Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 6
#25 of Scales and Honor- Night Rising +
Lyyreth takes flight looking for Infinity once more.
Infinity watches the green dragon as he scans the forest. Than something forces her claw into action.
Infinity belongs to :
Lyyreth belongs to me: Unscforces
Chapter 6
Lyyreth flapped his wings against the cool night air that found its way underneath his scales and stung at his hide. His eyes gazed down to the forest below, illuminated in the soft light from the moon hanging above in the star filled sky. He spread his wings and entered a glide as he focused on all the dark shapes, anything he could spot that might be the dragoness that he thought needed help. He thought to his brother's concern, about how he had suggested this was not their problem. Maybe I am making a mistake. He wrinkled his snout at the thought of it. Your first chance to be an adventurer from the stories and you possibly mess it always. He thought back to the fort he and his friends had attacked, and how thanks to him they had nearly all died. All because I messed up by sneezing.
He angled his wings and entered a turn, sailing over a clearing that was dotted with darkened stones that jutted out of the earth. Thankfully Jerry had tracked the dragoness to this section of the forest. He had given them a smirk from the back of his horse, proclaiming he could track her no further, something about him not being as good as he once was. But you tried..and that's what counts. He snapped his head at a shape that he thought might be her, but to his disappointment it was just a darkened bush swaying in the breeze. Is she the fair maiden in this tale? He remembered the stories he and his brother had read as hatchlings, of brave knights rescuing fair maidens in need. Well in this case it's a dragoness. He continued his search through the air, until the feelings of doubt once again crept their way into his skull. With a thought to his adventurer friends he shook his head and buried the thought deep down.
Curse the paladin's influence. He narrowed his eyes. That's why I am out here...To be brave..and heroic..He sighed as he remembered Cordenth, and how he had lept in the way to take a harpoon for Lyndis. He nearly died that day. He winced as he remembered his brother gasping for breath, his scales painted a bright red crimson that day_.I can be that brave...I just know it._ He swished his tail behind him as his eyes came to the form of two flying creatures in the air.
The shapes were of two wyverns, no doubt with their dragon hunter riders on their backs. It looks like they have not been idle either. He dipped his wing and sailed lower towards the treetops. Best try and avoid a fight with them if I can. He knew he could best those two easily. His scales were tougher after all, and being a green dragon he would be immune to their poison. But I would like to avoid the bloodshed. He beat his wings as he thought once more to the fort, and how many lives he had taken that day. Such a waste of life. The thought still haunted him as he imagined all the mortals pained, choking faces. Despite them being the enemy that day, despite what they had done. They were still intelligent..and had lives.
Some dragon you are. Came his thoughts to counter his other ones. Mourning the loss of piles of filth like that. He shook his head once again, his eyes focusing on the forest once more. With his next breath he steeled his nerves. Focus on finding the dragoness...focus on getting her away from those brave.
Infinity opened her eyes gently, gazing into the stars that filled the sky. She kneaded the soft earth below her as she flicked her tail against the grass. How much longer? She asked herself as she looked down to her claws. She let out a groan as she recalled all the hunters searching for her, and their wyverns.They had even managed to prevent her from escaping the area. Some sort of magic. She wrinkled her snout, smacking her tail against the ground harder. All for nothing. Her heart began to ache as she realized they would be closing in, and it would not be long until she was bound once more. And shipped back to Nigel.
She spotted in the sky the form of the green dragon from before sailing above the treetops. She watched his tail swish from side to side as he stared at the trees so intently. You're back? She tilted her head to the side as she watched him for quite a time while he circled the forest. Y_ou really want to help me then?_ She remembered her thoughts from the previous night and did not move from her spot. It's safer if I do not find him....But what if he could help? She fidgeted in place, unsure of what to do. Her ears twitched and her eyes widened when suddenly the two forms of wyverns converged on the green dragon in an instant. Wait...they are after him too?
He doesn't need help right? She watched with bated breath as the male fought the wyverns in mid air. Claw met scales, as the three figures thrashed and snarled. She heard him give out a roar of pain, one that had her scales shiver. Am I really going to sit here and watch another dragon get killed? Or worse....also dragged away to the tower instead of me? She let out a small grumble as she remembered Axton. Only help him if he really needs it. She thought, stretching her wings for a moment as she tensed her muscles along her body. But he won't need my help. She tried to comfort her beating heart, but with another roar escaping his maw she found it much harder to just sit there and watch. If he continues to roar... Ice gripped at her nerves as it occurred to her that all the hunters would converge on this area. And could possibly find me easier.
She bounded into the air, and quickly carried herself towards the fighting group. She sailed towards them without a sound and narrowed eyes. End this quickly, stop their sounds...Don't get caught. She thought to herself as she neared them. The green dragon slashed out with one of his onyx claws, cleaving one wyvern's neck clean off. The reptilian creature plummeted out of the air, it's rider screaming into the night. The green dragon quickly back-winged, avoiding the other wyvern's stings, and his rider's spear.
Unaware of me...good. Infinity sailed passed the rider like a blur of black and grey. Her claws caught his harness, and cut the man free. She felt nothing as he slipped free from his mount's neck, and joined his companion in his fall. She angled her wings and spun around to face the snarling wyvern that tried to jab her with it's scorpion tail. Infinity simple beat her wings and carried herself away from it, smirking at her quickness. She spun back with her claws outstretched. Got to silence you as well. Her talons ripped into the beasts hide, drawing a long line of crimson.
The wyvern let out a roar of pain, trying to grab hold of her with the sharp fangs that adorned it's horned snout. It also stabbed out with its tail as it grappled with her in mid air.
Infinity let a growl pass through her maw as the claws raked against her scales. Thankfully they were not deep cuts by any means. The lich did worse you stupid thing. "Grrrrraaaah!" she yelped out as the stinger struck into her hide. Whatever poison it had lurking inside made the flesh around the entry start to burn and made her wince. Infinity latched onto the wyvern and opened her fire glands. End this now. She bathed the squirming creature in a brilliant cerulean fire, that quickly caused the creature's struggles to weaken, and then finally cease with its death. She let it go from her claws, beating her wings to hover as she watched it's corpse plummet towards the forest below.
"Gaaah." She winced as the wound from the stinger was still burning. Why...She looked to the wound that was leaking blood onto her scales. For some reason her regeneration had not sealed the wound like it normally would have. Their poison can stop my regeneration? The dreadful thought passed through her head, as she thought to Nigel chuckling to his dead self. She shook her head to look around and find that the green dragon was hovering near her, his eyes on her.
"Are you alright?" Lyyreth spoke softly, she could see the concern in his eyes. It made her actually think he was being genuine.
"I.." she went to reply, but was interrupted when a red-orange light suddenly flew up from the trees. She avoided the thing easily as it sailed into the sky, than exploded in the air. Hah you missed. She smirked, proud of herself for a moment with the next beating of her wings. She looked up only to realize that the light had not been meant to hit her. For the light was lingering in the air, like some sort of symbol. For the others to follow....Shit.. "Quick this way!" she snarled at Lyyreth, pushing down the panic that was slowly taking over her heart. "We have to hide."
"My cave, now hurry!" She sailed down towards the smallish cave, her gaze quickly going to Lyyreth. I hope we both can squeeze into there...and I can hide us with a spell..Otherwise.. She shook her head as her claws hit the ground roughly with her landing. "Quick..get inside!" She wiggled into the cave, folding her wings tightly against her body as she did so. Her ears pricked up when she heard the screeching chorus of wyverns from above. She shivered when she counted at least fourteen different pitches of screeches. There is more of them.
Infinity said not a word as the green male pressed himself against her tightly. She watched the wyverns above as Lyyreth wiggled himself into position. She felt his warmth spread to her scales, and she felt it was rather soothing. It was nice to have close contact, even if it was in a time like this. "Can you do an invisibility spell?" She asked, snapping her snout towards him. "Cause that would be incredibly useful right now." She did the movement required, and turned invisible.
"I can do one better." Lyyreth held his head up, extending a claw. She watched him swish it back and forth muttering words under his breath, and ending his words with a tap of his tail against her own.
"What did you do?" she asked after only a moment as he heart pounded faster in her chest. She looked closely to the edge of the cave, finding that the dark stone was shimmering slightly. How will little lights help us escape?
"There we go....Although if they track us this won't help."
She gave him a quick nod, forgetting that he could not see it.
"It's an illusion, I made the outside look like the rock face."
That's handy....just like Axton. She let the spell hiding her fade away, and emerged before Lyyreth once again. "Do you know anything about wyvern poison?" She winced as she gestured to the wound she had gotten. "Because it managed to stab me with its tail."
"Not really." Lyyreth wrinkled his snout as his yellow eyes gazed at her oozing wound. "I am not proficient with healing magic...I wish I was."
"Great." Infinity rolled her eyes, ignoring the lingering burn. She lowered her snout to the ground, her eyes looking out to the sky. She watched the groups of wyverns flying around, their riders shouts filling the air. Please don't find us. She prayed, shivering slightly.
"I'm sure we will be fine." came Lyyreth's soothing voice. "We just have to lay low for awhile...I don't think wyverns have good tracking noses...Not like gryphons and dragons anyway." Silence filled the air for a moment, only broken by the sound of the screeches of wyverns. "So we are going to be here for awhile...can we try this again? My name is Lyyreth." He sneezed when she felt his tail brush against her own. "Sorry."
"Shhh." she shushed him, her eyes not leaving the wyverns. "It never hurts to be safe."
"I'm Lyyreth." he whispered, lowering his snout to be beside her.
"I heard you." she snapped back quietly. "Now be quiet before they catch us." She looked away from the green male as worry came to his eyes. Although your optimism was refreshing. She gazed once more to the hunters, swallowing her fear. They sat there together in silence for quite some time pressed up against one another. She had to admit that his presence was comforting, despite all the fear, the wyverns, and the hunters looking to snatch her away. It took nearly two hours for the wyverns to finally scatter away, and clear the skies from their flapping wings.
"Do they think I was you?" Lyyreth asked as he padded out of the cave slowly. The green male stretched out all his limbs, and spread his wings wide. "Graah...It's nice to stretch.."
"No.they probably did not." She replied, joining him in his stretches. When she spread her own wings she noted that they were larger than his own. "They would have snatched you away and dragged you back to a tower of nightmares."
"How do you know that?" he asked, turning towards her with his serpentine neck.
"I have had it happen before." she grumbled, folding her wings against her back.
"So...why are they hunting you....?" he gestured to her with a motion that implied he did not know her name.
"Infinity." she snorted, looking away as she flared her spines.
"Are you okay...besides the wyvern sting?'
"Yes." she hissed, moving away so he could no longer see the wound that made her flinch with each step.
"You probably want to avoid any more of the stings." the green dragon wrinkled his snout. "One you might be able to take, but too many and you will die."
"I kinda figured that." she swished her tail, sniffing the air. She let out a sigh of relief when she could not find a trace of her trackers.
"Can I see the wound again? I did not get a good look in the cave."
She padded over to him with a sigh, showing off the wound. "There..It still stings so be careful."
"Well it looks like it will heal eventually." His eyes went from the wound to the rest of the scars that lined her body. "You have alot of scars....what happened?"
"Nothing you need to be concerned with." She looked away from him as she pulled back her wound.
"It's okay if you don't wish to share."
She carried herself towards the cave, and laid down into a ball. "Just...painful memories is all." she grumbled when he followed her silently.
"So what brings you out here...why are the hunters hunting you.." He looked up into the sky with narrowed eyes. "I have never seen so many organized hunters working together."
She looked away from him again, gritting her teeth.
"Can you tell me if what they say is true? You don't seem to be the monster that they described."
"What...what do they say?" she stammered softly, turning towards him.
"They say you are a run away monster that burned villages. They say you killed children, kidnapped people, destroyed families." He frowned as he spoke the words. "They paint a very unflattering image of your deeds."
"Not all of those things are a lie." she flattened her ears.
"Which parts?" Lyyreth took a step back, his eyes widening.
I have killed mothers, adventurers, innocent people that had not done anything to me. She looked away, not saying a thing.
"Which parts are truths." Lyyreth fidgeted, his eyes narrowing.
But what would you think of me? To know I did all those deeds? That I killed my own father? I killed my son's mother. She felt her eyes go blurry as she thought to Axton.
"Infinity...I need to know...I need to know if you are some sort of villain...cause then I would need to stop you." He growled.
"I was forced to." she turned back towards him, watching his face soften when he looked into her eyes. "I...I didn't have a choice when I did the horrible things..I did kill people..I killed mothers...and fathers." She hung her head as her spines drooped, "I even got my loved ones killed."
"What..what were you forced to do?" the green dragon took a careful step towards her, lowering his neck as he did so.
"The village...Everything."
"Tell me about it." Lyyreth sat down onto his haunches, curling his tail around him. "Please...If you would not mind."
"No." she replied flatly. She averted his gaze again. Not now.
"Where is your friend?"
"What?" She turned back towards him.
"Unless that small satchel is yours?"
Axton. She curled around herself, and covered her head with her paws. She felt the tears start to come again when she remembered his happy face.
" understand.." Lyyreth whispered.
She shook her head beneath her paws. I don't want him to see the tears...Please...go away before I get you killed too..
"Who could force a dragon to do anything? I can't just leave you out here to die."
"Why not?' she asked softly.
"Because...that's not..the right thing to do."
"It would be the right thing for you...than you get to live...they only want me."
"How can I simply sit by and let someone innocent of those things get brought back to a place of nightmares?" She heard him gulp. "Sometimes doing the right thing means you have to not think about yourself."
"Who told you that?" she asked softly.
"A human I know." Lyyreth replied, snapping his head up suddenly as a roar sounded out once again in the night.
Infinity removed her paws as she realized that the roar had not come from a wyvern, but was the sound of another dragon. Another dragon that's in pain. She saw that Lyyreth's frills were twitching as his breaths appeared to be short. She flinched again when she heard the same roar fill the air again.
"I...have to go." Lyyreth bounded away, spreading his wings wide. She watched him bound into the sky without another word, a look of grim determination on his snout.
She watched him for a moment, pushing down the lingering feelings of Axton, the tower, and the lich that plagued her mind. You are brave Lyyreth...and your just going to get killed lingering around here. She waited for a moment after she lost sight of him. If you go out there...they might get you. She told herself as she felt guilt start to nag away at her. He's going to be taken because he was here....looking for you...but what was that other roar? She tilted her head to the side as she looked to the cave. Another dragon with you? So...two dragons that are going to be dragged away to Nigel...because of me... She looked up into the sky, tracing the direction he had gone in. You can still catch him...your much faster at flying than he is. She kneaded the ground with her paws. She growled in the back of her throat as her thoughts swirled around in her head. She looked to the cave, and then back to the sky. What would you have done Axton? She looked down to the ground at his backpack, the only thing she had left of him besides the pearls that hung around her neck.
You would have gone to help brave and valiant son. She sniffed once and wiped her eye. She imagined he would be patting her right now, telling her everything was going to be okay. I love you Axton. She bounded into the air with a flap of her mighty wings, and began easily following the green dragon that wished to help her.