Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 6
She sailed down towards the smallish cave, her gaze quickly going to lyyreth. _i hope we both can squeeze into there...and i can hide us with a spell..otherwise._.
Discovery - Chapter 1, Waddlefish
We sailed in silence for some time, when we spotted a dark spot on the horizon. sailing at full speed towards it, we finally found the island of our desire! once there, we hopped off the ship and through over the anchor.
I screamed as i landed a wild kick to his knees and fled to the ship and got to it just as it set sail. as i jumped on i heard the captain give an order that sounded strangely like he was ordering the crew to kill me.
The Outlander 2 22
Within short order, the band of warriors were sailing west towards salamandastron.
The Ship Rache Teaser
Though the ship was huge for its time- it was, in fact, a massive ship of the line- it was sailing by the leigh at an impressive speed. it sailed along with distinct purpose, its french republican flag fluttering and snapping in the wind.
Seas Be Ours - Chapter 5
As victor and his crew finally make it safely to sea, it becomes painfully clear they are under prepared for any long term sailing. any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. new to the story?
The Deep Roads
I sail now where once i ran, on clear seas set o'er silent steel. above the greatest cities of mankind, my eyes pierce the depths to stop signs.
Chapter 1) The Hatch Date; Wyrmlings Come Forth
Apparently the spines in my sail had gone deep enough to puncture a lung. the scent of blood wafting from brother made my mouth water and stomach rumble. i was transfixed by the sight before me.
P.S. I Love You
I find the house empty all left of him a note "i've set sail, there's a new adventure out there for me" "be back soon" "ps, i love you" i wait happily for him, waiting to hear the strange explorations he'll take i wait for him uneasy
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 2
The wind blew through the ship as the loose sails flapped uncontrolably.
The Vanquisher Pt. 2
Within moments, the ship began to move independently once more as a wind filled her sails and pushed her forward, her bow effortlessly cutting through the waves. morrigan turned her attention back to sig.
Stranded - Shipwrecked
It was definitely a nice day for sailing, the waters weren't choppy in the slightest making for a smooth ride. "so how long are we gonna be sailing for nick?" lauren asked. "a few hours as long as the weather stays like this."