Seas Be Ours - Chapter 5

Story by HeartofBlades on SoFurry

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As Victor and his crew finally make it safely to sea, it becomes painfully clear they are under prepared for any long term sailing.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

New to the story? Start with the Prologue

Want to go back to chapter 4?

Chapter 5

The first day had been spent with much arguing and debate, raised voices accomplishing little. The second day was met with discouraged murmurs and second thoughts. It wasn't until the third day that Victor had gathered them all together to at last discuss their current situation and make a plan that didn't end with them drifting aimlessly in the sea.

It all just blurred together for Bartholomew, for as the Aurium had taken to the high seas, the musician learned he was prone to seasickness. He may have felt miserable, however he didn't like to argue and grumbling was not in his nature. So being weak in his sea legs made for a fine excuse to avoid everyone. Unfortunately that was no longer an option.

The crew of four were gathered together in what they had decided would be the mess hall. Victor and Jessica were sitting together, Urch sitting across from them as he rapped his claws on the table. Bartholomew himself was simply laying on the floor, doing his best to not whimper in his misery. He had been reassured the landers sickness would leave him in time, though that did nothing for his current state.

"Alright, I will admit my judgment may have been flawed in this endeavour." Victor spoke, ever the nobel his voice was level and calm as usual.

"Ya think?" Urch practically growled in return. "Your bar maid and a rabbit ain't crew Vic!"

"So you have continually informed me."

"Even if all us knew half a shite 'bout sailin' this gal need least a dozen paws to operate half competently."

"A problem we shall rectify"

"We not even be havin' a headin'!"

"Urch," Victor spoke a bit louder, patients wearing thin. "You can keep whining like a petulant pup, or you can contribute to a solution. Now, do you want to contribute or be part of our problem?"

The jackal was silent, mulling over his next words carefully. Bartholomew couldn't blame him, exiled or not Victor was still an Avarice Royal.

"Contribute," Urch finally grumbled.

"Thank you. Jess?"

Bartholomew watched as Jessica nodded, placing a scroll of some kind on the table, rolling it open for them all to see. From the floor, Bartholomew couldn't see what was on the scroll, but in his current state that fact hardly bothered him.

"I found this map in the Captain's quarters. It looks to have known ports marked on it," Jess explained. "We've been going north west best I can figure so we're probably somewhere around here." She ran a finger in a circle on the map.

Wherever they were, the information made Urch frown.

"Nearest port be Silentum. Depths take us if we stop there."

The certainty in Urch's voice confused Bartholomew. He had never heard of Silentum and had no guess as to why they couldn't go there. Noticing Jessica's expression, he realized it mirror his own thoughts.

"Why's that?"

It was Victor who answered. "Silentum is run by the Iron Prince. I'm sure you've heard the rumors?"

"Who hasn't," Jessica replied, visibly shifting uncomfortably in her seat. "I just assumed those were exaggerated stories."

"They are not."

Victor offered no more explanation, letting the topic simply die. While Bartholomew had not heard of Silentum, he had heard the rumors regarding the Iron Prince. A young nobleman who had offended the Golden King and suffered greatly for it.

"Silentum is out," Victor went on. "We can forget any and all of the Eastern Kingdoms. Anything that belongs to Marcus is off limits. That leaves here and here."

Bartholomew tried to sit up and see the locations Victor pointed at. He regretted the decision immediately, a fresh wave of nausea hitting him hard as his body tried to wretch.

Urch had resumed his table tapping as he eyed the map. "We not wanna be goin' ta Drift. Way I hear it them islands are a meltin' pot. Plus the leaders of the place be changin' as often as a whore changes her sheets.

"Nice," Jess commented with a look of disgust. Her displeasure simple made Urch cackle with amusement.

"Ha! Anyway. Best bet be Firelight. Lots a folks lookin' fer work there and it's pretty far from pirate territories or Ropiteaux Naval waters, last I hear anyway"

"Alright," Victor nodded his agreement. "Firelight it is. We can hire on as many able paws as we can, get better rations and look into getting some cargo or passengers to transport."

"I still can't believe you had no plan as to how we're supposed to make a living with this ship," Jessica pointed out, a slight mocking tone to her words.

From the floor, Bartholomew caught a glimpse of Victor's smirk. "I did not exactly have much time to plan all this out my dear. Considering what I had to work with I think I did rather well."

Urch rolled his eyes. "Aye, ye be so bloody brilliant we should all kiss yer arse. Now more important things, like who gets what job!"

There was a creaking sound as Victor leaned back in his chair. "Hmm, well obviously I shall be the Captain."

"Dibs on first mate!" Urch quickly added.

"Hold it!" Jessica interjected. "I've done more on this ship in the last two days than you have. And I don't consider rum a food group. If anything I should be the first mate."

It was no secret that Urch and Jessica were at odds regarding a number of things. It was a new, unwelcomed regularity to hear them arguing.

"Ye not be known the first thing 'bout runnin' a ship. I kinda do! Plus, bein' Vic's best friend gives me perks."

"Really? Well I'm sleeping with him, what kinda perks does that get me?"

As Victor laughed at Jessica's comment, Bartholomew was suddenly very glad he wasn't at the table where everyone could see him blush. Urch merely stumbled about with his words, actually having been thrown off his usual wit.

"I...well uhh...yeah I got no comment ta that."

As Victor's laughter died out, he gave a frm slame of his paw on the table. "Alright, enough you two. As amusing as your bickering is, Urch will be first mate."


"Seriously?" While Bartholomew couldn't currently see her expresion, he could guess Jessica did not look amused.

"Now don't take it so personal," Victor explained, attempting to run a claw over Jessica's cheek, which the bat promptly swatted away. "It is not as though I am playing favorites here. Despite Urch's...issues, he still knows more about this whole sailing thing than any of us. Besides, I have more important things for you to spend time on than managing a rowdy crew."

"Really, like what?" She was obviously skeptical on the explanation.

"Like learning how to use a sword. I am already trained in fighting, Urch is naturally a scrapper. But you and Barth need real training." Quickly he held up a paw to silence Jessica in her attempted retourt. "I know you think you can wield that dagger of yours, but if we come across pirates or any Ropeteaux blockades, you will need more skill than that to be safe. I don't want to have to worry about you and your strong willed enough that you wouldn't even want me trying to protect you, agreed?"

After a moment's thought she let out a reluctant sigh. "Fine, you made your point. I'll focus on combat training but I still want some kind of title. Not interested in being called the Captain's Winch or whatever dumb thing Urch thinks up."

"Was considerin' Captain's Sea Hag actually," the jackal chuckled.

"I believe there is such a thing as a second mate?" Victor offered, slightly unsure on his assumption.

Urch nodded. "Aye, think they navigate and other stuff, so guess she not be horrible for it."

"Fine, Second Mate, I'll take it."

With that settled, Bartholomew realized they had all turned to look at him. He was no stranger to having lots of focus on him, but that was when he was performing. In his sickened state, he didn't much like the attention at all.

"Well big guy," Victor spoke up. "Think you can handle an incharge possession?"

Wither the question was meant to be rhetorical or not, Bartholomew was unsure. But feeling this sick and unable to stand without feeling like he'd pass out, the rabbit was pretty sure he couldn't carry a conversation let alone be in charge of anything. Managing to shake his head, doing so slowly, Bartholomew made it clear he'd pass on a supposed important role.

"Gold piece says he turns green," Urch announced with more amusement than Bartholomew appreciated.

"Do you even have any money?" Jessica challenged the offered bet.

"I borrow some from Vic."

"He definitely doesn't have any money."

Ignoring the sidetracked chatter, Victor gave a sympathetic nod to Bartholomew. "Alright, you can just be a regular deck paw for now, or until you think of something else you want to do."

That sounded fine to Bartholomew, with his input complete he rested his head back on the floor.


It had taken much trial and error to get the Aureum sailing in the right direction. The wind may not be in their favor, but the ship managed to sail on with it's less than skeleton crew. Jess had taken control of the wheel, much to Urch's annoyance. However the jackal managed to be somewhat civil as he gave her a crash course on what he could recall about navigation.

"So starboard is the right side of the ship and port is left?" Jess asked, her eyes set on the water on the horizon.

"Aye," Urch confirmed.

"And the bow and the stern are..."

"Be the ship's nose and arse."

Despite herself, Jess actually gave a light chuckle to the description. "Got it."

"Now there be lots I not rememberin', like how we suppose to deal if the wind is against us. Fer now best hope we get to Firelight before we need to worry 'bout that."

She appreciated Urch's honesty about where he lacked in knowledge. When first learning he was apart of this crazy plan she had been certain he'd offer nothing but hot air and loud boasting. Jess could admit when she was wrong and it seemed she had misjudged Urch, but only on some things.

"And did you ever figure out how long it will be before we reach Firelight?"

"Depths no." Urch nearly growled. "Only vague guess where we at now, got no idea how to gage our speed or our general location." Urch paused in his words, "But that not be worryin' me most."

"Dare I ask?" Jess inquired, taking a moment to check the compass by the wheel. There best guess was Firelight was mostly South of their general location.

"Na benifit in hidin' it. Simple put, I got no guess to how much rations we got. I be assumi' it's fine since we're four idiots and not a full crew. But that's like how I be assumin' we'll get to Firelight before we die a hunger or more likely thirst. Savvy that las?"

A good natured scoff escaped the bat. "I assumed that already."

"Ha! Ye know Jess, ye only be maybe half bad as I always thought." Jess was again surprised at Urche's attempt at an olive branch. Her normally sharped words stayed at bay.

"Fair enough. I'll even admit I could say the same about you. Truce?"

"Aye, truce, fer now least, heh."

She figured that was the most the two of them could hope for civility among them and took it. "Alright, go back over the things I need to be on guard about."

With a nod, Urch obliged her. "We got ta pay attention ta the colors flags bein' flown by other ships. Green flags be fine, those just merchants. Red be hunters and long as we don't do anything funny they'll leave us be. Anything ye see that's blue or purple usually mean the Ropiteaux Navi or Privateers. We stay away from them and always give 'em the right away. Any black colors be flyin' and well..."

"Pirates," Jess finished for him. "Means we fight or run and since we don't have a large enough crew to fight, we run."

"Aye! And if there be any other color flyin' than yer guess be good as mine. Keep an eye on the waters fer deep ones, ye know if something bad is near cause the seas will start churnin' angry and stuff in the water start fleein'. That all I be knowin' till I be knowin' more."

"It's better than nothing." Looking up at the sails, Jess spotted their own colors flag. I simple wight flag with a red paw on both sides. "Should I know anything special about what we're flying?"

"Hmm?" Urch looked up as well as if he had no clue what she meant, or maybe he simply forgot what the Aureum's colors flag was. "Aw that. Took the real one down, didn't want us bein' sunk by the blockade. That flag just means we be neutral party. Folks like pioneers or them rescue clans tend ta use them, means they ain't 'ere for profit, just ta help or seekin' help. I think anyway."

"Not reassuring but alright. Easy enough to remember."

There conversation fell way into silence. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable but it was far from welcome. Jess was the first one to break under the pressure.

"Have you checked on Bartholomew lately?"

Urch made a face that said he smelled something fowl that wasn't himself. "Na but he'll live. Big guy just findin' 'is sealegs is all. Best let 'im puke it out."

"Could be more than that," she went on, not feeling right to just dismiss what was on her mind. "He's seemed off ever since he killed that coldblood. I'm just worried guilt might be getting to him."

When Urch was silent, Jess merely assumed he had no interest in the topic. It wasn't until she glanced over at him that she saw the confused look on his face. "Why in the bleedin' 'ell would THAT be bothering 'im?"

Jess would have smacked the jackal upside the head if they hadn't just come to an uneasy peace. "Because he's never killed anyone before you idiot!"


"Well have you ever killed?"

She wasn't sure why this wasn't sinking into Urch's head. Even Vic and his screwed up family could understand normal folk might not take to such a task easily. Certainly not their first time anyway.

Urch's response was not an affirmative 'yes of course' or even an unsure 'no but'. Instead he merely gave an indifferent shrug. "I not know."

It was the one reply Jess hadn't been ready for and she just felt disbelief more than anything. "How could you possibly not know?"

"Is easy," Urch explained, scratching at the fur on his chin. "I don't stick 'round after a fight ta see how the other guy did. Sometimes I see 'em after sometimes not. Don't exactly dwell on in."

"You are seriously unstable." Jess deadpanned.

"Aw, that might be the nicest thing ye ever say ta me," he cackled.

After that, Jessica welcomed the returned silence. Despite all the setbacks, she had to admit it wasn't so bad out at sea. The air was much cleaner than in the city, a lot quieter too. Once they had a proper crew she knew that wouldn't last. For now though, she felt close to content.

A primal instinct suddenly hit Jess, a subtle change in the air that made her fur stand on end. "What is that?" She tentatively asked, her ears suddenly picking up a very distant but familiar sound.

Urch seemed to be alert as she was now, holding up a spyglass he had found to an eye. "Dark clouds up ahead, storm methinks."

"Great," fighting off panic and stealing her resolve, Jess took a breath. "So, how do we handle that?"

"My advise?" Surprised, both Jess and Urch looked to see Victor joining them on the deck. He had a look of pure defiance on his face as he smirked. "Fight tooth and nail to insure we don't capsize and show the seas we belong here."

It was the best plan any of them had.