And also the Canterlot archives are a bit bare about Limponeia. Plenty on Talonton but not Limponeia." said Spike, slightly awkwardly.
Washington took a sip of water and then asked "Okay, 2 things. What time and place. And also, why can't Zecora answer any questions? She'll know better than I would.".
Spike tried to think of what Twilight would say, with Spike saying "She would want an unbiased point of view of the place. I mean she does want an unbiased point of view.".
Washington studied Spike, tilting his head off to the side. Spike stood nervously until Washington said "Alright. Is 6 o'clock okay? I have a few things to do.".
"I'll tell her that you're coming then. I should get going now though. Waiting for lunch is already hard. See ya." said Spike rushing into the restaurant.
Washington mumbled an audible "Hmm" before starting on his lunch. It was then he noticed that Fluttershy was already done with her lunch. He smiled and said "Someone was hungry.".
She realized her whole meal was gone and blush "Sorry Washington. I was very hungry.".
"Don't worry 'bout it." Washington said taking a mouth full of fried hay. "After this I'm going to check out the new wolf den. Do you mind watching her?".
"It would be my pleasure." said Fluttershy.
"Thank you. I think I should say that Terrance, basically Sasha's second in command, is waiting outside your cottage. I think he's the Father." Washington said, taking a large bite of sandwich.
"Oh, he's a sweetie." Fluttershy with a genuine smile.
Washington chuckled and said "Yeah. He's a big softy. I'm going to get this wrapped up. You coming to the question thing?".
"Probably not. Rainbow Dash is coming home from Cloudsdale and she doesn't eat well, so I'm making her dinner." said Fluttershy.
"Ah, well I'll visit after to check up on Sasha and to say hi to Rainbow Dash then." said Washington. He then asked a passing server for a box and was shortly given one.
"Well, Ms. Fluttershy. I am afraid I must part now. Thank you helping Sasha and joining me for lunch. Are you sure there's nothing that I can't do for you?" ask Washington, standing up with his boxes and leaving the money on the table.
"Oh no. It was my pleasure." said Fluttershy.
"Well I guess I'll see you later then. Good day, Ms. Fluttershy." said Washington.
"Good day, Washington." said Fluttershy.
"You said what?" Twilight asked, sternly.
"What's the big deal? You said you wanted to him and he'll be here for questions." said Spike, taking a bite of his sandwich.
Twilight sighed and said "The big deal is that we are supposed to get the truth. If he comes and we ask him completely different things than what you said, he think something is up and he won't answer the questions. We have to fix this now before it's too late. Where did you last see him?".
"He was at The Clover with Fluttershy." said Spike.
Everyone one ran out of the library and ran down the street to The Clover, only to find that they had already left.
"Dang. If we can't find Wash., he will be mighty upset that he was tricked into that." said Applejack running inside to check. She quickly ran back out shaking her head no.
"Well...I think we should tell him before he comes....I'll hold the meeting still but when he comes, I'll explain the situation fully to him and we go from there." Twilight suggested.
Zecora and Applejack looked at each other and then back to Twilight, nodding.
"I'll check Fluttershy's place and see if he didn't go back there. Just in case." said Applejack running off.
Twilight looked at Zecora and sighed. "Maybe...maybe this isn't a good idea." she then suggested.
"There are answers that we seek. We must ask questions and not be meek." said Zecora, starting her walk back to the library.
Washington looked up at the sun through the trees and thought "I'm making bad time. I better hurry.". He increased his pace through the woods. He heard a howl from a distance and increased his pace even more, giving a howl back. He finally reached the small corpus of the wolves and howled again. A group came and surrounded him while most stayed back and looked. the surrounding group sniffed and prodded for a bit before Washington said "Enough.".
The wolves perked their head's up and walked back to the main part of the wolf pack as Washington said "I have came to warn that there was an attack yesterday on the north east clan. The pack leader was kidnapped and was taken hostage. She was rescued and earlier today, gave birth to 6 strong wolf cubs. Mostly boys. I have came here as a request that you send some of your guard down to help protect her and the north east clan as they relocate to somewhere safer?".
The wolves congregated for a second before a large, old, battle scarred wolf appeared. Him and Washington locked eyes what felt like hours to Washington. The old wolf gave a bark and then a howl.
Washington smiled, saying "Thank you. It's been a long time, hasn't Leo?".
The old wolf hopped walked from the group and sat before Washington. "I know, I was gone for far too long. I'm back for now though. What of the rest of the family?" Washington asked.
The old wolf sighed and looked to the south with a whimper.
"Ah, I understand. Perhaps a visit from me might ease tension." suggested Washington.
The old wolf gave another sigh and looked back at Washington.
Washington smiled and scratched the old wolf behind the ear. Washington then stood up and said "I'm sure they'll turn round old wolf. I have to go now. Please send the troops soon. And of course, good bye.".
The old wolf softly barked at him and then howled. Washington howled back and started his journey south. "Hope I'm not late. I hate being late." he thought as he stepped over a small creek. "I hate it.".
It was about 6:30 when Washington came back to the farm. Applejack was waiting for him in the kitchen with a small dinner prepared.
"Hey Wash." said Applejack as Washington walked into the room.
"Hey A.J. How was your day?" asked Washington as he quickly washed in the sink.
"It was alright. How is Sasha?" Applejack asked.
"She good. 6 very strong pups. Mostly boys." said Washington. He sat down at his plate and noticed Applejack. "Is there something wrong? Ya look grim." he then asked.
"Yeah. Ya know the meeting you're supposed to have with Twilight? We need to talk about that." said Applejack.
Washington put down his fork and asked "What's wrong? Did Twilight cancel?".
"No. I think she'll still want to ask questions. The problem is that.. well... Spike asked you the wrong way." said Applejack.
Washington cocked his head to the side and asked "He asked me... the wrong way?".
"No... Well.. Yes. He did ask you the wrong way. When I was in town today, I meet with Twilight. She was with Zecora and Spike at the library. And they were doing research." said Applejack as she fumbled around with her fork.
"Okay...I assume there's more to this." said Washington, taking a sip of water from a nearby glass.
"Yeah. There is. They were researching old myths and legends of Limponeia, on an old war hero. A war hero named Orion." said Applejack. She stopped fumbling with her fork and looked up at Washington to see his reaction. His reactions was of confusion.
"Okay.....What does that have to do with me? And for the meeting for tonight?" asked Washington, reaching for his fork again.
"I...You... You don't know about the old war hero named Orion?" asked Applejack, confused and surprised.
Washington swallowed his first bite of food and asked "Okay. This is kinda ignoring your question but please stick with me. What does this have to do with the meeting tonight?".
Applejack was dumbfounded and said "Well Twilight, Zecora and Spike are under the assumption that you are hiding something relating to Orion and your arm. We, that is Twilight, Zecora, Spike, Pinky and I, were going to try to settle Zecora's questions about your time as a Eettowanabe or whatever it's called.".
Washington put down his fork, saying "Eetwidomayloh. And I hoped we were done with that... I really don't want to talk about that anymore.".
Applejack now tilted her head slightly asking "Wash. Why don't ya wanna talk about it?".
Washington took a deep breath and then sighed. "Being an Eetwidomayloh is... not exactly a good thing. What Zecora was saying before about it being the demons' and monsters' leader, it's true. I only needed one thing from them, knowledge. Not even exclusive demon knowledge or monster knowledge, just a certain thing that was just lost long ago that only they now knew about. I'm only Eetwidomayloh by name, not by heart.". Washington looked at his food now and pushed it away. "I better head off to Twilight's place. I don't want to be late.".
As Washington stood up, Applejack spoke. "Washington... Thank you for being truthful to me.".
"Thank you for being my cousin." he replied back with a smile. He walked out the door and the dirt road out of Sweet Apple Acres. He thought to himself as he walked over the bridge into the town square about Sasha and how taking her to the new den was going to happen. He could put the pups into a saddlebag but he would need at least 2 horses, himself included, to work. As he stepped on to the library's porch he decided to think about it later. He knocked 3 times with no answer. He knocked again and grabbed the door's nob and jiggled it. "Unlocked?" he muttered to himself. He opened the door saying "Hello? Twilight? Spike?". It was dark with not even a candle lit. He took a step in and tripped over a small stack of books.
"The hay is goin on here?" He muttered. "TWILIGHT?" he shouted.
Only silence replied. He got up off the floor and turned on a nearby lamp. The library was a mess but no one seem to be here. He opened a door on the west wall, leading to the basement, and shouted "Hello?". He flipped the light switch and took a look down, finding nothing. He sat and waited for a while before leaving. He starting to walk away from the library when he felt something nagging him. He stopped and looked back at the library and stood there for a second looking at it. He sighed and walked around the corner into Sugar Cube Corner. There was one light on at the top. He thought about throwing a pebble or two to get anyone's attention. He thought against it and instead jogged over to Fluttershy's cottage.
He knocked on the door and Fluttershy soon answered.
"Hello Washington. Did you get done with answering Twilight's questions already?" Fluttershy asked.
"Well that's what I'm here to talk to you about. Oh, hello Ms. Dash." said Washington. "Hey Wash. What's up?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"Well, Twilight and I were supposed to have a meeting of sorts at the library at 7. But no one is home." explained Washington.
"What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy worried.
"Yeah. That doesn't sound like Twilight at all." added Rainbow Dash.
"Well, I agree that dose not sound like Ms. Sparkle. When I got there, the lights were all out, she had piles and stacks of books scattered around the place, and well..." said Washington.
"Well what?" asked Rainbow Dash, getting worried and aggressive now.
Washington took a deep breath and explained "Well, according to Applejack, her, Twilight, Zecora, and Spike were researching something. An old legend from Limponeia that they thought I gotten myself tangled into. They spent the whole day researching this and well, I have no problem with this being interested in research, but when Spike asked me this morning to answer their questions, he misspoke and said things differently of what he meant and well...." Washington took another deep breath and sighed. "I don't know. I guess I'm overreacting a bit.".
"Well that is weird that Twilight broke off an appointment like that and the research... that does sound like Twilight...hmm." said Rainbow Dash, scratching the back of her head with her hoof.
"Oh dear. I hope they're okay. I wonder where they could have gone.". said Fluttershy.
"I... do you guys have any ideas of where they could have gone? Something about this is nagging me." said Washington. He turned around and scanned the woods to see if he could see Terrance.
"I don't know. Maybe they went out to eat and lost track of time." suggested Rainbow Dash.
Washington thought for a second and licked his lips. "Maybe... But..". Washington immediately turned around saying "Do you guys feel that?".
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at each other and asked in unison "Feel what?". As soon as they finished their question, a large pillar of light blue light shot out of the forest and into the sky with the sound of a lightning bolt breaking the sound barrier several times at once.
"How many unicorns do you know what that kind of power?" Washington asked. He howled into the woods and galloped back to the farm with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash following closely. They ran into the house with them all shouting "Applejack!".
"I heard it y'all. What the hay was it?" shouted Applejack as she quickly walked back downstairs and put on her stetson.
"I'm thinking it Twilight. They went at the library." said Washington.
"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Applejack and bolted out the door with the others in tow. Washington ran to the barn and grabbed his machine as the others ran towards the farm gates.
"Wash!" shouted Applejack.
"Coming!" shouted back Washington.
"Rarity!" shouted Pinky Pie.
"Rarity?" shouted everyone else. They turned and looked down the road and saw Pinky Pie and Rarity galloping down the road.
"Pinky Pie woke me up saying something big was about to happen when that light blasted though. We couldn't find Twilight so we ran here. What was that thing?" Rarity asked, catching her breath.
"I think it's Twilight." said Washington. "And I also think we're wasting time now.". He then howled and bolted into the woods with the other following closely towards the blue light was flashed. As they ran they heard howls to which Washington stopped and replied back to.
"They're meeting up with us there." Washington said resuming a gallop.
"How many?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"All of them." replied Washington.